Status: New Chapter Soon!

The Summer Lake House

The First Dance

It was my fifth summer at the lake when the nearby country club began to have its annual summer dance. I was twelve while Matt was thirteen, and I just happened to be going through that awkward stage right before you transition into a teenager. Matt on the other hand was starting to get more noticed by girls, and was growing cuter each day. The dance was all anybody would talk about and everyone was eager to find the “perfect” date. Unsurprisingly, Matthew had no trouble finding one, but I was too shy to even look at a boy my age. I specifically remember the Reid brothers trying to convince me into going.

“ Come on, Little Tay!” whined Jordan

“ You don’t know what you are missing out on!” shouted Chase.

Then Matthew turned to me with his big, sparkling blue eyes and said, “I know that Jason needs a date, Tay. Why don’t I talk to him? It won’t be any fun without you.”

All three boys were watching at me with that look, and I knew that I had to go.

“ Fine. But I am blaming you if it sucks.” I said stubbornly.

They all started chuckling, and Matthew picked me up in a bear hug.

Placing me back down on the ground, he looked at me and smiled. “ I swear you won’t regret this, Tay.”

If only he knew.

The next day Matthew talked to Jason, and it turned out he didn’t have a date and agreed to go with me. I was surprised considering a lot of girls would have loved to go with him – and trust me, that is an understatement. I was suddenly very excited and went with Mrs. Reid to find a dress. She set up a hair appointment and promised to help me get ready before the dance.

When the day of the dance finally arrived I could not keep the butterflies that were forming in my stomach. This was not something that I would do on a regular basis. I never did this – let alone even talk with another boy besides the Reid boys.

Once I was all dressed and ready, I waited downstairs with the boys for my date to arrive. I remember everyone’s exact reactions as I came down the stairs. Matthew’s eyes grew wide and he gave me that signature smile, while with other brothers wolf-whistled at me. I knew at that point my face was a flaming red.

“ It’s not like you haven’t seen a girl in a dress before.” I murmured still blushing.

“ True but never you, Little Tay.” smirked Jordan. I just shook my head, and then looked over to my best friend who still had a huge smile on his face.

“ You look really pretty, Tay” complimented Matty.

“Er… you look uh… good too Matty.” I mumbled back. Matthew knew how shy I was and just chuckled at my reaction.

Finally the doorbell rang and there appeared Jordan, Chase, and Matty’s dates - but no Jason.

Before greeting his date Matty said, “ Don’t worry he will be here soon. If not I will personally beat his ass.”

This made me smile because I knew that he always was looking out for me. I introduced myself to all their dates, whom were obviously not paying too much attention to me. I knew most girls would do anything to go on a date with any of the Reid brothers.

We all waited half an hour before I decided that they should just leave without me. The dance was walking distance from their house, and I didn’t want to make anyone late.

“ Guys its fine. I am sure he will be here soon!” I positively stated. I didn’t want to ruin anyone’s night.

“ Tay, I don’t know…” said Matthew doubtfully.

Luckily, I peeked out the window and saw Jason approaching in the distance.

“See there he is! You guys go ahead. I will catch up with you.” I smiled.

Matty tilted his head to the side and said, “ Tay we can wai- “

“ Matty I think we kept your dates waiting long enough.” I interrupted

I heard his date say, “ Let’s just go, baby.” He just nodded his head and looked back towards me.

“Alright but let me know if you need anything.” I can see the sincerity in his eyes.

“ I will I will.” I promised. “ Now go before it gets dark!” I half-laughed.

Once they left, Jason just made it to the front door.

I gave him the best smile I could manage and said, “ Hey Jason.”

I can feel him taking in my appearance and then smirking.

“ Taylor.” Was all said. No explanation. No apology. Just a one-word answer. But I told myself to stop obsessing and focus on getting to the dance.

“ Ready to go?” I asked, peeking up at him.

He was staring at me with a look that made my stomach turn to knots.

“ Yep.”

Then he just grabbed my hand and was pulling me in the wrong direction.

“ Jason can you slow down. I think we are going the wrong way,” I urged.

He slowed down but didn’t loosen his grip.

“Jason, where are we going?”

He rolled his eyes and said, “ I am meeting up with a couple of my friends. Is that alright?”

“Umm… yeah sure.” I said hesitantly.

Soon enough I realized we were going in the direction of Wyatt’s house. Just hearing Wyatt’s name made me feel tense, and I began to wish we just went straight to the dance.

Wyatt opened the door with a mischievous grin on his face, sending shivers down my body.

“ Well look who it is. Didn't bring your little boyfriend with you today?”

The only thing I could do was shake my head. Now I wish I listened to Matthew.

“ Can’t we just go to the dance?” I choked – I can feel the tears forming in my eyes.

“ Nah, I was just thinking we hang out here,” stated Jason nonchalantly.

“But I thought…”

“ You thought what? Like I was really going to the dance with a loser like you.”

I couldn’t believe it. I just wanted to run home, rip my dress off, and pretend this never happened. But instead I was stuck and I had no idea what to do.

Both boys were staring at me with such intensity that I started to panic.

Then I heard Wyatt ask Jason, “ Do you think I can have some fun with her for a little?”

Jason just smirked again. “ You’re the one who wanted her. Do whatever, I am going to stop by the dance.”

Then he got up and left. He left me alone with Wyatt of all people! That’s when I really started panicking.

I felt Wyatt turn my face towards him.

“ You don’t have to cry Taylor. I promise there isn't anything I will do to you that you wouldn't personally enjoy.”

I sucked in a breath and tried to calm myself down. That’s when I opened my eyes and realized what he was trying to do. He not only was going to ruin the dance for me, but also steal my very first kiss.

That moment I knew that I had to find a way out of there. That’s when I got an idea. I kicked him hard – you know, where the sun don’t shine - and ran as fast as I could. I ran all the way to the place that Matty and me found the other day. For some reason, I felt an attraction to it and felt that I could actually be safe there.

Once I knew that he couldn’t find me, I collapsed to the ground and let my tears flow. It felt like hours before I heard footsteps approaching. I was ready to put up a fight, but then saw it was Matthew. He looked exhausted, and his eyes were full of concern.

“ Tay… I am so sorry,” he whispered.

I couldn’t really say anything and just ran into his arms and started to cry again.

“ I swear I thought Jason was a good guy.” He started to say. “ I never thought...”

I looked up at Matty and saw he was really beating himself up.

I pulled myself out of his arms and mumbled, “ Matty.” His head snapped towards mine.

“ Don’t blame yourself. How could you have known?” I told him. He just shook his head.

“ How did you even find me?” I whispered.

He half-smiled and said, “You know that I will always find you - even when you feel that it is impossible.”

Those words gave me this weird feeling in my chest that I couldn’t explain.

“ What about your date? ”

His face then turned angry.

“ Turns out she knew what Jason was planning. I was going to go back and look for you, but she got really upset. She ended up telling me everything, begging me to stay.”

“Oh…” was all I could say. “ Matty, it wasn’t just him. It was Wy- ”

“ Wyatt. I know.” He said this with his fists clenched to the sides. I could tell he was holding back his anger.

“ Matty, I am alright now.” I said, grabbing one of his hands. He looked towards me and wiped the moisture from under my eyes.

“ I am never letting you out of my sight again,” he affirmed.

We ended up staying there for a few more hours, until both of us calmed down. Later, Matthew mentioned how Jordan and Chase flipped out and went after Jason and Wyatt. He said he wished that he could have gone with them, but knew he had to find me first. I smiled to myself, knowing how lucky I was to have such an amazing best friend.

We were just laying side-by side looking at the stars, when Matthew said something that I would never forget.

“ Hey Tay?”

“ Yes?”

“ I am going to be your date to the dance next year,” said Matthew confidently.

“ Matty, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I don’t think dances are my thing.”

“ I am not going to let those… those… idiots ruin the dance for you.”

“ Matty- ” I rolled to my side to look at him, but he was already looking me.

“ Tay, I promise that I will never let anyone hurt you like that again.”

I could hear the beating of my heart when he said this. I wish he realized how big of a promise that was, and how impossible it was to keep.

The truth was that Matty ended up being my date to the rest of the dances. I will never forget that night because I think that was the night that I realized that the relationship between us was forever changed. The only problem was that it was a lot more than I ever imagined and that I would never really realize that for many years.


I was standing outside a little boutique, while Matthew, Stephanie, and Mrs. Reid, were all inside. Stephanie was getting on my nerves, and I just needed to take a break from her. The entire day she would “model” the most revealing, tight-fitted, and low-cut clothing she could find. And conveniently, Matthew would be right there to view her little show. I didn’t want to be rude on Mrs. Reid’s behalf, so I decided to say that I had to take “a call” outside.

I was now pacing back and forth, trying to calm myself down. I didn’t realizing I was speaking out loud, until Audrey came up from behind me.

“ Who is a fake bitch?” laughed Audrey.

“ Er… nobody.” I mumbled, trying to hide my face.

“ Oh really? Doesn’t sound like nobody to me. Now where is that lover boy of yours?” she pressed.

“Lover boy?” I questioned.

“ You know, Matthew Reid? The boy you have been attached to the hip with, since like forever.”

“ I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“ Oh please! It is totally obvious that you guys were meant to be together. I don’t know what’s stopping you.”

That’s when Stephanie appeared, still wearing a too-tight dress.

“ I am just checking if you are done with your call. Mrs. Reid wanted me to tell you that she will treat you to a dress for the summer dance.” She said this as cheerful as possible, but I knew it was fake.

I answered with my own fake smile and said, “ Tell her I be there in a couple minutes. I just bumped into Audrey.”

She smiled at Audrey and then went back inside.

“ Ugh I just can’t stand her!” I shouted – a little too loud.

“ She seems nice to me,” shrugged Audrey.

I just glared at her, causing her to giggle.

“ Girl, I will talk to you later. Looks like we have a lot of catching up to do. Better get back in there. ” She winked.

I shook my head, put my best fake-smile on, and push the door open.

“ Oh honey there you are! What do you think about Stephanie’s dress?” asked Mrs. Reid.

My face nearly dropped, but I recovered quickly.

“ Its... pretty.” I commented softly.

Then Stephanie turned to Matthew and said, “ Baby, aren’t you excited that we finally get to go to the dance together!”

His eyes met mine, but I looked away quickly. If only he remembered the way I did.

That’s when I heard him say, “ Maybe we should just pass on this one Steph.”

Did he really just say that? Did he do it for me? Maybe he really didn’t want to go to the dance.

“ Don’t be silly babe.” She said this while looking at herself in the mirror.

Then he confirmed my questioning thoughts. “ I just don’t want to break any promises... ” he mumbled

I immediately looked back up at Matthew with wide eyes.

“ I don’t know what that even means Matt, but we are going,” she said persistently.

If only she knew.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dear my loyal readers/subscribers,
I am SOOOOOO sorry that is has been months since my last update!!! I just got a new job, started a new school, and just couldn't find the time to write :[ But, I am back now! If you guys still want me to keep on writing let me know. I promise to find the time to write, even when school starts up again! Just let me know <3

Anyways I hope you guys like it!!!! Feedback would be sooooo helpful!!!

and of course i big shout-out to all my commenters...
April Showers

Sooooo let me know what you guys think <3

Oh and I apologize for any mistakes!!!!