Status: Inactive

Until You...

Coffee Beans and Magical Feasts

Darren Criss was not much of a beck and call kind of guy but when a friend told him it was urgent, he showed up. Especially if that friend was a high end agent who worked with all the hottest stars in L.A. like Frank Smash did. Darren himself never really wanted to be a part of Smash Productions but Frank's advice was just as valuable as his time. Which is why when he got a text from Frank Smash telling him to be at 106 Pardon Street at 2:00pm, Darren showed up ten minutes early and was faintly surprised to find himself downtown L.A outside a no name coffee shop. He was sure Frank Smash was much more of a Starbucks man than a independent coffee shop. Darren didn't ponder the thought much longer, a group of teenage girls walked behind him on the sidewalk and gave a giggle making himself consciously pull his beanie further down on his head and readjust his pink Ray-Bans before pulling open the door to the coffee shop and going in.

Immediately the smell of coffee grinds, dust and the old books hit Darren's nose making him instantly like the place. As his eyes readjusted to the darkness, he saw that there was a small stage in the back of the shop and all the tables seemed to be placed strategically around it. For a independent coffee shop it was pretty busy for a Wednesday afternoon even if it was summer. There was dozens of what seemed where college kids talking in small groups of three or two everywhere but there was also a good hand of older people in there thirties to forties sitting by themselves reading books, making the search for Frank Smash almost as difficult as spotting Waldo.

"Darren! Over here." a rough voice called over the grinding of coffee beans.

Darren looked in the direction of the voice and saw a man sitting almost dead center of all the chaos. Frank Smash. Darren made the difficult journey to where Frank was sitting and gave him a smile, thankful that his glasses were hiding the uncertainty in his eyes.

"Hey, Frank. How are you?" Darren asked once he sat down, holding out his hand to shake Frank's.

Frank Smash knew that Darren was really asking what the hell he was doing here and Frank didn't blame him. Darren Criss had such a fast rise in fame it seemed almost comical that they were in a small no name coffee shop on a Wednesday afternoon crowded with a bunch of people that would be swarming them if they only knew who sat so close to them in a gray beanie. But Frank knew Darren would be interested in what he had to show him. Darren was a good kid, Frank knew this, a bit energetic for his own liking but nerveless a good kid which was why Frank liked him so much. He had potential to be so many different things and yet he didn't let it get to him. However, lately Frank saw Darren becoming more withdrawn and having more of a cynical view of the business which was only natural for stars but Frank didn't want this to happen to Darren. Between the screaming and demanding fans, being an actor, being a singer, being a producer, and being a writer Darren was being stretched thin with no time to appreciate what he had done which is why they were there in the coffee shop. To give Darren a full dose of reality check.

"Good. Good. Thanks for coming on short notice, Darren but I thought you would enjoy this." Frank said while he flashed his Hollywood smile and shaking Darren's hand.

"Enjoy what?" Darren asked curiously.

"You'll see. You'll see." Frank said hastily and checked his watch on his wrist.

Darren gave an inward sigh and turned his head expectantly at the stage. He would always appreciate struggling musicians who try to break into the business because he was in their place what seemed like not too long ago but Darren was in no mood today to listen to anybody sing, even if they had caught somebody's attention like Frank Smash. Darren gave another doubtful look towards Frank who was repeatedly checking his wristwatch.

"It's going to start soon!" Frank whispered excitedly leaning in toward Darren.

To Darren's surprise, Frank's attention didn't snap toward the stage but he was glancing around as if looking for someone else who was in the crowd. Did he invite someone else? Darren could think this was the only explanation. Darren found himself searching the crowd for someone he recognized but found no one who even seemed to maybe be a rising star. Only normal people involved in their own life’s. He did see some people scattered around that seemed to be wearing wigs but he was sure he was just seeing things.

Ring!! Ring!!

The sound of a cellphone ringing was so loud it made Darren jump almost out of his seat in surprise. He had been in such deep concentration studying the occupants of the shop the sudden sound had forcefully snapped his attention to a table on his right where he saw two girls who looked just old enough to be in college. The owner of the cellphone pulled out a tiny phone from her huge purse and answered it. Darren noticed that she was one of the people he thought to be wearing a wig (but it was L.A after all, many girls had fake blond hair) before turning his attention back to Frank.

The girl on the cellphone seemed too had caught Frank's attention as well. Frank was staring interestedly at the two girls with a look of expectation. Darren looked back over at the girls to see what so captivating. The girl on the phone was now speaking angrily into her cellphone while her friend patted her arm comfortingly. The girl's voice was now carrying out through the shop, though her voice wasn't that loud. It was as though most everyone was expecting this and had stopped talking at once to listen.

"You can't do this." the girl told the person on the phone.

Darren instantly knew this was a break up. He had experienced many break ups where one person always said that line. He felt embarrassed for listening into her private conversation now but he couldn't stop listening.

"Harry, don’t leave!" The girl semi-shouted now, gaining the attention of those who hadn't been listening.

Her friend glanced around the shop and noticed too that all attention was on them and whispered something to the girl on the phone. Rather or not the girl heard her friend, she didn't reply but instead replied to the person on the phone.

"Harry!" the girl on the phone gasped making Darren feel a pang of discomfort but thought the girl was being a little over dramatic now.

"Ha-rry!" Darren was positive that this time she had sung the name. He looked over again at Frank who was now smiling towards the girl. He saw Darren looking at him and whispered a "Watch!"

"Ha-rry! Ha-rry!" The girl wasn't even talking on the phone now. She was clearly singing out to everyone in the coffee shop and Darren instantly recognized the song she was about to sing, as he had helped write it. Darren turned to get a better look at the girls, clearly now excited to see what was going to happen.

The girl hopped rather gracefully to standing on her chair and there was a loud screech as a dozen other chairs pushed back against the coffee shop's floor. Darren looked around to see a hand full of people now standing up, handing out pink flyers to everyone sitting.

"Ha-rry! Why can't you see what you are doin' to me?" the girl belted out.

A guy in his mid-fifties had reached Darren's table with a flyer in his hand. Darren took it instantly and gave it a quick interested look. In big bold letters on the top of the flyer it read "Help us get back to Hogwarts!” Darren starred at it disbelieving and turned once again to look at the girl. Except she wasn't in or standing in her chair anymore. Worried that she had left, Darren snapped his head around at the people handing out flyers but she wasn't in the mass either. Disappointed, he looked hopefully at Frank and saw his attention was on the stage now. Darren looked forward and saw the girl was now standing on the stage looking around. When all of the people handing out flyers were standing in front of the stage, the girl who was sitting with her gave the girl a nod.

"Excuse me everyone! Sorry for the disruption!" the girl's voice rang out, "Sorry! But me and my friends are concern citizens trying to raise awareness to a serious problem. A very serious problem. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two has been recently released meaning that the era of Harry Potter is coming to an end. Can we honestly be okay with this?" The girl asked in all seriousness. "Do we want our children to think that a high point in a movie is when someone takes off their shirts? That Twilight is the new craze? Do we want our grandchildren not knowing what a Muggle is? Or what a Bernie Bots Every Flavor Jelly Bean is? Help us keep Harry Potter Alive! Help us get everyone back to Hogwarts!" The girl said passionately.
Before Darren could decide to clap or laugh, a stern looking man came on to the stage with the girl.

"Out before I call the cops on you! You know you guys aren't suppose to be doing this anymore!" the man said with a red face.

The girl hopped gracefully down from the stage but she wasn't done yet.

"Help us keep the magic alive! There is many simple ways each and every one can help, check the flyer!" the girl called out while.

"Out!" the man said.

The girl shot the man a menacing look before turning her attention back to the crowd, "Help us get back to Hogwarts!" she said once again while her and the group started walking toward the door singing another familiar song to Darren.

"Back to wizards and witches and magical beast to goblins and ghosts and magical feast! It's all that I love and it's all that I need at Hogwarts! Hogwarts!" they were out of the shop before they had even done the second Hogwarts but the effect was made. With the group gone, everyone started clapping and whispering excitedly to each other. It sounded as most couldn't believe what had happen just like Darren.

"What did you think?" Frank asked Darren with a smile, "It took be a while to find out where they were protesting next."

Darren didn't hear him though. He had stood up and was jogging towards the door with only one thought on his mind.

Who was she?
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Thank you for reading! It's fairly new but I've been playing with the idea for a while. Tell me how you like it.