The Aftermath

CHAPTEr One: Nightmare

The snarling white faces swirled before my eyes, getting closer and closer, their sinister hands clutched white ray guns that matched the rest of their cloths.

I could here screaming in the distance and I watched as a short boy with green eyes ran towards me. His face was full of terror and I watched in horror as one of the pale monsters appeared behind him, I tried to call out but my voice was lost in the dark.

The boy tripped and fell, trying to scramble to his feet. But it was to late. The draculoid was standing over him, it's ray gun pointed at his chest. It's finger twitched, squeezing the trigger and I screamed.

I sat straight up in bed, sweat pouring down my face and my heart beating a mile a minute. I could feel my fellow dorm mates eyes on me and I flinched, trying to calm myself down, praying I hadn't been talking....Or screaming in my sleep again.

I ran me fingers through the wild tangles in my hair before laying back on my pillows.

I lay staring out the skylight at the starry night. Why did I keep having these awful nightmares? Who was the boy? What the hell was a draculoid? These same questions had been running through my head for months now, and I was no closer to answering them then the night when I first started having the dreams.

Chloe thought that it was something to do with the past that I couldn't remember. Maybe it was buried somewhere in my head. Maybe she was right, Maybe everyone else was right and I was crazy, a freak. Maybe. My life was filled with maybes, "What if's" and possibilities. i questioned everything. I was so confused with my own life.

I didn't sleep again, I just laid in bed waiting for the sun to come up.

The breakfast bell rang shrilly and I slumped downstairs, not bothering to get dressed. What did it matter what you looked like if no one looked at you?

I grabbed some food and made my way to the window seat that was always vacant, as if it was reserved for me. No one ever sat with me except Chloe, but today Chloe was sitting with her brother Alex I can't say I enjoy being alone, but it's better being alone then being around the people here. I just wish there was at-least one person like me.

I ate my breakfast in a daze, not even noticing when Ms Jodi sat down in front of me until she cleared her throat.

I snapped back into reality and looked up at her "Yes?"

She tapped her fingers on the table in a rhythmic fashion and it took every ounce of self control not to slam my fists on top of her bony fingers. Why had the woman that hated me the most come to see me?

"Miss Baxter," She began, still tapping her fingers. That wasn't even my last name. I didn't know my last name. They made on up for me when I came here and it was unbelievingly generic .

"I am here to inform you that you have been adopted." I choked on my cereal.

"Adopted? Me?" I asked, my mouth hanging open. Who would ever want to adopt me?

She glared at me. "Did I stutter? Yes you have been adopted and your things have been packed and loaded, your new parents are waiting for you outside."

Wow, Did they ever want me gone. But what am I complaining about? I finally got my wish, a ticket out of this hell hole!

Without another word I flew from my chair and ran from the room. Goodbye crappy food! Goodbye creaky beds! Goodbye stuck up kids! GOODBYE MS JODI! goodbye Chloe. I'll miss you out of everything.

I skidded to a stop at the doors, flinging them open and stepping out into the cool air.

A car was parked at the curb and I hesitantly walked towards it. The window rolled down and a cheery looking man popped his head out. "Raven right?" I nodded.

"Alrighty then, hop in the back and read the not your parents left you." I nodded again and slid into the back-seat, hopping this wasn't a plot to murder me.

I found the envelope in the seat next to me and opened it hesitantly, wondering what I would find.

"Dear Raven. You do not know how exited we are to have a daughter! But sadly we will not be able to be around a lot for the firs couple of months, seeing as we are away on a business trip. We have arranged for you to attend Barron Academy, where you shall be staying while we are away. Don't fret, its not stuck up or posh or strict. Its a nice school and we hope you enjoy it. So sorry again, love you lots, Marry and Joey Clancy."

I sat in shock, dejection rushing over me and anger setting in as I crumpled the note into a ball and tossed it into the corner. My image of a happy family vanished. Now all that was left was a miserable girl, abandoned once again.

Ok maybe I was being a bit melodramatic, but who adopts someone and then dumps them in some school?

I sighed and plugged my headphones in, cranking Shame Shame by From First to Lat to almost full volume, I slumped back into the plush seat and closed my eyes. Hoping to gain back some sleep.