My Tattooed Angel

Girls Night In

Tomorrow is my wedding day. I couldn't be more excited about becoming a Haner, like my wonderful fiancé Brian. I'm on the bunk with my lap top, checking my E-mail. Val and Gena walk up to the bunk.

"Come on, we have a surprise you." Val says.

"Um...OK." I say closing my laptop and jumping off the bunk.

"Here, you'll need this." Gena says wrapping a bandanna around my head.

"Should I be scared?" I ask.

"Lacy's driving." Val says.

"Shit." I say.

Val and Gena lead me outside and into what I think is the van. Lacy starts the car, let's just say she's not the best driver ever.

"If Lacy crashes the car, and one of you guys survive...will you tell Syn I love him?" I ask.

"Chill out, I'm not going to crash the van." Val says.

"Where are we going anyways?" I ask.

"You''ll see." Val says.

Lacy stops short. I'm surprised that she didn't run anyone over yet. I have no clue where we are, it's sort of scary. We turned a lot, that's all I know.

"We're here." Val says.

"I'm I allowed to see now?" I ask.

"Not yet." Leana says leading me out of the van by the arm.

The lead me into a building. I still have no clue where I am, it's frustrating. We head into an elevator and I hear a door open. Some one starts to untie the bandanna around my head. We're in a hotel room.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Your bachelorette sleepover party." Leana says.

"You guys are awesome." I say.
"What about my stuff?" I ask.

"Covered." Val says pulling out a suitcase from behind the bed.

It being 10:00PM already, we all change. By the time I'm changed, Leana has five strawberry margaritas sitting on the table. She's always been good at making drinks. I grab mine and sit on the bed, Val rented a bunch of movies so we watch those.
It's now 2:00AM, and we're all movied out.

"Let's play truth or dare." Lacy says.
"Leana, you starts." She says.

"Alright, for our bride to be. Truth or Dare?" Leane asks.

"Truth, your dares scare me." I say.

"So do her truths." Val says.

"How did you lose your virginity. I want details. Who, where, when?" Leana asks.

"Alright...sorry Gena, it was Zacky." I say.

"And..." Leana says.

"Middle of 10th grade, before Jay split us apart...I think it was in his room." I say.
"Satisfied?" I ask.

"Very." Leane

In the hour we played truth or dare we all learned things that we're a little T.M.I, that's OK though...we had fun. After a while, we remember that I'm getting married tomorrow and decide to go to sleep.