Status: New Chapter Soon!

The Summer Lake House

Friendly Competition

I was standing there stunned, looking up at my surprisingly attractive best friend. I couldn’t believe that he would just accept me back into his life again, after all these years.
The problem was that, at the moment, I was having an inner battle with myself. I couldn’t suppress these unexpected feelings I was having towards him. I mean he is my best friend, and this is no way to be feeling towards your best friend. He is the one who helped me through my hardest times, and protected me from my biggest fears. But I know I am going to have to ignore how I am feeling right now. I just got him back, and I am not willing to lose him again.

“ I can see that Chase and Jordan found you before I did.” He chuckled, while looking me once over.

I scowled in response and mumbled, “ I swear every year…”

Ever since I started staying at the lake on my own, or technically at the Reid’s, Chase and Jordan made it their tradition to throw me in. They always said that it was my “initiation” in a sense, since I wasn’t exactly part of the family. They would also say that it didn’t count unless it was unexpected. I just shook my head while remembering all the times that had caught me by surprise.

I didn’t realize I was zoning until I looked up to catch Matthew staring at me rather intently.

In an attempt to make it less awkward, I asked, “ Do you mind if I borrow some dry clothes? I don’t exactly feel… erm… decent.”

I can see his face redden a little, when he realized I was referring to my see-through shirt.

He nervously rubbed the back of his neck and responded, “ Sure. Let me go grab something.”

He began to rummage through his suitcases until he found a large shirt and a pair of boxers. Without facing me, he tossed his clothes in my general direction.

“ I can… uhh… give you a minute to change.” he spoke pretty quickly, and then bolted out the door.

Well, that was strange. I always borrowed his clothes when I was younger, and he never seemed bothered by it before. I just sighed and picked up the clothes off the ground. I guess not everything could stay the same.

I changed as fast as I could, and hung my damp clothes in his bathroom. I couldn’t help but smile, while I breathed in his scent. I always loved to borrow his clothes, because they smelled just like him.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, I opened the door in search of Matthew. He wasn’t waiting outside the door like I thought, so I figured he must have went downstairs. As I made my way, I could faintly hear a bunch of voices talking at once. It wasn’t until I entered the kitchen that I realized it was Mrs. Reid scolding Chase and Jordan, who were currently drenched from the lake.

“ What am I going to do with you two?” she questioned loudly.

Then Jordan interjected, “ But you don’t understand, it was- ”

Mrs. Reid interrupted him saying, “ I don’t want to hear it.” She was shaking her head in disapproval. “You boys go change, and make sure you have a decision about the boat when you come back.”

Both of them dropped their heads in defeat, but snapped them back up when they spotted me.

Jordan commented, “ Long time no see, Little Tay.” He then winked at me, and I just raised my eyebrow at him.

“ I see you found our brother,” added Chase, while taking in my new appearance.
That’s when Mrs. Reid turned around, to see whom they were talking to. The minute she recognized me her entire face lit up.

“ Taylor Evans, is that you?!” she nearly shouted.

“ It’s nice to see you Mrs. Reid!” I responded, happily. I ran and gave her a long hug.

“ After all these years, you couldn’t remember to call me Alice?” Before I could answer she added, “ Look at you! Your all grown up, and as beautiful as ever.” She said this while raising her eyebrows.

Why did this family always find a way to make me blush?

“ Oh yes she is.” whistled, Jordan with a smile.

“ Aw, we are making her blush.” Chase teased.
Curse you Reid brothers! I hated that they knew how easy it was to fluster me.

Then, while lightly smacking them in the back of their heads, Mrs. Reid ordered, " Now leave the poor girl alone. She's out of your league anyways." She turned and winked at me.

I couldn't help but giggle. But I knew it was more like I was out of their league! Their whole family was gorgeous.

Both Chase and Jordan began arguing on who had the most "game". I just rolled my eyes. I swear, sometimes boys can be such… boys. I took this opportunity to turn back towards Mrs. Reid. You could tell that the boys got their looks from her, with her beautiful, long dark-brown hair, ebony skin, and piercing blue eyes. I couldn’t believe that even now, she looked just as beautiful as before. I always admired her because she treated me as if I was her own daughter. I just wish that I made more of an effort to keep in contact with her.

Breaking me out of my daze, she stated, “ You are probably looking for Matthew, huh? He just went for a walk outside, but I am sure you can find him.” I could hear the suggestion in her voice, but pretended to be oblivious to it. 

“ Thanks Mrs. … I mean Alice.” I added with a smile.

“ Anytime.” She responded with a wink and yelled once more at Jordan and Chase to go change.

I started to make my way outside, and I had a feeling I knew where I would find Matthew. I walked straight for the trees that lay in between my house and the Reid’s. Over the years, Matt and I found a little area that we declared as our “special spot”. Anytime we needed an escape this is where we would meet up, day or night.

Pushing my way passed stray branches, I finally found Matt sitting on a large rock, staring out into the horizon. One of the reasons we chose this spot was because it had the perfect view of the lake. I remember sneaking out at midnight, just so I could lie down and stare up at the moon reflecting off of the clear water.

Matthew finally heard my footsteps and turned around to give me a crooked smile.

“ How did I know I would find you here?” I questioned with a smirk.

He just shook his head and patted the spot next to him. I felt his arm wrap around my waist as I sat down and leaned my head against his shoulder. It felt so nice to be back in his arms, and honestly, I never wanted to leave them. While I was staring out at the lake, an idea popped into my head.

“ Hey Matty?” I asked.

“ Yes Tay?” he answered.

“ Remember what we used to do every year on our first day?”

I turned to him and I could see a sparkle in his eyes.

He softly chuckled and asked, “ What are the stakes?” 

I took a moment and silently thought to myself. 

“ How about whoever loses has to be the winner’s ‘personal slave’ for an entire day?” I suggested.

He flashed his perfect white teeth and said, “ I like the sound of that.”

“ Someone’s a little cocky.” I teased.

He crossed his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow.

“That’s because I know I can kick your ass.” He smirked.

I interjected, “ If I remember correctly, I was the one who kicked your ass every summer.”

“ Oh, it is on!” he shouted, excitedly.

Realizing that we weren’t dressed properly, we decided to strip out of our clothes. 

I turned to look at Matt and I almost wish I didn’t. He was down to only his boxers and he had the body of a god! With just a single glance, I could feel my cheeks heating up. In order to distract myself, I decided to undress as well. I was glad that I decided to wear my cute underwear today that consisted of lace. Finally, turning back around I caught Matt staring at me with wide eyes. Unsurprisingly, the blush came back faster than it disappeared.

Acting as if I didn’t notice, I yelled, “ You are going down,” and began to run full speed towards the lake. 

Snapping out of his daze he yelled back, “ What the… I can see your still a cheater!”

I just giggled and instantly jumped into the refreshingly cool water. As I made my way to the surface, I felt a big splash of water beside me. Automatically, I began to swim as fast as I could toward the other side of the lake. Soon enough, Matt was in front of me and beat me to the other side. 

After catching my breath I pouted, “ You made it look so effortless!”

He began to chuckle again, sending warmth throughout my body. 

“ Tay, I was in water polo and swim,” he smiled.

Narrowing my eyes, I mumbled, “ Not all of us can have six packs.”

“ What was that?” he questioned.

“ Oh, nothing.” I added quickly.

He just shook his head and slowly began to make his way back to our spot. Not wanting to be left alone, I trailed behind him. He pulled himself out of the water and then offered his hand out to me. I grabbed onto it and he lifted me up as if I weighed nothing. I just couldn’t believe that this was the same skinny boy I knew all those years ago.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t paying attention to where I put my feet and fell right on top of Matthew. 

Trust me, this wasn’t the best position to be in when you are soaking wet and only in your underwear. Matthew, obviously, noticed this and both of our breathing became ragged. My face was just inches from his, and I couldn’t help but melt into his eyes. He brought his hand up to cup my face and began to move his face closer to mine. My heart was beating rapidly, and I almost didn’t register what was happening. Not wanting to affect out repairing friendship, I moved my head away.

In an attempt to get up, I placed my hands onto his chest and tried to push myself up. But instead of getting up, I ended up encircling my legs around his waist so I was straddling him. Noticing my compromising position, his eyes widened and I immediately jumped off, causing me to fall face-first into the ground. Very smooth Taylor. 

“ Tay, are you alright?” he asked, concerned.

“No I am not alright! I almost kissed my best friend,” I wanted to say, but instead said, “ I could be better.”

Matthew helped me off the ground and made sure I was stable before he let go. I turned back towards him and our eyes interlocked. He was just about to say something when I heard Mrs. Reid yelling out.

“ Matthew! The phone is for you!” she shouted.

We didn’t break our stare until I finally said, “You better get that.” He just nodded and we began to change back into our clothes. Finally, he grabbed my hand and we made our way back towards the house.

Once we got to the front door, he asked, “ Who is it, mom?”

“ It’s Stephanie. You must have left your cell phone upstairs.”

The minute those words left her mouth, his grip on my hand tightened. He just stared up at her, frozen in his place.

“Hurry up! You don’t want to keep her waiting,” demanded Mrs. Reid.

He took a deep breath, and finally released my hand. Once he was out of hearing range I asked Mrs. Reid, “Who is Stephanie?”

“ Oh honey, she’s his girlfriend!” she stated.

His what?!?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay for chapter 3 :D
Haha so I know I updated really fast, but this is only a one time thing... well unless i get a little motivation *cough cough* :P
Anyways, thanks again to April Showers! You seriously made my day :)

Let me know what you guys think <3