My Tattooed Angel

My boys

I look back on the calender. It's almost been a year since I've rode Chance. I think it's time to give my old friend a visit. He should meet Nathan too.

"Hey Brian, I'm heading to the barn. Wanna come?" I ask.

"Sure." Brian says hopping down the hallway getting his shoe on.

I laugh and head to the living room to get Nathan out of his playpen. By the time I get back, Brian 's ready to go. He grabs the keys and I follow him out of the house. Lisa got the half of the barn that was damaged fixed, so it looks good as new. As Brian stops the car I race into the barn.

"Hey boy." I say taking down the rubber bar.

I mount him in his stall and duck my head as he canters out of his stall. Once in the main part of the barn and get him in to a gallop. I pass Brian who just got Nathan out of the car. As I head down the driveway, I throw my arms in the air and let out a cry of happiness. I steer Chance into the field and circle it a couple times. After I ride back to Brian and Nathan.

"If you think she's crazy now, just wait." Brian says.

" I maybe crazy, but that's why you love me." I say swinging my leg over Chance's back.

Chance catches his breath as I walk him to his favorite patch. I sit down on the ground next to him. I pat the ground next to me and Brian sits down. He puts Nathan on his stomach in front of us and we watch him play with the grass in his hands. In the corner of my eye I notice Chance take a couple steps to Nathan. Brian tenses up.

"It's OK, he won't hurt him." I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

Chance sniffs Nathan and then licks his forehead. Nathan looks up at us, I can tell he's confused. I laugh and give Chance a pat. Nathan reaches his arm out and touches Chances nose.

"Awww." I say.

Chance let's out a little sneeze and Nathan laughs. My two babies get along. I stand up and walk Chance back into the barn. Brian carries Nathan.

"Your a good boy." I say scratching behind Chance's ears.

He closes his eyes in relaxation.

"What about me?" Brian asks.

"Your a good boy too." I say rustling his hair.
"Sometimes." I say.