Union General's Daughter

My Confederate Soldier

I sighed heavily as I stepped out of my car into the pouring rain of Forks Washington. I didn’t want to be here but I killed too many people in my last location in Oregon. I killed an entire family and I had to stay in hiding for a while then I moved here. I hope I won’t slip up to much again. The constant rain helps wash away the smell and lessen the temptation of all the blood around me.

I sighed again as I ran my hand through my midnight black hair and glanced around the dreary parking lot searching for the main office. As I looked around my eyes landed on a group of people to pretty to be human.
There were 5 of them and a human. “Five vampires and a human” I mumbled to myself as I looked them all over again. None of them noticed me except for one.

He was tall and muscular but lean and appeared agile. He had golden honey blonde hair that fell around his face framing it nicely. He has many scars from vampire bites that appeared to be all over his body. I could see many scars going up his arm disappearing underneath his black sweatshirt. The scars reappeared on his neck and fan out from there. My eyes travel up his face and connect with his. They were a beautiful gold color and they watched me curiously. I felt myself being pulled him but as soon as I stepped forward and my heel clicked against the ground they rest of his coven turned around and a few seconds later the human turned around to look at what everyone else was looking at.

They all studied me and immediately noticed my eyes. Unlike their peculiar eye my eyes were a natural blood red color. I was wear brown contacts but they saw through them and saw the killer inside me.

My lips turned up into a small smirk as I turned on my heels and headed to the building marked as the main office. I could hear them start to follow but stopped when I pushed the door open and stepped inside of the office.

I glanced around at the small room and a woman with bright unruly hair was sitting at the desk looking at me in awe. I smiled sweetly and strolled over to her.

“Hello my name is Rosaline Hart and I’m the new student” I told her softly not wanting to scare her.

“Of course dear hold on a second.” She told just as sweetly as she went looking through the piles of paper on her messy desk. I looked around the small room as I waited for her to find my information.

There were two humans standing on the other side of the room looking at me curiously. They were two boys who appeared to be jocks at this school.

“I bet you can’t get her to go out with you man. She is one chick out of your league.” The first jock said.

“Every girl thinks she can resist my charm but fail to do so and you know it. I bet $50 I can get her in my bed before the school year is over.” The second jock told his friend.

“It’s a deal.” The first one said shaking his friend’s hand before turning his attention to me again. I scoffed softly and turned to the secretary who was finally done locating my papers.

“Ok dear here is your schedule, locker combination, map of the school, and the paper your teachers have to sign and you have to return at the end of the day. Have a good first day dear.” The woman smiled warmly before turning her head into a romance novel with Fabio on the cover.

I rolled my eyes and strolled out of the office and back out into the rain quickly putting my umbrella out. I glanced down at my schedule and I had senior classes. ‘Yay school will only be a yearlong’ I mentally clapped as I made my way over to the history section of the small group of boring red brick buildings.

People watched my as I went and some were building up the courage to talk to me. I walked past them all and stepped into the classroom. I glanced around lazily and noticed that the only seat available was next to the blond boy from before. He didn’t look up at me instead he kept his face down drawing in his binder.

“Hello Ms. Clarke, My name is Rosaline Hart, I’m the new student here” I told her as she got up from behind her desk.

“Oh of course let me sign your paper and you can take a seat next to Mr. Hale, You will learn a lot from him” She said signing the slip in pink pen and pointing to the seat next to the blond. I shuffled to my seat and sat down next to him quietly. I opened my binder and glanced up at the board and saw we were learning about the civil war. That would be easy I was alive and human during the civil war.

That’s right Rosaline Hart was the daughter of a Union general and I sometime got to travel with him. I smiled at how easy this class would be as I put my purple mechanical pencil down in a position so it wouldn’t roll off of the desk. I glanced at the blond vampire next to me. He finally took notice of my presence and was contemplating whether or not to talk to me. I let my eyes travel around his face wondering where he got all of his scars from. I had the urge to reach over and run my fingers over the bites.

“Hello” I let my musical voice ring out quietly. “My name is Rosaline Hart It is a pleasure to meet you.” I said turning to look at him fully. He looked a little taken aback by my sudden speech but he quickly responded.

“Hello Rosaline, my name is Jasper Hale. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He responded just as quietly. I smiled at the southern accent slightly present in his musical voice. “So tell me Jasper Union or Confederates?” I asked him.

"Confederates” He smiled proudly thinking about something.

I scoffed “Really? They tried to tear the U.S. apart because they were too lazy to do the work themselves. If they didn’t have the slaves to help they could have sold some the land to someone better equipped to take care of it. It would have bettered the economy and given the southern something better to do besides sit on their asses and ordering poor innocent people who were taken from their home lands and sold as property.” I ranted to him and noticed that the teacher was listening.

“Come on Jasper I know you have a response to that.” She urged him. He smiled happy to take my challenge.

“Well Miss Hart you seem to have thought of everything haven’t you, but the reason for the Civil War was the north trying to take away the right for free labor from the south who’s main export was cotton and they only way to keep the need for cotton up with the amount that was being produced was to have the slaves work. If they didn’t the south’s economy wouldn’t survive. And they would be forced to the north’s way of life which was different and unnatural to them.” Jasper argued boldly.

The class was now listening to our argument with silent interest and placing bets for who would win. I felt Jasper’s faith in his argument and I started to fiddle with my ring thinking he might win.

“The north was coming up with equipment to pick cotton faster and cheaper. The south just didn’t want to learn how to lose it because to them losing slaves was like losing property and apparently that’s a very bad thing to have less property than your neighbor. Now moving on to your battle strategies after a string of successful battles and victories for the Confederacy the army fell under the ‘watchful’ eyes of a drunkard maniac named General Ulysses S. Grant. He couldn’t stay sober enough to arrive on the correct battlefield multiple times and at the two major battles of Shiloh and Gettysburg he arrived more than three hours late. Even Lincoln was upset about it and when he addressed the crowd gathered to watch the battle he directly talked to the Union supporters. After that the only invitation Grant received was one for surrender.” I finished waiting for his response. He seemed to be mulling something over in his pretty blond head then he said “I concede to the opponent.” I smiled happily as I turned back to an astonished teacher who was stunned to silence.

“Are you ok Ms. Clarke?” I asked the small brown haired woman.

“No one’s defeated Jasper in a debate that was amazing and where you guys ended is the perfect intro into today’s lesson about Grant’s leadership.” She blabbed on about it and I quietly told Jasper “You are a good debater for a vampire.”

He turned to me slightly and said “As are you. What brings you to Forks?” He asked. We were speaking at a voice to quiet for humans to hear.

“I had to relocate after an accident in my last location. I killed a family and raised a lot of suspicion and problems. So what about you and your coven, you guys don’t seem to be normal.” I said looking up into his alluring gold eyes.

“My family is a coven of vegetarian vampires. We drink animal blood instead of killing humans. You should try it.” I made a slightly disgusted face and asked “Why would I do that?”

“So you don’t have to move around as much. You can settle in one place for a longer period of time and interact with humans better,” He said listing a few pros of drinking from animals. “But humans taste better.” I responded glancing down at his arms which were resting on the desk close to me.

“What happened to you Jasper? Why do you have so many scars?” I asked fighting the feeling to reach out a touch them. He looked down at his forearm and traced a few of them.

“There battle scars from Southern Vampire Wars. I was a part of it with a woman named Maria who was also my creator and at the time who I thought was my true love. She wanted me to stay with her army because I was a good fighter and always won so she pretended to love me. After a while she was going to turn on me and I left with two friends I made during the war.” He told me as he continued to run his fingers over his disfigured skin.

“That’s why you are for the south. You fought during the war and were in the Confederate army. Well I was born around the same time as you. My father was a Union General so I know quite a lot about it.” I smiled remembering my father. “I was the youngest major in the Texas Calvary but that’s beside the point.” He smiled sweetly at me. I huffed and decided to get off of the subject.

“So tell me about your family Jasper, there appears to be quite a few of you.”

“Well I have a twin sister named Rosalie, two brothers named Edward and Emmett and another sister named Alice. Then there’s our father figure Carlisle and his wife and our mother figure Esme.” He told me glancing up at the board where our teacher was pointing to battle spots on a large map.

“Well I’m a traveling nomad. I sometimes settle down for a while but I mostly move around.” I told him. “Hmm” Was all he said. My eyes traveled around the room again but still got pulled back to Jasper. It wasn’t a bad sight, he really cute but I couldn’t figure out why I was attracted.

Without thinking I reached out and ran my finger over his forearm. His skin was smooth and the bites were barely indented into his skin. I felt the small shock of my ability taking affect.

I have the power to copy other vampires’ powers and abilities through physical contact. The ability I acquire is never as powerful as the vampire with the ability. I could only hold onto up to 5 powers at once or I had to let go of one I have, but if I came into contact with a vampire with more of an instinct than an actual ability than I could hold onto it for longer. Once I ran into a vampire with the ability to tell if someone was lying or not and I could still use that instinct.

“Jasper do you have any powers or abilities?” I asked not moving my hand.

“I can manipulate emotions.” He stuttered quietly. All of a sudden I could feel all of the hormones flying around the room like evil bees just buzzing around. But there was one other emotion coming from Jasper, it was nervousness. I first had to block out the other emotions floating around me and driving me crazy.

Then I turned to Jasper and smirked “I make you nervous.” It wasn’t a question it was a statement and he couldn’t deny it. “How did you?” was all he asked before he furrowed his brow thinking. I smiled sweetly and waited for him to speak again.

“How?” was all he whispered. I leaned over and whispered into his ear “You’re not the only talented one you know. I have any ability too I can copy powers so you can’t hide what you feel from me.” The whole time I was running my fingers lightly up and down his arms completely distracting him from what I was saying.

Just then the bell rang breaking him from his daze. I pulled my hand away and start packing up my belongings. “See you soon Jasper.” I smiled strolling out of the door.

The first half of the day went by smoothly. So far Jasper is only in my history class and none of his siblings were in my classes yet. I went to my locker to put some of my books, coat and umbrella away and grabbed my binder for later classes. When I closed my locker Jasper was standing there waiting for me.

“You have lunch now so you’re going to sit with my family and me.” He told me grabbing my hand and dragging me away. I barely had time to slam the metal locker door shut. I kicked it and it shut with a bang. I wordlessly followed Jasper into the cafeteria.

“Wow it’s like a meat locker in here.” I mumbled as we stepped through the large blue double doors. The scent of humans hit me full force and I almost lost it. But I cut off my breathing and glanced back at Jasper. I felt waves of calmness flow through me as I concentrated on his eyes calming down. I nodded once and he towed me to the back of the cafeteria were the other vampires and the human were sitting.

The air was cleaner back here and Jasper sat me in a chair so that the human’s scent would tempt me too much. I glanced around at the golden eyed vampires and they all looked at me with interest. Well all except the blond girl, who I was guessing was Jasper’s twin, who was looking out of the large window behind us.

“Hi” I smiled at the vampires and human. “Hello” the largest vampire boomed causing some people to look our way but turn back when they saw who it was. My name is Rosaline Hart.” I told them nicely. The blond girl’s ears perked up at the sound of my name.

They went around the table introducing themselves with names I know and now have to match with faces.

“Alice” the short bubbly looking girl with dark hair in a pixie said. She was on my right and Jasper was on my left.

“Edward” the messy bronzed hair vampire with the human said

“Bella” the small human squeaked. She had wide chocolate brown eyes that matched her long brown hair and pale skin. I would have thought she was a vampire if it wasn’t for her heart but and blush in her cheeks.

“Emmett” the loud huge football type guy with dark curly hair and dimples said.

“Rosalie” the blond girl said. Her name was really similar to mine. She was extremely beautiful even for a vampire.

I looked at Jasper. “You know me” He stated. “So you can still introduce yourself” I rolled my eyes and turned back to his family.

“So tell us about your ability Rosaline” Edward said looking at me to see if I would lie. I gave him one of those WTF faces and asked “How do you know I have any ability?” I only told… I turned to Jasper and gave him a dirty look.

“I didn’t tell” he said holding his hands up in defense. “Then who did?” I asked. “I’m a mind reader and I saw it in your head.” I told me.

“Ok first off, gtfo I don’t like random people in my head it can get pretty gruesome up there, secondly what if I don’t want to tell you about my ability?” I asked.

“Emmett will get it out of you.” He threatened. I looked over at the giant body builder who was grinning madly about the idea of pulling information out of me.

“I see your bluff and raise you a promise I can rip him limb from limb without touching him unless you want to play fetch the stick with your brother’s body parts a suggest you wait for me to give up the information on my own.” I smiled and waited to see if they would challenge me. I ran into a vampire who could rip vampires apart with telekinesis and you wouldn’t feel a thing. But I can only rip one limb off at a time while he could make you fall apart and bust into fire. Edward seemed to take me seriously and decided on a different approach.

“Maybe you will talk to Carlisle, would you like to come to our house after school to talk to our father?” He asked. I thought about it and shrugged.

“Sure why not?” I said. Then it flicked into my mind again that Edward could read minds so I reached across the table and touch Edward’s cheek softly. I felt that familiar shock as his ability was copied to me.

I plopped back into my chair and concentrated on his thoughts ‘What did she just do?’ He thought. My lips turned up into a smile and I said “I was just using my power.” The bell rang and I left the Cullen table swiftly.

Throughout the rest of the day I had study hall with Alice and Bella and gym with Emmett and Rosalie. Other than that my only other class with the Cullens was math with Jasper again. At the end of the day I followed the Cullens to their beautiful mansion in the forest. I stepped out of my car and looked up at the house in awe.

“Come on Rosaline.” Alice called already up the steps. I followed them before my heels sunk into the moist soil. The inside was just as spectacular as the outside but I didn’t get a chance to look around before two other vampires floated into the room. I smiled and introduced myself.

“Hello Rosaline, are names are Carlisle and Esme Cullen, It is a pleasure to meet you.” The man had platinum blond hair and looked better than a movie star the woman next to him was smaller but still pretty with a heart shaped face and long brown hair. They both had matching gold eyes.

“Come child, have a seat.” Esme said ushering me to the couch were Jasper was sitting surfing through the channels on the large 72 inch TV.

“Our children told us a lot about you, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself.” Esme asked.

She was so sweet I didn’t want to be rude to her so I told them about being born during the civil war as a Union general’s daughter, how I was changed by a vampire who was lonely and wanted company but was destroyed by another coven of vampires while hunting on their land, my short time with the Volturi and then my most recent problem up in Oregon.

“You’ve had quiet an adventure as a vampire.” Carlisle told me after hearing my stories. "Yeah I know" I responded looking at my hands. I could feel Jasper's eyes on me the whole time. I didn't mind though.

"You seem like a gifted person Rosaline. Do you have any powers?" Carlisle asked now completely wrapped up in my life.

"I can cut off one sense from a person, make a person feel pain where every I want, read one person's mind at a time, feel everyone's emotion in the room but only affect on person, and rip a limb off one by one without touching the person. As for instincts I can track people up to half way around the globe, and know when someone's lying to me." I told them in one long breath. They sat there stunned because very few vampires normally only have one extra ability if any. And now I was sitting here saying I had five powers and two enhanced instincts.

“Really?” Carlisle breathed astonished. I nodded and said “I can copy powers when I come into contact with gifted vampires but what I can do is never as strong as the original vampires’ gift, but if I come into contact with a vampire that has more of an instinct then I can hold onto it for longer. Like the lie detector thing it’s more of an instinct than an actual ability so I still have it even though I reached my five ability limit. If I want to copy another power I have to let one go.” I explained playing with the small emerald ring on my finger.

“Well that’s amazing my dear, you are a very gifted. Why didn’t the Volturi hold onto you?” Carlisle asked.

“I just left and Demetri found me but I told him I didn’t want to be a member anymore, he told me I was always welcomed and since then they haven’t bothered me.” I mumbled.

Just then the scent of sweet human blood met my nostrils and I lost it. Everything was a red hazy blur. I hopped to my feet and dodged around Carlisle and Esme easily but getting around Edward was harder. I looked into his mind and saw him watching me. I stepped to the right and saw his was about to follow when I stopped and hopped over him. There she was.

The source for my lapse of judgment was within my grasp, but someone grabbed my waist and yanked me back with so much force that I flew across the room and slammed into the back wall causing a huge dent in the wall. I didn’t let it phase me as I got back up and looked at Bella who was holding her bleeding finger and looking at me with wide frightened eyes. I snarled as blond hair flashed and I was over someone’s shoulder being forcefully removed from the house. I tried to fight back but I decided it was a lost cause and I was going to calm down.

A few miles out from the house Jasper put me down and looked at me carefully. “Rosaline are you ok now?” He asked me cautiously. I nodded slowly and sighed.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to attack her, I lost my head and I’m sorry.” I mumbled embarrassed. I felt Jasper take a seat next to me and say “I’m not the one you have to apologize to but I’m kind of glad you lost control. If you didn’t I would have and everything would have been a lot worse.” He told me. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder.

I felt him tense up slightly then relax and wrapped his arm around me.

“I’m glad I could help you Jasper. But how do you stand it, the constant temptation of the whole thing and only getting partial satisfaction?” Carlisle had explained that even though animal blood got rid of the thirst it never could satisfy like human blood could.

“We just have to take it one day at a time, it gets better. Look at Carlisle he’s been doing this for over 300 years and human blood doesn’t affect him anymore.” Jasper told me. I took a deep breath and smelt the fresh air, the clean water flowing from the river by the house and all the little animals moving in the forest minding their own business. I stood up and started to slowly walk deeper into the forest. Jasper got up and followed.

“Jasper why did you concede to me during our debate in class today?” I asked trying to get my mind off of the self pity and thoughts about blood.

“You seemed like your ego needed to stay intact for a while longer” He told me sarcastically. I smacked his arm and said “Don’t be a smartass.”

“We prefer the term intellectual badass” He told me avoiding my hand colliding with his arm again.

“Come on seriously Jasper, why did you let me win?” I asked.

“You seemed really headstrong about it. I noticed you were playing with that ring on your finger and I could feel your nervousness. I decided to let you win so you wouldn’t feel as bad.” He smiled happy to be a gentleman. I rolled my eye and turned to him and was about to say something smart but stopped when I realized how close he was. I could suddenly feel myself get nervous and self conscious. He took another step toward me and smirked “I make you nervous”

I opened my mouth to deny but he smirked and I felt even more nervous than before.
“Stop it” I groaned. He chuckled and stopped playing with my emotions. I looked up into his liquid topaz eyes and felt something in the pit of my stomach.

I inwardly groaned and said “My father would be so disappointed in me.” I tilted my head down and started fiddling with my ring. It was the last thing i had to remember my parents by. Jasper’s fingers appeared under my chin and forced me to look at him.

“Disappointed about what?” He asked looking at me wondering if I would lie.

“Socializing so easily with a Confederate Major” I told him only saying half of the truth. “And?” He asked knowing I was hiding something. “And, possibly falling hard for him” I said. If I could still blush I would.

I was about to turn away when Jasper’s hungry lips crashed down on mine. It didn’t take me long to register what was happening and kiss him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He pulled back and mumbled “I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you.” I smiled. “You are so flattering” I mumbled kissing him again.

I finally realized what that feeling in my stomach was, I love him. No matter where we came from and what our differences were it didn’t matter because I knew he loved me too and that he always would. He would always be my Confederate solider.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was my first attempt at a one shot so don't be to mean please :)

Comment however you want
there are some mistakes but that's because it 1 am

check out my other stuff too :D