My Tattooed Angel


Brian's coming today. I'm excited to meet him, I hope he's like the rest of the band who are the most hopeless bunch of mother fuckers you'll ever meet. If he comes though that door with a suit and tie, I might just kill myself. Val is here, so I have someone to talk to. Val has been Matt's girlfriend since 6th grade, which is SO awesome. They are perfect for each other. Matt and I have never dated, even if he didn't have Val, it would be a little strange. Zacky and I dated in high school, but that didn't work to well. We're still really good friends though. The door opens and who I think is Brian, walks though. Brian's a friend of the band, so I'm told by Matt. Matt walks over to Brian, and then brings him over to Val and I.

"This is my Girlfriend, Val. And this is our guitar technition, Katie. I suggest you get along well with her." Matt says.

"You act like I'm a vampire or something." I say.

"I'm just saying considering that your the technition and he's the guitarist." Matt says.

"Fine." I say.

Matt and Brian walk to the other side of the room. Brian starts to unpack his guitar. He plugs it in to the amp.

"Watch out she does bite." Zacky whispers.

"I heard that." I say.

"Well you do." Zacky says.

"Name one time...wait, don't answer that." I say

"I win." Zacky says jumping up and down and clapping.

I roll my eyes and return to the magazine I was reading. Brian seems nice, at least he didn't walk in with a suit and tie. It turns out, Brian is an amazing guitarist. I get dizzy just watching his fingers move up and down the neck of his guitar. I might have said that Avenged Sevenfold's sound was awesome, but now with Brian, it's kick ass. Brian doesn't have the pleasure of having lunch with us, he had to leave.

"Brian asked if we were dating." Zacky says.

"Really?" I laugh.
"So what did you tell him?" I ask.

"I told him no...that we're married and have deep passionate sex every night." Zacky says.

"Your kidding right?" I ask.

"Maybe." Zacky says.

"Zacky!" I say.

"Yeah, I'm kidding. I told him that your single." Zacky says.

"Do you know why he asked?" I ask.

"I don't know, maybe he was just curious." Zacky says.

"Maybe." I say.