The hardest part of this is leaving you.

The dinner

Driving to Gerard's was no easy thing. He lived out of town , almost in the forest. He used to say that he didn't like all the noses from the city, but him playing music was even worse than the city.

I drove up to his house. There were about 3 or 4 other houses there so Gerard wasn't completely alone which was good cause I got pretty paranoid thought when thinking of him living alone in the middle of nowhere. It cheered me up when I heard that he was going to move in with Frank after they were married. Frank was kinda living in the middle of both so we would all be satisfied.

I took the car key out of the car, opened the door and left the car.
Standing infant of his door getting ready to ring the door bell make me a little nervous. Who was this guy that he wanted me to meeting ?
Maybe he had found a new band member or something since we needed one

Bob, our previous drummer had to leave the band because he had a problem with his hand.
I missed Bob. He was a great friend and not to mention drummer. I hadn't talked to him in a long time.
The last time I talked to him was 5 months ago when we were touring in Europe. I asked him to join but he rejected. He said there was no use since he couldn't do anything. One thing about Bob was that he wouldn't change his mind if he had said something. It made me really sad but I survived.

I had finally built enough courage to ring the bell.
I rang it once.
Gerard had informed me that I had to ring the door bell more than once cause he didn't always hear it. But no. It was either hear it the first time or I will go.

I could hear someone coming towards the door. The person grabbed the door and opened it. I froze.

The man standing in front of me was not Gerard in fact it wasn't anyone I knew.

He was long and tall, Us about my height. His hair was dyes black with a slight brown it it. That hair dresser hadn't done a good Job. His eyes were dark blue and his lips. Those magnifying perfect lips . They were the most perfect lips that I had ever seen. No he was the closest that I had been from seeing perfect.

He looked at me. I thought I was paralyzed cause I couldn't move a muscle.

" hello, you there ? " he waved in my face. I didn't blink. He turned around to see if he could Gerard a little help. I also got to see his litter ass. Damn, who was this perfect little creature and what was he doing in Gerard's house ?

" Eh Gerard. I think we have a problem here "
wait, did this guy know Gerard ? Oh man. Great. He was going to think that I had gone gay or something for starring at another man. But I wasn't.v. I was just admiring him and his perfect body. That wasn't gay, right ?

Gerard came seconds later to the door.
" Oh Mikey, I see you've met Pedicone. " he said smiling.
" now snap out of it." he snapped and I came out of it.
Didn't take long before I could feel my hands and toes again or actually move. Man, what happened ?

" Pedicone this is my awkward little brother, Mikey " Gerard. The guy called Pedicone reached out is arm to greet me. I grabbed his hand and shook it a few times. They were so soft. I could stand there and shake it all day long if I got the chance.

He released after a few seconds.

The Pedicone guy moved over t give me some space to enter . So I did.

I leaned down to take off my shoes. I waved my ass in the air so that he could get a good look at it. omg what was I doing ? Did I want him to check me out ?

I untied my lice's and took off my shoes. I then stood up and wet to the living room. I was surprised when the Pedicone guy changed directions and won't towards the kitchen.

Frank was casually sitting in the couch by the time that I reached the living room. He was watching some kind of tattoo show called LA ink. The only reason that he actually watched it was because of the lady, Kate Von D had tattooed him once and put it on TV and being on TV was a really big deal for him.

I Joined him on the couch. His dog, sweet Pea was sleeping in his lap. He really loved Pea. It was like she was the love of his life. After Gerard of course.

I didn't really pay much attention to what was happening on the TV screen. I was too busy watching Mr. Pedicone in the kitchen. He was helping Gerard with the food. Good lord he could make food . He could feed me any day.

" The food is done " Gerard shouted from the kitchen. I stood up and went to the kitchen. And dam what a smell. It smelled like heaven in there. What was this magnifying smell ?

I went over to the other side of he kitchen and took a seat. Frank and Pedicone did the same with Frank on my left side and Pedicone on my right how Much better could this get ?

Gerard came with the fodder that appeared to be vegetarian lasagna. We had to eat vegetarian since Frank was a vege. I didn't mind. I loved eating vegetarian. I was thinking about quitting eating meat for one period but then I remembered that I would have to give up sammiches and Mikey Way dos not give up sammiches.

" now let's all hold hands and say a little prayer " Gerard said lifting his hands. The rest of us did the same and what do you know ? I was holding hands with Pedicone again.

Gerard said a short prayer about the food. The band and the family. The family that we was and the family that we were about to become. I was hopping that Gerard would hold the prayer a little longer. But he didn't. He didn't read my mind. What a shame.

We all released our hands and started eating.

" So " I said trying to start a conversation. i needed to know more about this Pedicone guy and What he was doing here.
" Pedicone, right ? " I said looking over at him. He nodded.
" pedicone among friends and Mike among enemies " he said smiling.
Oh God that smile. People probably paved billions just to see him smile, and here I was watching if for free. With no expenses. I hope. I didn't care much if I had to pay. I would do anything just to make him smile.
" awesome " I said trying to figure out what my next question was going to be.
" and you're Mikey, am I right ? " I blushed a little.
" yes " I said nodding.
" so, Pedicone. Wat brings you to Jersey ? " I asked curiously.
" em actually. I came here to open a shop " a what ? A shop ? So he wasn't the new band member then ? Too bad, he would have been great

The rest of the nigh went splendid. We played a few " get to know each other games " and I got to know more about Pedicone, or Mike among enemies. I could tell that we all had a great time. They even insisted on me staying over. As much as I'd like to I couldn't. I had left butter alone at home and she probably missed me.

We all said out good bye and good lucks and I left.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was inspired by Andy ( ).

If you want anything to be in this story then tell me and I'll add it.
Thank you all for reading and subscribing.
Love you all <3