Retarded In Love

Chapter 14

After everyone left, I wandered up to my room to finish packing. Everything was where Maria and I had left it the night before. It had only been one day, and so much had happened. It was completely crazy. It was almost too much. I dealt with crazy on a daily basis. I was just as crazy as Bam, but having my planned future ripped away and replaced with something like this was like taking my life away. I didn't know if I could do it.

Once I finished packing my clothes, I grabbed another smaller suitcase and made my way to the bookshelf. 'Photo albums... all of them go.' I pulled them one by one on off the shelf and set them in the bag. Edgar Allen Poe... Shakespeare... This one, that one...' I grabbed a few of my favorite books and set them with the albums before zipping the bag slowly and setting it with the rest of the bags.

Looking at the clock, I decided it was time for bed. I wandered down the hall to the bathroom, but the door was closed. I knocked.

"Phwo ish if?" I heard a muffled voice. It was Bam.

"Ellie." I answered.

"Comph in."

I opened the door to see Bam, toothbrush in hand. He spat into the sink and smirked at me.

"You all packed?" He asked, beginning to brush again.

"Mmmhhm." I mumbled, putting my toothbrush in my mouth.

He nodded and finished up before walking out the door. "We leave at 9:15 a.m. for the airport." Then he shut the door.

+ + +

I woke up the next morning from a restless sleep at around 6:00. Getting up, I wandered around the house realizing everyone was still sleeping. I opened the door to Bam's room and saw him snoring softly. 'Payback time...' I smirked to myself and walked downstairs quietly. The smell of coffee flooded me in an instant, and I silently made my way to the kitchen to see Dunn reading the paper, sipping away.

"Dunn..." I whispered. I found it hard to contain my smile.

He jumped a bit, then looked at me.

"Bam's sleeping..."

A mischievous grin spread across his face and he darted over to the cupboard to grab the flour. We made our way to Bam's room in complete silence, and opened the door slowly after Ryan made sure the bag of flour was open. We sneaked over to his bed and I watched as Ryan mouthed the countdown.

1....2....3! Ryan grabbed a handful of flour and threw it in his face, and I jumped on top of Bam with all my force.

"Haha, asshole... You just got antiqued!" I yelled in his face.

Bam sat up and wiped his eyes before looking at the clock. "You fuckers are in for it."
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