Retarded In Love

Chapter 17

We eventually got off the plane, claimed our luggage, and headed off to the hotel. Bam wouldn't stop apologizing for punching me in the face. It was a complete accident, but he always freaked out if he thought I could be hurt. After around thirty minutes of telling him to stop apologizing, we arrived at the hotel we were all staying at. Jeff gave my my room number and Dunn helped me with my bags, since his room was next door.

I unlocked the door and stepped inside, Dunn trailing behind. He set my bag down on the bed and smiled a wide goofy grin before leaving the room. I used the bathroom, and unpacked a few pairs of clothes, my toothbrush and other bathroom utensils, and my camera. Jeff said to go to room 186 in fifteen minutes...

It was really hot in California in May. I stripped off my quarter-sleeve top and dug a dark gray spaghetti strap top from one of my bags. I looked down at all the deep purple circular bruises on my stomach and hip. 'Paint balls leave the coolest bruises...' I laughed to myself and slipped the shirt over my body. It was somewhat short and showed the perfect amount of skin to show off my battle wounds. Taking off my capri pants, I grabbed a pair of baggy black denim shorts, then tightened my web belt tight to my hips. In case you haven't noticed, my wardrobe was spaghetti strap tops and baggy shorts. It was just comfortable to me.

I had just finished adjusting my make up when there was a knock on the door. I heard Dunn call my name, and grabbed my camera and headed out the door to meet him. When he saw me, he smiled that same goofy smile and pointed at my waist.

"Bam got you good. Let's see it." He chuckled.

I raised my shirt up slightly to reveal the many bruises. He just shook his head and extended his arm for me to take, and we made our way to room 186. If you didn't know Dunn and I, you'd swear there was something there, but there wasn't. We'd just always been like this. Other than Maria, he was my best friend. I was as close to him as I was to Bam. He was my brother in my eyes.

When we approached the room, the door was open. We stepped inside and saw two men sitting, one in a chair, one on a bed. The one sitting in the chair was tall, slim, and had short, dark, slightly spiked hair. He was wearing big aviator sunglasses, and smiled up at us. The second man, had blond hair and amazing blue eyes.

"Hey, welcome. Sit anywhere. We're waiting for the rest of the crew to show." The dark haired man said, motioning to other chairs, the bed, and other places around the room as he spoke.

+ + +

It took a few minutes, but eventually a few people piled into the room, and Jeff got up and shut the door. It grew quiet. A deep awkward silence flooded the room, and I looked over at Dunn and he simply shrugged.

Jeff walked to the center of the room. "My name's Jeff, as you all know. These first few days are just to get to know each other, basically. I know a few of you are familiar with each other, but there are quite a few new faces. So... Who wants to start?"

The man with the dark hair and aviators stood up. "I will. Hi. My name's Johnny Knoxville. I uh... I don't even know. Next!" Johnny sat down, and the next man stood up.

He was tall, tan, and had brown hair and a gorgeous smile. "My name is Chris Pontius. I skateboard. And I like to be naked."

The next person up was somewhat of a shocker. He was... a little person. "My name's Jason, but people call me Wee-Man."

It continued down the line. Johnny, Chris, Wee Man, Dave, Ehren, Preston, Bam, and then Steve-O stood up.

I'm not going to lie. I was instantly attracted to him. It wasn't more than a petty crush at the time, but it was something. I didn't even pay attention to what he was saying. I just looked him over. Tall, slim, fit, gorgeous brown eyes and an adorable smile. His voice was low and raspy. I was completely zoned out, I didn't even notice him sit down and Dunn stand and speak. Then Dunn sat down, and tapped me. I arose from my stupor and stood slowly, running my hands through my hair slightly.

"My name's Ellie. I-" I started.

"You're a girl." Ehren interrupted me.

"I'm well aware of this fact, Danger Ehren. Anyway, yes I am a girl. I skateboard, and take pictures." As I rambled on about myself, I couldn't help but glance over at Steve-O, and I noticed he was staring intently at me. I quickly looked over to Bam and acted like I was looking them all over. "And, Bam's my brother." I finished my speech and started to sit down when Ehren asked another question.

"What happened to your stomach?" I lifted my shirt slightly to show off the bruises.

"Paint balls." I smiled weakly at Bam who started laughing hysterically.

"How old are you?" Steve-O's asked slyly.

"Eighteen." I answered, cocking an eyebrow.

"So, you're legal..." Chris giggled.

"And taken. Back off my sister." Bam shot death glares across the room to Chris that honestly scared me.

'Look at the goons I'm stuck with...'
♠ ♠ ♠
Note: I would just like to remind you that I do not know how Jackass was filmed. This story is completely fictional. Also, when I start describing stunts, they will be the stunts shown in the show, only with Ellie performing them. There will also be original ideas for stunts to help the plot along. Once again, I repeat; Fictional story. Thank you.

Please and Thank You!