Status: New Chapter Soon!

The Summer Lake House

Newly-Made Promises

It was eight o’ clock in the morning, and I was blasting my music, while I double-checked everything I had packed for my trip. To be honest, I was extremely nervous about reuniting with Matthew. I knew that I have changed these past years, and feared that he wouldn’t accept me back in his life. I would do anything to get my best friend back and prove that I never abandoned him. 

Snapping me out of my thoughts, I heard light knocking on my bedroom door. The knob slowly turned, and revealed my dad’s tired form. 

“ Are you ready, kiddo?” he asked, groggily. 

“ I am double-checking everything now, and will probably leave in a few minutes.” I responded. He scanned over my bags of luggage and just nodded his head in approval.

It took a very extensive and persistent conversation with my father, until I able to finally convince him to let me stay at the lake house by myself. He agreed knowing that I would be spending most of my time at the Reid’s. My father stopped going to the lake house when I was eleven, because he started his own law firm. His job demanded the majority of his time, leaving me alone on most weeknights. I have learned throughout my high school years how to be “alone” and have grown to be more independent.

“ Are you sure your up for this Taylor?” he questioned, while rubbing his sleepy eyes.

“ I have been to the lake house alone before, dad. There is nothing to worry about.” I coaxed.

“ I guess you are almost an adult now,” he began to rub the back of his neck, “ and you will be off on your own soon enough. It just feels as if it was only yesterday that I told you about the lake house.”

“ Dad don’t get all mushy on me now.” I said while scrunching my nose.

“ Sorry kiddo.” he apologized and then pulled me in for a long hug.

He kissed the top of my forehead and pulled back to give me a serious look. 

“ Promise to stay out of trouble, okay?” 

I gave him a loving smile and said, “ I promise.” 


It took about four and half hours – with traffic – for me to finally arrive at my destination, lake Eleanor. I pulled up my forgotten lake house, and agreed that it is still as beautiful as the first time I laid eyes on it. I turn around to face the rippling lake, and it brought a smile to my face, bringing back all its wonderful memories. After dropping off all my bags and sending my dad a reassuring text message, I decide to make my way to the Reid’s. I begin to walk through the familiar towering trees and I am able to make out arguing voices as I draw closer. It wasn’t until I was back onto the concrete path that I realized it was Jordan and Chase, Matthew’s older brothers, arguing with each other. 

“ Dude I swear! Last year you got to take the boat out first.” said Chase.

“ No man. Remember you took Mackenzie out?!” argued Jordan. 

“ That was the year before!” Chase yelled while throwing his hands up in the air.

I just watched silently, behind a tree as they kept debating back and forth. I had to suppress back my laughter, because this was so typical of them. They have always been like big brothers to me and I missed their comical personalities. I waited a few minutes until I couldn’t take it anymore. I moved from behind the tree, and loudly cleared my throat, while crossing my arms over my chest. It took a couple tries, until they finally silenced and turned towards me.

“ Little Tay? Is that you?” asked Jordan with wide eyes. 

“ Hey Jordy!” I smiled widely. 

Both of them looked me from head to toe, with astonished expressions on their faces. 

Chase wolf-whistled, causing me to blush, and said, “ Someone has grown up!”

I look down to the floor, hiding my flustered face, and mumble, “ What did you expect to happen in three years?”

Suddenly I felt two pairs of hands, lift me up from the ground, and head towards the direction of the lake.

I started thrashing around and yelled, “Chase and Jordan Reid put me down, right now!”

“ Did you hear something Chase?” questioned Jordan.

“ I think it was just the wind, bro,” stated Chase with a mischievous grin.

“ Oh no. Do not try to act like you don’t hear me!” I shout still kicking as hard as I could.

“I refuse to let you guys get me this time.”

“ Aw, come on Little Tay!” pleaded Jordan.
“ It’s tradition,” agreed Chase.

“ I don’t give a sh*t about tradition! Put me down!”

It was no use. It was impossible to get out of their strong grasps. I decided that it was inevitable, so gave up trying to escape. 

I angily mumbled, “ You guys are going to get it.”

They just chuckled and turned to each other with a knowing smile. Oh no.

Immediately, I felt my body splash into the cool water, soaking me completely. I cursed to myself for wearing a white shirt. I should have known that they would try to throw me into the lake, like every other year. 

I resurfaced and popped my head out of the water, glaring at the two boys I have loved since childhood. It was at this moment that I was able to take in their appearances. I remember them being fairly attractive, but it seems that time has done them some good. Both were well built, with chiseled jaws, buffed out arms, and tanned skin. They had the unmistakable dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes, just like Matthew. Thinking back, they had the reputation to be players, and I bet it just has gotten worse overtime. 

Jordan smirked saying, “ I know that I am irresistible, but don’t you think I am a little old for you?” He turned and winked at me, making me roll my eyes.

Jordan was the oldest of the three boys. He was twenty-two, while Chase was twenty. Matthew was the youngest, and currently eighteen years old. Being just one grade ahead of me, we got along the best out of all of them. 

I was now getting eager to see Matthew again and asked, “ Where’s Matty?”

Both of them turned to look at each other, slipping a smile. 

Chase jokingly responded, “ Abandoning us already?”

“ I am not- ” Jordan held out his hand, interrupting me and said, “ He is up in his room Little Tay.” Knowing him, he is probably unpacking already, I thought to myself.

I was about to pull myself out of the water, but a mischievous idea popped in my head.

“ Jordddyyy? ” I cooed.

“ Yes, beautiful?” I rolled my eyes at the pet name. 

“ The least you can do is help me out.” I remarked. 

He just shook his head, and stuck his hand out. It wasn’t until I pulled him into the water with me, that he realized what I was up to. 

“ Goddamn…” I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Payback can be a bitch.

Chase realized that he was the next victim and started backing away from the pier, but Jordan was too quick. Within seconds, he was pulled into the water, getting completely soaked, as well. Of course, being boys, they instantly started wrestling and I decided this would be a good time to find Matthew. I pulled myself up and out of the chilly lake water, walking back down the pier. 

I giggled and just shook my head at Chase and Jordan, now making my way to Matthew’s familiar room. 

Entering their house, it appeared that nothing really changed, except for a few new pictures that were randomly placed throughout the rooms. 

I walked upstairs, and stopped myself, directly in front of his door. My stomach was completely in knots and I almost scared myself into leaving. After a few minutes of just staring, I took a deep breath, and lightly knocked on the door. 

“ It’s open!” called a deep, masculine voice.

I turned the knob and walked into Matthew’s room, noticing that it remained the same. For some reason this gave me a sense of comfort, and I released a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

Matthew’s back was towards me and he was, unsurprisingly, unpacking his suitcases. 

Still not turning around he asked, “ Have you guys decided who gets the boat, because I want to- ” He finally turned around to face me, stopping midsentence. We both froze and stared at each other with stunned looks. 

I couldn’t believe that this was my Matty. The skinny, little boy I pictured was now grown up. Chase and Jordan weren’t the only ones who inherited their parent’s good looks. Like his brothers, he was very fit with firm muscles on his arms, chest and torso. He also grew a good several inches, causing him to tower over my small body. I just couldn’t believe it. The only thing that reassured me that he was the same boy, who found me in the woods all those years ago, was his bright blue eyes.

I realize that I was noticeably checking him out, but he was doing the same to me. I began to feel a bit self-conscious in my soaked clothing, and see-through shirt. I wanted to cover up but I just stood there paralyzed. Both of us continued to keep our equal astonished expressions, until Matthew finally broke the silence.

“Taylor?” he asked me, warily.

“ Hey Matty.” I crookedly smiled.

“ It’s been- ”

“ A while.” He said, finishing my sentence. 

I looked down awkwardly, staring at nothing in particular. He cleared his throat, causing me to look back up. 

“ You look… er… different, ” he mumbled, nervously.

“ Same with you.” I commented, sneaking another glance at him.

There was definitely an awkward tension between the two of us, and I couldn’t help but feel guilty. I am the one who caused this, disappearing for three summers. I guess I shouldn’t have expected things to be the same as they were before. 

Then, surprising me, I heard him softly whisper “I missed you, Tay…”

This caused me to look directly into his sincere eyes. I could feel my heart beating rapidly, and felt this new pressure in my chest. I knew that I couldn’t hold back what I was feeling, so I ran and threw my arms around my forgotten best friend. My face was in the crook of his neck, and I breathed in his intoxicating scent. 

I whispered back to him, “ I missed you too, Matty.”

He instantly hugged me back with so much force, that it was hard for me to breathe. Realizing that he was not only much bigger, but also much stronger than me, he loosened his arms. We stayed in this position for who-knows how long, trying to make up for lost time. 

Finally, he pulled away looking back at my face which was now wet with happy tears. He left one arm looped around my waist, and wiped away the stray tears with his thumb. Then, he gently moved a piece loose hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear. I couldn’t help but smile at such a loving gesture. This was my Matty. My savior. My protector. My best friend. 

“ Sorry I got you all wet…” I mumbled, noticing his newly damp clothes.

“ It’s fine, Tay.” he reassured. I smiled at the nickname.

One thing about Matthew was that when he was looking at you, you felt like his was looking directly into your soul – as cheesy as that sounds. This is how I felt at this very moment, and I recognized my cheeks beginning to flush from our close proximity. I began to turn away but Matthew realized what I was doing, grabbed my chin, and forced me to look back into his laughing eyes. 

His expression suddenly turned serious and he pleaded, “ Promise to never leave me again, Taylor Marie Evans.” 

Feeling his intense gaze on my face, I answered with an unquestionable “ I promise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is chapter 2!!!
I hope you guys like it and thanks for those who have given this story a chance :D

Big shout out to April Showers for your comment :)

Let me know what you guys think <3