Status: Beginning.

Practice Makes Perfect.

Settling In.

I rushed through my door, promising my mother that I would get my bag later from the vehicle. Bounding up the stairs two at a time, I made a rush at my room and slammed the door shut once I was finally inside. I got rid of the baby blue warm ups and shrugged on a pair of sweats and a tee-shirt. I sat back down on my bed as I pulled the letter out of my pockets in the jacket I wore.

I reread what the letter held inside and mentally screamed with joy. They were offering me early morning practices on every Tuesday morning and letting me keep my stuff there. We were to practice at the CONSOL on those days too. My lips twitched into a big smile. Finally things seemed to be pulling in the right direction.

After reading the letter, I placed it in the little side table's drawer, next to my bed. A few seconds later, there was a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I yelled at the door. My mother came in and announced that we were just ordering for take out. I nodded my head and started up my laptop.

"Okay, we are ordering Chinese. Your norm?" she asked me. I nodded with a slight smile on my face. She said okay and left my room, shutting the door behind her. I logged onto the laptop, entering my password, and waited for it to log in. After a few seconds, I saw the familiar background photo of my dad and I from when I was younger. I was holding the same exact hockey stick he gave me when I first started playing. I looked away for a bit, trying to hold back the tears from leaking.

It hurt so much. My heart is still missing that piece that was taken away from me. It ached constantly at certain little moments of the day. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment and regained my composure. I mumbled a bit and clicked on the Internet tab. I logged onto my Facebook and took a look around, not noticing anything good in particular. I logged back off and logged into my email account. I had another email from Kris.

[i/]Hey There! I really hope you liked the letter :) Congrats on making the team! I knew you would make it. I hope you're doing fine and that you are enjoying some break time. But I know it won't last long. Sometimes I think you more of an ice hog than Crosby. Which is saying something. ;) I would like to hang with you more... maybe we can sneak you out and hang somewhere? We will figure it out! Love, Kris[i/]

I smiled at his dorky ways and replied back.

[i/]Have you been spending time with Tyler? ;) And thank you! I didn't realize that the WHOLE team knew that was going to happen! Jerk. I'm just kidding. It's amazing, I feel like everything is settling down and taking its place. Thank you. <3 But yes... we do need to hang out sometime soon... I'm having withdrawals. Don't judge me. ;) love ya![i/]

Dinner came along and my mother and I sat in the living room on the couch eating the noodles and chicken. I then brushed my teeth and crawled into bed. Plugging my cell phone in the charger, I noticed I had a text message.

[i/]Goodnight, love.[i/]

I smiled and texted a goodnight back to the French-Canadian man and fell asleep in a comfortable slumber.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm terribly sorry for holding back on this. I've been increasingly straying from old stories I make. I just keep getting huge writers block and find myself not really getting into the creative move. But I got this out and I intend on finishing it, no matter how long it takes! I just sent in my first college application. This is scary. To like infinity and beyond. It suppah crayyy.

Sorry. My ghetto sucks. But, stay beautiful!