Status: unfinished


Am I dreaming?

“Ring….Ring…Ring...” Callie suddenly fell out of her bed and landed straight onto the floor. Exhaustively, Callie groped around for her cell phone. She slid the phone open and began to slowly talk into it. “Uh…hello?” she whispered slowly into the phone, on the other line her twin sister Candy began to scream.” WHERE ARE YOU? School is going to start soon.” “Ugh!” Callie whispered, like a zombie that had just dug its way out of the ground. “I will be there soon, I promise,” she continued, hoping her sister would say bye and then hang up. On the other end Candy sounded mad still, “Ok…..just try to get here on time, I love you sis, see you at school”. The dial tone came on and Callie turned around and shut the phone. Walking into her closet she began to look for something to wear, but usually she would complain that she had nothing to wear, which in fact was true. Callie was the type of girl that thought shopping was a waste of her time. She rather be enjoying her favorite activates such as playing WOW or posting in blogs. But most of all Callie loved vampires. She always wished she could meet one and prove that vampires were real. Well, in fact, they were real to her. A long time ago, when Callie was younger, she used to live in this little house far away in the countryside. While Callie and her sister were playing, she had gotten lost in a forest. Suddenly, Callie heard a rustling sound from behind some bushes. Curiously, Callie stepped towards the bushes and peaked through them. Callie gazed upon a young handsome boy standing over a body. Completely and utterly speechless, Callie couldn’t believe her own eyes. Looking cautiously at the young boy, she noticed him reaching down at the body on the ground and lifting the neck of the body to his mouth. A small cry came from the body and blood covered the young boys face. Closing her eyes, Callie wanted to see if when she opened them he would disappear. Callie then opened her eyes slowly, but this time the boy was gone but the body was still there.