Retarded In Love

Chapter 48

After my bath, I wrapped myself in a towel and scurried down the hallway back to my room. Dico was still sound asleep on the bed. I made my way to my closet and picked out a pair of black denim cargo shorts and a crimson tank top. I slipped them on and walked back to the bathroom to finish getting ready. When I got to the door, it was closed and I could hear water running. I tapped on the door and Bam's voice called back. I opened the door a crack and the water stopped.

"Bam, I just need to brush my teeth and grab my stuff." I reached my arm around the door, feeling around the counter for my hair brush.

"Uh... ok." The water turned back on and I quickly walked inside and put toothpaste on my toothbrush.

When I was done brushing my teeth, I put my hair brush and make up in a neat stack to carry back to my room. I was unplugging the hair dryer when the shower turned off.

"Ellie...?" Bam's gargled voice called to me.

"Yeah?" I piled my belongings into my arms.

"Do you want to go talk to Maria today?"

I froze. "I-I uh..." I stuttered. "Why?"

"Because, you should." The water turned back on and I quickly escaped the awkward situation. I made my way quickly back to my room, running into Jess on the way. He was heading toward the bathroom.

"Bam's in there." I giggled at his morning hair. He grumbled and made his way back to his room.

+ + +

After I was finished blow drying my hair and fixing myself up for the day, I decided to try and wake Bran. It was amazing what he could sleep through. I threw my towel from earlier at him, and it lay damp on his chest. He didn't move. I walked over to him and removed the towel. No movement. I straddled his hips and played with his hair a bit, but he was still sleeping soundly.

"Bran?" I said to the open air.


"Braaaanddoonnn." I whispered in his ear, nipping at his earlobe. I sat up to see his reaction.

"Whaaaaaat?" He mumbled, smiling slightly. He wriggled uncomfortably under me.

"I think we should do something."

He opened his eyes and smirked at me. "Oh yeah?" Do what?"

I smirked back and leaned in so our lips were barely touching. "I think we should..." I ran my hand down his chest, "go for a walk." I climbed off of him quickly and pulled the sheet off him. "Hurry up and get dressed."