The Greenwood Shade


Never once has the Kingdom of Mesha been so empty. It had been four years since the horrors of that day occurred. Homes and shops were rebuilt. Grass and crops were replanted and grown. Pathways were washed and patched. It was all work of the new royal family. The blessed family restored peace to the kingdom and nearby land, but they could not erase the past. A new cemetery was built next to the kingdom’s church with a grand memorial standing in front. Not one survivor passed the area without a sign of the cross and a short prayer.

A young man with dirty blonde hair sat close to the backside of the memorial, straddling the edge of the wishing well. He peered inside as his hand threw up a golden ball and caught it again. He continued with a soft sigh, his gaze moving away from inside the well to the area around him. He threw the ball up and kept his hand in place, waiting for it to fall back down. When no weight fell into his waiting hand, he quickly looked over and down, watching in horror as his prized possession fell into the depths below.

“No…” he muttered softly, quickly getting off of the edge and standing on the outside. He leaned over and strained his eyes, hoping for a chance to see where it had landed. He could see nothing. Tears instantly formed as he continuously muttered under his breath, his hands pulling at the material around his neck when he began to feel claustrophobic. He fell to his knees and leaned his head against the hard stone.

“Why are you crying?” The young man’s eyes shot open as he looked up and around, expecting to see one of the commoners standing near him. “Surely a man as handsome as you has no reason to cry over a silly plaything,” the voice said. The man looked around again, finally standing up and noticing a frog sitting on the ledge of the well. He simply stared at the green creature. “I can fetch it for you, if it is really of importance.” The man’s eyes widened as he shook his head. Surely this frog wasn’t talking. He looked into the well before looking back at the creature.

“Please. I’ll give you anything. I will have my father build a gorgeous pond in our garden for you and your family. I will give you any money or jewels or clothing if you wish. I must have that ball back,” the man begged, his eyes on the creature. He watched the frog hop closer to the edge and look into the water. “Please. I will give you anything.”

The creature turned back to the man. “I lost my family years ago. I have no need for money, jewels, or clothing. However, if you promise to love me and have me eat from your plate and sleep in your bed, I will give you your ball.” The man stared down at the frog in disbelief before letting out a soft sigh. He nodded and forced a smile. The frog hopped into the well. Minutes later, the frog hopped back onto the stone edge, his body puffed out larger than before. He spit up the golden ball and hopped towards the man. The man instantly grabbed the ball with a smile and ran off, ignoring the creature calling after him.

It was not until two nights later that the young man heard word from the creature again. The royal family sat in the grand dining room eating the last course of their meal as a knock on the entry door was heard. The Prince fell silent, his eyes widening when he heard the familiar voice. “Open the door, my prince dear. Open the door to thy true love here! And mind the words that thou and I said, by the fountain cool in the greenwood shade.” He dropped his fork and hurried over to the door. He opened it and watched in horror as the frog hopped into the room.

The King and Queen watched, completely transfixed by the creature. The Prince made notion of talking, his eyes moving to the King. The King shook his head. “If you have made an oath with this creature, you must live by it. You will fulfill this promise as your mother and I have taught you.” The Prince hesitantly looked to the frog before sighing and picking it up. He carried it over to his seat and sat back down, dropping him at his golden plate. He watched the frog eat almost every morsel of the dinner without having anything to say.

“I am full now, though tired from the long trip I endured. Please take me upstairs and prepare for bed so we may go to sleep,” the frog ordered. The Prince simply stared at the creature for some time until the King ordered him to listen. He picked the frog up once more and carried him to his chambers. He left him on the wooden bedside table as he prepared for a quick bath. A short time later, the Prince reluctantly got into bed, his eyes on the table where the frog sat watching him. “I am also very tired. If you do not allow me into your bed, I will call for your father.”

The Prince scoffed, pushing the silk sheets away from his body and sitting up. He glared over to the frog and grabbed him roughly. “I will help you sleep,” he muttered before flinging the creature at the nearest wall. He made to lay down once more but stopped, a groan replacing the loud cracking noise he heard only seconds before. He stood up and watched as a familiar pair of large eyes looked straight over to him. “Min… Minho?” he asked hesitantly.

A man with dark, shoulder length hair sat where the frog had laid before. He nodded slightly as he stared over to the Prince. He finally smiled softly and forced himself up with a wince. The Prince ran over and wrapped his arms around the slightly taller man. “They said you were killed. The kingdom went into a panic because you-“ The Prince began, tears running down his face. He stared up at the taller man.

“Taemin-ah… I said I would be back,” Minho finally said, wiping the tears off of the Prince’s face. He gave him a soft smile before leaning over and kissing him lightly. The Prince smiled back. His kingdom was restored. The long lost, blessed prince had returned. His long lost, beloved prince had returned.
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I'm normally not one for writing happy endings. They never turn out the way I originally plan. However, this is a fairytale and I can't stand to see Minho and Taemin unhappy. I hope you enjoyed. Comments, as always, are appreciated.

♡ Shannon