True love? Or Does Love Rot?

Yeah buddy! (Alec)


Kate's birthday was nothing less of amazing.

"Babe?" Kate mumbled.

"Yeah? I'm still here." I told her she got off the bed.

Her blonde hair was in a messy bun and it kind of looked hot. She had a White tank top on. Only.

"I think we have had sex a million time's but-" Before I could finish Kate cut me off."Ten." She said while picking up her sweat pant's. "What?" Confused I sat up on the bed.

"We've had sex ten time's not a million." She laughed.

"Oh.. Anyway's I've gotta say last night was amazing." I smiled at her. Her blue eye's gazing into mine she try's hard not to laugh. She failed.

"Do you want something to eat? I'm starving!" She headed down the hall to the kitchen. Last night we crashed at her sister Whitney's house because she told her parent's she missed her sister alot. Kate knew her sister was gone to her friends house out of town and Whitney never care's if we crash here. So I've gotta be honest I think I've never had that much fun on someone else's birthday.

Walking from Kate's room to the kitchen Kate starts humming the national anthem.

"What to eat what to eat..." She say's to her self while she lets her hand drift along every thing she passes.

"Do you want..."She look's in the pantry and try's to find some food.

"A Kiss? I would very much." I rapped my arm around her waist and bent down to get a kiss. A box of cereal smashes my face instead.

"I was think Lucky charm's!" She laugh's and remove's the box to kiss me.

"Very funny maybe Mr.Fitz was right. Smart ass." I chuckled at the thought of Mr.Fitz sitting in his class room waiting for us to arrive to Friday night detention. "Babe." Kate look's at me.

"I don't want to talk about school on a Saturday." She said while making our bowl of cereal.

"Don't make me a bowl can I just have a bite of your's?" I wasn't that hungry. She nod's her head.

"Shit my mom." I shouted to myself. "Tell her your going to spend the day with me."

I love my mom to death she's my only family beside Kate and her family. So I always try to keep her up to date with where I'm at. My dad left my mom before I was born. Coward. Nodding I got up to get my phone from Kate's room.

"I think it's on the table!" Kate shouted back.

"On the table.."I mumbled to myself while making my way to her bed side table. I go to pick up my phone where I find a condom. The used one. I pick it up to throw it away.

"FUCK!" I shouted. The condom busted! How could I have not noticed this last night?

"Babe what's wrong?" Kate asked while leaning on the door jam. I show her the busted condom. She gasp's for air. Knowing it was from last night . With our luck were screwed.