Status: Inactive

Until You...

Tricks and Selling out

“Kid, I got to hand it to you. Only you could get into this big of mess with in an hour.”

“Tell me about it.” Darren sighed into his phone, “Sorry, by the way, for running out on you, Frank.”

“I don’t like be run out on but for you I’ll make an exception. Just don’t do it again,” Frank Smash warned half seriously.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Darren laughed nervously.

Pissing off a person like Frank Smash would ruin anyone’s career plain and simple. That was why as soon as Darren walked into his apartment after the fail lunch date with Nicole, he dialed Frank’s number to apologize. And if Frank, the highest connected man in L.A, could help Darren find Nicole then that was just an added bonus.

“What are you going to do?” Frank asked Darren.

“I have no idea.” Darren sighed again while running his finger through his hair.

“I’ll help you out, kid. I got a blond bombshell assistant who isn’t too bad at finding people I need.”

“Really?” Darren said hopefully.

“Sure, sure.” Frank said offhandedly.

“Thanks, Frank. I really appreciate it.” Darren told him truthfully.


“But what?” Darren said now alarmed.

“You got to do something for me in return.” Frank said simply.

“What do you need me to do?”

“I need you to come to my party and shake some hands.”

“Shake some hands?” Darren asked unsure.

“Yeah, the whole nine yards. Flirt with some girls, brown nose some guys, smile and be pretty.” Frank said loudly.

“Why?” Darren asked Frank now distrusting his motive.

“You’re a star, kid. I got some new meat coming to this party and if they see you they’ll be too star struck to see what types of paper they’re signing.” Frank laughed.

Darren gave a nervous laugh backed and was thankful this conversation was through the phone so Frank couldn’t see his face. Not long ago Darren himself was unsigned and at prey to large producing companies only trying to make money off him and throw him only the scrapes. Luckily, Darren was smart enough to avoid the tricks they threw at him but he knew many friends who fell victim to greedy producers. Now he was being asked to be the trick and that was making him uneasy.

“What do you say?” Frank asked.

Darren once again sighed and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. How could he do that to unsuspecting young musicians? On the other hand, he had no other way of finding Nicole and apologizing.

“Kid?” Frank prodded

“Sure, Frank. I’ll do it.”

“Great. I knew you would pull through.” Frank said and Darren could practically hear his smile.

“When’s the party?” Darren said with less enthusiasm.

“Tomorrow night at eight at my house. You remember where that is?”

“Yeah.” Darren said defeated.

“Ha, don’t sound too depressed kid. I’ll get my assistant on the job tomorrow morning.”

Frank told Darren before hanging up without a further goodbye.

Darren shut his cell phone with a snap and threw it on the couch cushion next to him. He couldn’t believe what he was doing, selling out. Something he promised himself he would never do when he moved to L.A. but that was before today. Before he met someone who made him feel normal again and before he screwed that up with her. He just hoped she was worth it.
♠ ♠ ♠
A little short but the next one is back to a longer length promise. :)
Please please please tell me how you like it.
Thanks for reading.