

She runs up behind me and taps me on the shoulder. No, no this isn't right. I can't. I'm mumering ughs and ohs and she doesn't understand me. Good because I dont want her to I want her to go back to the beach and swim in the water and swim and swim until a big fucking jaws shark comes up beneath her and eats her up in a whole bite. she wont feel pain, or maybe she will i'm no psychic.

i turn around i can't get rid of her she must think i'm a psycho. she puts out her hand i think she wants me to shake it but my hands are clammy and coated with a thin layer of sand. i can feel the sand seeping into my pores and becoming me she wants to touch my hand but I dont want to touch mine to hers. She's just....

She's gone in an instant no smoke i didn't see any i look in the sky and there aren't aliens abducting her i don't see her anywhere she disappeared. the sand looks blue and the sky looks magenta i see her in the sky and she's waving down at me. a girl is waving down at me from the sky. I'm sweating and cursing under my breath fuck fuck shit there's things circling me. no i'm circling myself. i'm clinging to the ground breathing in and out in and out in and out clinging to the ground like a sloth to a tree I'm falling upwards. the girl is grabbing my hand and pulling me into the sky but I'm too heavy i'm 150 pounds 150 150 she's probably 110 but you can never be sure with girls.

i'm running now the wind in my face and the sand in my mouth penetrating every crevace I have. I feel it deep rooting itself into me. I need a shower I need a rest. I've been up all night and I can't sleep at all i haven't been able to sleep forever. No sleep forever could reslut in bad things happening to me but I'm not sure what those things are.

The sky is still magenta and the sand is still blue. But I lift up my hands up to the sky and green illuminates them. making them the whole sky, nothing but the sky I can see. I can't see any futher beyond my lime hands. Dear lime hands.