My Tattooed Angel

Letters from Brian

I'm now two months pregnant. That means four months until Brian gets to come home. My stomach is starting to show...I wish Brian could see it. Matt walks up to the bunk with something in his hands.

"This came in the mail for you." Matt says handing me an envelope.

"Ok...thanks." I say.

I take the envelope and look at the's from the prison. I feel my heart beat race faster, I can't help but think the worse. I quickly open the envelope. Inside is a piece of notebook paper folded into threes. I slowly unfold the paper.

I just found out that there's a letter exchange program. I started this as soon as I found out. Prison life is...well, let's just say I'd prefer to be with you. I barley get any sleep at night, this place is really creepy at night. I miss you so much, it's so lonely here. How's mini me doing? I wish I could be there for you. I love you.
P.S - Please write back.

I read the letter over and over again. I can almost hear his voice reading it to me. I hold the letter close to my chest. I better write back.

I'm glad to hear your OK. The past month all I've been doing has been worrying about you. I miss you too. It's been really hard to do this without you. The guys got a replacement for you. His name is Mike and I hate him. Mini me...I like it. He/she is fine. My stomach is viable, I wish you could see. Be safe OK?
Love, Katie.

I re-read the letter I just written, sounds good. I draw a horses head and then a female stick figure next to it. I write "We miss you" under my little doodle. Before I put it in an envelope I take the picture of Brian, Chance, and I and slip it in. I lick the envelope and put all the addresses that I need on it. I put it on my pillow so I won't forget about it. Poor Brian...I can't even imagine how hard it it for him right now. When Jimmy heads out, I ask him to drop off the envelope at the post office.

"Hey, you wanna go do something?" Johnny asks.

"Sure, anything to take my mind off Brian." I say jumping off my bed.

Johnny and I don't get a lot of time together, this is gonna be fun. We head to the come every time I go out with one of the guys, we eventually end up in Victoria's Secret? Johnny picks up a pair of bikinis and holds them up to his but.

"Do you think these would make my ass look big?" Johnny asks.

"Of course not." I say.

"Good, cuz I sort of like them." Johnny says walking to the counter.

I watch him as he walks up to the counter and places the bikini bottom on the counter. The sales clerk must of overheard our little conversation, because she gives him a priceless look.

"I can't believe you bought those." I say as we walk out of the store.

"I wasn't kidding, I really like the pattern." Johnny says.

"Tell that to Lacy and she'll think you've gone queer or something." I say.

We walk past a shoe store. Johnny stops and looks in the window as I walk on. I realize that he stopped and walk back to him.

"Oh no...your not thinking of buying a pair of stilettos, are you?" I ask.

"No...but, look." Johnny says pointing out a pair of cowboy boots.

"Oh god, not Cowboy Christ." I say.

One day when recording, Johnny walked in with nothing on besides a cowboy hat and boots. Which is also known as the Cowboy Christ ensemble. I roll my eyes and keep walking. Johnny catches up with me.

"I'm getting a smoothie, and there's nothing you can do to stop me." Johnny says walking to a Mr.Smoothie stand.

"Yum...sounds good to me." I say pulling out my wallet.

I get a strawberry banana smoothie, and Johnny gets a mango one. We sit down on a bench and I pull out my phone.

"Smile." I say holding out my phone and posing.

I laugh at the outcome of the picture. We both look like two creeps sitting in the middle of a mall drinking smoothies...oh wait. Johnny really helped me to take my mind off Brian...well at least for a little while. Gotta love friends.
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The Cowboy Christ thing actually DID happen...I promised myself I would at least mention it. Don't ask how I know these things...I have connections My friend sent me an article about Matt, Zacky, and Johnny talking about their sex life.