Status: New Chapter Soon!

The Summer Lake House

The Plan

I was confused, baffled, puzzled, perplexed, and all other words that could possibly describe how I was feeling at that very moment. Matt was getting under my skin and I knew I had to somehow pretend like he hadn’t. Let me tell you, it is not that easy especially when he keeps glancing over at me with those beautiful eyes of his. This just wasn’t fair. This summer was supposed to be about reconnecting with my best friend, not fighting over his attention with some girl. I knew I had to do something – anything I can possibly think of – to make it seem like he was not affecting me this much. Fortunately I had a plan, but lets just say it was not one of my best ideas in the world. But I knew this was the only way that I would get out of Stephanie’s way. Of all the girls in the world my Matty had to pick her. But what can I do?

“ Taylor, sweetheart? We are ready to head back,” said Mrs. Reid.

“ I will catch up with you in a minute. You guys go ahead.” I say with a smile.

“ Alright honey, but don’t be too long!” She gave me a little wink accompanied with a smile. I don’t think she realizes how grateful I am to have a mother figure like her in my life. She has always found a way to bring a smile to my face.

I watched as she walked out the door and waited a few minutes until her, Matthew, and Stephanie were a good distance away. If I was really going to go through with this little plan of mine, I had to start now. I remembered that there was a surf shop a few doors down from the last place we shopped. I also remembered hearing at the barbeque that Brody worked there. Before you start thinking I am some awful person, give me a chance to explain. Brody is a really great guy and I am genuinely going to try and give him a chance. I mean I would have to be blind to say that he wasn’t attractive. He’s always been a really sweet kid and if I was going to go to this stupid dance it might as well be with him.

I double check once more to see that Mrs. Reid and the others can no longer be seen. Once I clarify this I quickly walk down the row of shops until I find my target – Ben’s Surf Shop. The moment I walk through the door I spot Brody and immediately his face lights up. I almost forgot how much I missed this boy too. He runs up to me and twirls me around in a bear hug. I have to say that Matthew isn’t the only one who has grown up.

“Taylor! It’s about time I got to see you.” His eyes scan my body and he has this goofy grin that seems to never leave his face.

I giggle and say, “ Well how can I forget about the watermelon eating champion?!” During my earlier summers at the lake, Brody and I would have watermelon eating competitions where the winner was always switched off between the two of us.

I swear his smile got bigger – if that’s even possible – and he responds saying, “ I will always be the champion!” He then proceeds to flex his arms and I give him a little shove. To be completely honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if Brody already had a date to the dance. I mean he was about to start college while I am stuck with one more year of high school. But I swear he had to have girls swooning over him back home. I almost convinced myself out of my plan, but then I would be stuck with no date. And that would be way worse.

I clear my throat and turn towards Brody. “ So have you been thinking about who you are going to take to the summer dance Mr. Champion?” I say jokingly.

He turns towards me with a teasing expression and answers, “ I have someone in mind, but I don’t think she is available. She is a little too young for me anyway.” I can see the playfulness in his eyes.

I cross my arms and joke saying, “ Well I don’t know who would want to go with an old man like you anyways.”

He begins to shake his head and then grabs my hand and aimlessly starts playing with each finger.

“ Taylor would you go to the dance with me?” he asks with his goofy grin.

“ I don’t know… you are a bit old me for me.” I laugh. Brody acts like he is shocked and then answers saying, “ Always breaking my heart, Ms. Taylor.”

I smile, shake my head and look back up at Brody. “Of course I will go to the dance with you! I mean who can refuse the champion?” Brody proceeds to give me another bear hug and then the bell rings to signal that a customer has walked through the door.

“ Unfortunately, I have to get back to work.” he says defeated.

“ Awww sorry Brody, but we will hang out soon!” I give him a reassuring smile.

He nods his head and asks for my number so that we can hang out before the dance. I write it down on his hand – yes I know that’s such a cliché – and then try to catch up with the others who are probably almost home by now.

As I am walking, I contemplate about how quickly people could change especially in a few years. You almost miss that innocence you had when you were a kid. I mean there are certain aspects of my childhood that forced me to grow up more quickly than other kids my age, but in the end you never get back that innocence. I am just grateful that I had Matty when I did especially since all my happiest times were with him. Even with these more-than-friend feelings creeping up on me, I know that I have to still be friends with him at the very least. I mean he really did change me for the better. I just hope I don’t have to tell him about the three years without him. In fact, I am just planning on forgetting about them and setting a new path for myself. At least now I don’t have to worry about Matthew missing out on other dates to the dance… What am I saying?! I really need to figure these feelings out before they get me into trouble. Or maybe they already have?

Mrs. Reid, Stephanie, and Matthew beat me home by a good half an hour. I just tell them that I bumped into Brody and we ended talking longer than expected.

When I said Brody, Matthew gave me a strange look like a what-do-you-think-you-are-doing look. I just shrugged my shoulders and went back outside to dip my feet into the lake. I ended up leaning back and taking a little nap on the pier. When I woke up I found Matthew lying next to me. He was playing with a loss strand of my hair – a habit I have gotten used to over the years.

I groggily whispered, “ Matty what are you doing? Go back inside.”

I turned my body so I was on my side with my elbow propping me up. Matthew did the same thing so that we were looking face-to-face.

“ Why are you going to the dance with Brody?” he asked, seriously.

“ Wait, how do you know- ”

Matthew interrupted me saying, “ Audrey came by all worked up because some girl is using her brother to get someone jealous. It was something along those lines.” He was staring directly at me.

“ Matty it is not what you think. This way you don’t have to worry about taking me and can just go with Stephanie. No pressure.” I explained.

“ Well I heard that Brody is going to come by later and ask you out or something.” I could her the annoyance in his tone.

“ Oh… well… Brody is a nice guy you know. ” I stared back.

“ But Tay what about this ‘thing’ that is going on?” Matthew motions to both of us when he says “thing”, quickly stands up and then looks away with his arms crossed.
“ What “thing” Matthew?! We already discussed this. You are with Stephanie. End of discussion.” I was now standing up with him.

He sighed and turned back around. “ Okay. Okay. You are right.”

“ Matty stop making this more complicated than it needs to be. I am here now. As your friend and only your friend. Isn’t that what you want?”

I can see how hard it was for him to answer that question.

“ Well promise me something, alright?” His serious expression is back on his face.

“ Okay.”

“ Please be careful.” He warned.

“ Ugh, Matty. You have nothing to worry about.” I said now exhausted of having the same argument over and over.

He place both of his hands on my shoulders, stares straight into my eyes and says, “ I really hope not.”

And just in time to break the tension, Chase and Jordan came running towards full speeds pushing us into the cold water with them.

When I resurfaced I immediately jumped onto Chase, playfully splashing and pushing him under the water while Matthew was attacking Jordan. After a good ten minutes we all try to catch our breath while hanging on to the edge of the pier. I see Chase and Jordan give each other high fives, making me smile and shake my head.

Then Jordan bursts out, “ Did you tell her yet?”

I turned toward him with a smile. “ Tell me what?”

Matthew’s eyes grow wide with confusion. “ Yeah, tell her what guys?”

“ You know… the boat?” said Chase while nudging Matt with his elbow.

I saw a huge smile form on Matthew’s face, but it quickly disappears.

“ You guys got a new boat?” I question, curiously.

Both Jordan and Chase answer together, “ Hell yes!” And then Jordan turns toward Matthew. “ Go show her Mattttyyyyy,” he teases.

“ Yeah before Stephanie comes back from the market,” whispers Chase a little too loud. Jordan then proceeds to hit him in the back of the head and said, “ Just show her already!” Chase mouths to me that it was “Matthew’s idea”, whatever that means.

I was excited now. “ Yes just show her already!” I laugh.

Matthew pulls himself back on the pier and sticks out his hand to help me out. He interlaces his hand in mine and we begin to walk toward where all the boats are docked. I began looking around trying to guess which one was theirs, but it is pretty much impossible.

Then finally Matthew stops.

“ Well?” I urged.

He takes a deep breath. “ Try to guess which one is ours.”

“ That’s not fair!” I whine.

“ Tay, just do it!” he laughs.

“ Fineee.” I begin to scan through the boats, until I find it. And there was no way I can mistake it for anyone else’s. I stand there dumbfounded, while staring at the boat. I am downright speechless.

“ Matty…” I whisper. Right in front of me in beautiful, bold dark-blue letters was the name Taylor.

“ You named your boat after me?” I gasp. I turn towards Matthew and he was just staring down at the ground.

“ How can it be summer without you, Taylor?” he answered now looking back up at me.

I was about to say something else when I hear Mrs. Reid yell “ Matthew Reid come and help your girlfriend bring in the groceries!”

Matthew just shakes his head and says, “ I better go before my mother murders me.”

I shake my head in agreement, still speechless as I continue to stare at the boat.

Then I heard Mrs. Reid shout, “ Taylor, sweetie can you help us set the table? Audrey and Brody are going to eat with us tonight too!”

Oh right. I have a plan. Why did Matthew have to keep making it harder on me? Why the hell did he have to name a boat after me? I am just going to focus on the plan, and I am sure everything will go back to the way it was. Right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello all my loyal subscribers and readers! So there is no excuse for my extremely long leave of absence other than... i swear I have NO LIFE! haha I am like the busiest person on the planet! Well not really, but sorta kinda really. haha! Anyways, I am here and I am back. I haven't been able to stop writing lately, which I guess is a good thing for you guys right? I promise that I have a lot more drama coming. Just let me know if you guys are still out there! I loveeeee feedback and I mean LOVE!

Of course I have to thank all of my commenters...
April Showers

Let me know what you guys think! And again sorry for the typos and all the stuff :P