Status: Active...somewhat slowly, but surely. :)

Where You Belong

Good ***ing God.


The past week had been a rather hectic one. The morning following the break-in, I went to the police station and gave a statement. I had no idea who'd broken into the apartment, though I'd had an idea of a likely suspect. I'd also been given a description of the damage to the apartment. The door had been kicked in, calling for immediately replacement. Some furniture, such as chairs and the coffee table, had broken after being turned over in what was most likely a rough manner. Everything else was simply dissheveled, out of place. I knew it was Michael the second they'd showed me the security tapes, though his face had been covered. The police promised to look into it.

That same morning, after giving a report to the rest of the group, the guys all met at my apartment and helped me pack up my more important belongings. I was more concerned with getting Mason's things and my safety deposit box with all of my personal information in it. I didn't worry about the furniture or the electronics, though the guys were having none of that. Jimmy and Brian worked to load up the TVs and similar electronics, while Johnny called around and snagged some available movers to pack up the rest of the furniture and put it in storage. He'd left, wanting to oversee the process and make sure nothing was stolen.

Everything I planned to take with me to Zack's was loaded in Brian's truck, and when we'd finally arrived at Zack's house, the girls were there to help unpack and put things away. My mother, after finally having filled her in on the current events, had agreed to watch Mason for the day. It was the only way I could keep her from coming over and searching for Michael so that she could kick his ass to kingdom come.

The last few days had been spent simply settling in. Mason didn't seem to notice the change, as we were always over at Zack's a lot to begin. He'd already had his room set up in Zack's house - since Zack seemed hellbent on spoiling my child rotten - and we simply put the rest of his things in there. My own things were put in the guest room, just as I'd done whenever I spent time there when I was pregnant with Mason. I didn't want to invade his space completely, despite his protests that I wasn't.

Zack had done so much for me during that time. While I worked, Zack would often watch Mason and keep him busy. He did the same when I would come home and work my way through each of the bills, something that took a lot of time for me because I wasn't the best with numbers. Whenever I felt out of place, he was quick to cheer me up. He'd proven to be a complete sweetheart, fixing me food, drawing baths for me, watching my favorite movies for him.

Now it was my turn to return the favor.

I smiled to myself as I thought of how excited Zack would be about today. It was indeed his birthday, and within the past couple of days, I'd watched his excitement for its arrival just grow and grow. He'd had yet to wake up, but I wasn't worried about that as I flipped pancake after pancake. It would only be a matter of minutes before he woke.

Mason was already up, of course. For some reasons, babies woke up early. I wasn't sure how that worked out. However, I was attuned to his sleep schedule, so I was up by the time he'd gotten up, and it didn't take me long to get him ready for the day. I'd dressed him in a Vengeance University onesie, fed him, and set him in his swingset in the kitchen.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Mason's squealing, and looked over my shoulder to see him in Zack's arms, smiling contently at his namesake. Grinning, Zack rocked him gently in his arms and covered his face in kisses, causing the small infant to gurgle with laughter. I smiled, turning back to the pancakes so that I could finish the last batch. The eggs had just finished cooking, and I'd cooked the bacon a little earlier.

"What's this?"

I shivered as the cold, steel rings in Zack's lips sent goosebumps rippling across my skin. He gently pressed kiss after kiss to the nape of my neck, one hand curling around my waist and lightly caressing the skin of my hip.

I smiled, turning to give him a short kiss, "It's breakfast for the birthday boy, of course."

He cheesed mighty hard at that, "You're making me birthday breakfast?"

"Of course I am," I chuckled, turning off the burners and plating the food, "Now go wash your hands and have a seat at the table."

I didn't have to tell him twice. He walked straight to Mason's swingset, sat him in it, and washed his hands at the kitchen sink. After that, he rolled Mason over next to his chair and began talking to him. Mason loved it when people spoke to him, even if he didn't know what was going on. I loved the relationship the two of them had. It was evident that Mason held a lot of trust for Zack, and Zack was very open about his love for the infant. He, along with the Berry brothers, never missed an opportunity to tell people that they'd been in the room when Mason was born and contributed to his name.

"You ready, baby?" I asked, balancing several plates of hot food on my arms as I walked towards the kitchen table.

"You're mighty talented," he smirked, helping me by taking a couple of the plates from me.

I smirked back, "More than you know. Besides, I waitressed during college."

I placed the plates in a long line down the center of the table, before grabbing an empty plate and filling it up for him. I started with the blueberry pancakes - his favorite - and covered them in an actual sauce with blueberries in it, along with syrup. He loved his pancakes drowned in syrup, just as I did. Next, I put a hefty amount of eggs and bacon on his plate, along with some grits and sausage.

"Damn," he said, whistling lowly as he eyed up all the food, "You cooked all this just for me?"

"Sure did," I smiled, filling a glass with orange juice and handing it to him, "You deserve it after this week. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done." I mumbled, leaning forward to plant a kiss on his lips again. He grinned, grabbing hold of my neck and deepening the kiss.

Caught off guard, I moaned, giving him the perfect opporunity to take charge. His tongue quickly invaded my mouth dominated mine before he grabbed hold of my hips and pulled me down roughly, making me straddle his lap in the process. I chuckled and ran a hand through his soft, black hair, placing my hands on his chest and pushing him back before we got carried away.

He pouted, "No more birthday kiss?"

I giggled, "You'll get plenty of birthday kisses, just after you finish birthday breakfast," I smirked, grabbing a large candle from the table and sticking it straight in the middle of his stack of pancakes.

He laughed loudly, "You gonna sing me happy birthday, too?" he asked knowingly, eyes twinkling with amusement.

I nodded, shifting so that I was seated sideways across his lap, "You know it."

He could barely contain his grin, "Okay."

I immediately burst into song, singing him Las Mananitas, otherwise known as the Mexican Birthday Song. It was a song I'd learned long ago in elementary school, and had simply grown accustomed to singing throughout the years. Zack grinned, having heard it so many times since I'd first met him.

I smiled as I sang, "Estas son las mananitas que cantaba el Rey David,
Hoy por ser dia de tu santo, te las cantamos a ti,
Despierta, me bien, despierta, mira que ya amanecio,
Ya los pajarillos cantan, la luna ya se metio.
Que linda esta la manana en que vengo a saludarte,
Venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte,
Ya viene amaneciendo, ya la luz del dia nos dio,
Levantate de manana, mira que ya amanecio."

When I finished, Zack's smile was a wide as fucking Texas itself. He pulled me even closer to him and kissed me deeply. This time I didn't push him away and marveled in the kiss. It was slow and deliberate, but firm and breathtaking at the same time. I found myself gasping for air as Zack's hand slipped under my shirt, teasing my left side, knowing it was extremely sensitive there.

"Thank you for singing to me," he mumbled quietly, gently kissing my nose.

"You're very welcome," I smiled softly, "What do you wanna do today, birthday boy?"

"I just wanna keep it simple," he shrugged, reaching around me and digging into the pancakes. I squeaked as syrup dribbled onto my leg, causing Zack to chuckle, "I was thinking about going to the beach. Is that okay with you?"

"Of course it is, silly. This is your day, not mine," I replied, taking a napkin and wiping off the spilled syrup, "Mommy's coming to take Mason for the day, so I'll go ahead and get him ready while you eat."

I did just that. I changed Mason's diaper before packing his bag for the day. I included some pacifiers and a couple of changes of clothes. I made sure to pack a can of formula, some extra bottles, diapers, and wipes, as well as a jacket and blanket. It was a lot of shit to carry around, but I didn't want to inconvenience my parents anymore than I already had, so I was hoping to make things a bit easier on their shoulders.

"You ready to go visit Grandma and Grandpa, baby?" I cooed, cradling Mason in my arms as I paced around his nursery. I was hoping to keep him calm enough for when my mom arrived to take him with her for the day. He looked up at me, light brown eyes twinling in the sunlight as he sucked on his pacifier with a small smile. I took that a yes.

"I won't see you all day, buddy," Zack sighed dramatically, walking into the room in just hix boxers, "I don't wanna leave you." he mumbled, taking Mason from my arms and rubbing his back gently. Just like always, Mason watched every move he made with curiosity. I watched with a smile as he kissed Mason's forehead before walking over to the rocking chair in the corner, and decided to leave the two of them to themselves.

I took that time to get myself ready. I jumped into the shower for a few minutes, scrubbing my body clean with my scented soap before ringing off and toweling off. Holding my towel to me, I left the bathroom and walked across the hall to the guest room, rooting through my belongings for some lingerie. The ones I chose were small and lacy, and a midnight blue color. They complimented my skintone perfectly, and with a smug smile, I hurried and got dressed in a simple dress and threw a cardigan over it. It was the beginning of December, so it was a little too cool for normal beachwear, even though we were in California.

Just as I'd finished straightening my hair, the doorbell rang downstairs. Knowing that it was my mother and that Zack wasn't dressed yet, I let him know that I would answer the door. I cut off my flat iron and hurried downstairs, smiling when I opened the door and met my mother with a hug.

"How are you two lovebirds doing today?" she smirked, stepping inside and taking a look around.

I shrugged, chewing my lip as I thought of what I had planned for the day, "We're doing pretty good."

"Good," she chirpped, heading straight for the kitchen at the smell of the leftovers, "I see the birthday boy has had his favorite breakfast, huh?" she mused, taking a look at all the dirty dishes scattered along the table and countertops.

I nodded, "Yup. It made him happy, so I didn't mind doing it."

She grinned at that, "A job well done, then. Come help me put these away," she ordered, immediately busying herself with putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I handed her dish after dish, while she rinsed and scraped them clean before setting them inside. We finished by wiping down the countertops and the kitchen table, just as a fully dressed Zack trudged down the stairs.

"Hey, Kimmy," he smiled, holding Mason with one arm and hugging my mom with the other, "How are you?"

My mother couldn't smile any harder, "Oh, I'm doin' good, baby. Happy birthday!"

Now, anyone else who called her by her first name would've gotten the cussing of their life, myself included. But somehow, Zack and the guys got away with it.

I watched with a smile as the two of them made small talk before Zack handed Mason to her, frowning as Mason began crying. My mom smiled, "He's very attached to you, I see."

Zack scratched his head, immediately taking note of her inquisitive tone, "Yeah, I guess."

"No need to be shy, dear boy. I'm glad you two get on so well." she smiled, eyeing me carefully as she spoke. I chuckled, knowing exactly what kind of message she was trying to convey.

"Thanks for watching Mason, Mommy," I smiled in gratitude.

My mother scoffed dramatically, "I'd do anything for my grandbaby, you know that. He deserves the best, and grandma's gonna give it to him." she cooed, bouncing my son in her arms in attempt to call him down.

He cried and looked longingly at Zack, which caused a look of surprise to flood my mother's features. Silently, she handed Mason back to Zack, and gaped as the infant immediately went quiet. I giggled at the look on her face as my boyfriend mumbled quietly to my son, rubbing his back in a soothing manner.

My mother leaned closer to me, "He's a keeper, you hear me?"

I grinned at her approval. He really was a keeper.


"Thanks, man. I'll see you later tonight." Zack chuckled to himself before closing his phone, tossing it into the cup holder of my car as he drove.

I cocked an eyebrow, "Who was that?" I asked, making myself comfortable in the passenger's seat.

One thing Zack had wanted to do for his birthday was to take my car on a joyride of sorts, something he'd been talking about wanting to do for a while. I'd always bragged about the fun I had driving, and so he'd been rather eager to test that theory for quite some time.

"Jimmy," he smiled, glancing over at me, "He wants us to come to Johnny's tonight for drinks."

I shrugged, "If that's what you wanna do, then I'm down for it."

He grinned at that, "Okay. We won't be long. You know Jimmy uses any chance he can get to get plastered, so I'm sure we'll do a couple of rounds of shots and then we can leave."
I giggled, thinking of my wild, lanky friend, "I don't mind you staying longer, Zack. It's your birthday; do what you wanna do."

"This is what I want to do," he nodded, throwing the gear shift forward and holding the clutch, "But I also wanna make sure that I make the most out of my day with you."

I smiled at the sincerity behind his words. Even on his own birthday, he was still thinking of me and wanting to make sure I was okay with what we were doing, when he should've been focusing on himself for that day. That act alone seemed to make my stomach tighten in knots. It was like each day, my feelings for him grew stronger and stronger.

"Okay, Zack," I nodded, fighting to contain my smile.

We'd been driving around for a while, sometimes looping in circles just for the hell of it. I didn't mind, as it was something I'd always used to do before I'd gotten pregnant. Long drives just helped calm me down and keep me in a good mood. I wasn't sure what it was about the drive, but that was just the effect it would have on me.

Houses, shopping centers, and trees passed us by. We'd driven through several towns, stopped at a few places that caught our attention, then hopped in the car and drove some more. After quite some time, Zack's speed slowed to a much more normal one, and before I knew it, we were back in Huntington. I'd had yet to question him as to what his motives were, though I knew he'd tell me eventually. He could tell I was confused, laughing every few minutes or so.

Finally, we arrived back into Huntington, in a place all too familiar to me. It'd been a while since I'd been there, and I couldn't stop the grin that immediately spread across my face upon our arrival. Chuckling as he sensed my excitement, Zack grabbed my hand after getting out and opening my door for me.

"It's been forever," I smiled at him, looking over the sandy beach.

He nodded in agreement, "It has. Remember the first time we came here?"

I rubbed a hand over the large boulders which were part of our trusty old 'spot'. The boulders overlooked the ocean, which was now illuminated by the night's sky. It had just gotten dark and the cool breeze of the night had begun to set in, causing me inch closer to Zack.

"My mom had gotten on my ass about me hitting that one girl in the face and I'd stormed off," I giggled, thinking about how incredible I'd felt after hearing the crunch of that rat-faced bitch's nose break, "I was wandering around aimlessly, not having a fucking clue as to where I was going, and just ended up here."

Zack's laughter met my ears, "That was the day we were all over at Syn's for practice. We could hear you and Kimmy's screaming match all the way from his place."

"Yeah, well, she jumped down my throat over the whole situation without even asking to hear my side of the story. Homegirl looked at me wrong and when I addressed it, she started dropping insults. I don't know what the fuck I look like, but I'm sure I didn't have 'doormat' written across my fucking forehead," I grumbled, feeling my irritation from that very day come back.

"I heard you say that to her, too," Zack teased, tugging me along in the sand as we trudged to our old spot, "I'd seen you mad, but that was just one of those days where you blew your top. So I followed you to make sure you didn't do anything stupid. Which you did, anyway."

"I was sticking up for myself!" I said in my own defense, "Hear I am, clearly upset about something, and someone has the nerve to fucking interrogate me as to where my parents are and to go back home? I was walking on a goddamn public street, minding my own business!"

"And you would've pounced on the poor lady and strangled her to death had I not held you back just in time." Zack retorted with a light roll of his eyes.

"And she would've learned to mind her own damn business." I crossed my arms over my chest, causing him to laugh loudly.

"You'll never let it go, huh?"

"Not likely," I smirked, allowing him to pull me towards the large boulders.

We both took a seat on top of them once we'd managed to climb them. Zack took a seat first, then pulled me to sit down in between his legs. I smiled, leaning back into his chest as he placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Y'know," Zack spoke up after a while, "I don't think we would've ever gotten as close as we are now had that day not occured." he stated thoughtfully.

"How so?" I asked, wrinkling my eyebrows as I turned to watch him.

He shrugged simply, "You'd only hung out with us all as a group a few times before then. You really only knew Brian at the time," he pointed out, to which I nodded, "It wasn't until that day that we'd come here that we'd become better acquainted."

It made sense. I hadn't really known any of Brian's friends that well before that day. I'd seen them come in and out of Brian's house every once in a while for band practice, but other than that, Bri was just my neighbor. He was already a good three or four years older than I was, so it wasn't like we'd had anything in common. We had no real excuse to get to know each other, other than the fact that our dads both talked to each other often.

After Zack and I had ended up at what would later be referenced to as our spot, we spoke about why I was upset. I explained how kids were always jerks to me and how after a while, I'd simply grown sick of it and decided to take matters into my own hands. Zack shared similar stories; he too had been a kid who'd taken a lot of shit growing up. He was quieter than I was, and often mistaken for a fool. He'd offered his own advice as to what to do, and told me that I could always come to him if I needed to vent.

We'd hit it off from there and had been best friends ever since.

"Funny how things work out, huh?" I smirked, turning some so that I could get a better look at his face.

He smiled, lip rings gleaming in the moonlight, and nodded, "You're absolutely right. Never would I have expected to be here with you, like this."

"Like what?" I asked, already knowing what he meant, though I just liked to know what was going on in his mind from time to time.

His chuckle met my ears, "Well, you're my girlfriend, for one. Someone whom I'd do anything for. And then there's Mason. You cared enough to name him after me and allow me to be his godfather, something I had no idea how much I'd needed after everything with Gena. You've always been here. All this struggling I've done to find the right girl and you were always here, right under my fucking nose." he grinned, reaching up and flicking my nose. I giggled, swatting his hand away.

He continued, "Every birthday, every major holiday, whether you were off in school or we were on the other side of the world, you never forgot about any of us. You've sang me the fucking Mexican Birthday Song every year since I turned eighteen, and today I'm turning twenty nine. Who else can fucking say that, y'know?"

I grinned, "Well, you were always my number one guy, Zee. You always had my back, and kept me out of jail more times than I can count. You scared guys off for me, even when they would merely glance in my fucking direction. You held me when I was upset and even bought me ice cream and watched chick movies with me when I was PMSing. Who else can fucking say that?"

"Touche," he smiled softly, pulling me closer to him so that I was straddling his lap, "I hope that in one way or another, you'll always be here."

I bit my lip, "Til you can't stand the sight of me anymore."

"That'll never happen," Zack laughed lightly, running his hand through my hair, placing scattered kisses down my neck, "I'll never grow tired of this. Of you." he murmured lowly, his lips lingering on my collarbone, a well known sweet spot for me.

I felt the mood shift instantly. He became quiet then, taking the time to gently caress my arms and shoulders, lathering my skin with sensual kisses. His shallow breathing became more prominent over the crashing sound of the waves in front of us, and it was evident that he was enjoying himself. I felt my own breathing change just moments later and bit my lip, fighting the urge to come undone at his touch. Heat rushed in between my legs as his wandering hands trailed down my torso, one planting itself on my hip as the other just under my bust, right over my ribs.

"Zack," I whispered, feeling his erection grow against me, "Babe, we're on a public beach."

"No one comes over here, and it's dark. C'mere," he mumbled lowly, sliding off the boulder and onto the ground before helping me down as well.

As soon as my feet hit the cool sand, Zack's lips were on mine. I moaned softly at the amount of pressure he put into the kiss, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and pulling him closer to me. His lips curved upwards and it was then that I felt his tongue swipe my bottom lip, begging for permission. He didn't need it, and I immediately responding by parting my lips. His tongue met mine in a fierce battle for domination, one which I quickly lost once he'd pressed his erection into my stomach.

I was at a loss for words, and I think Zack knew that. Within seconds, I was flat on my back with my hands pinned above my head in the sand as Zack ravaged my neck. His kisses, once soft and gentle, were now wetter, firmer, and contained a message. I knew what he was asking just by his body language, and knew that now was the time. I knew where we stood.

Breathing heavily, I freed my hands from Zack's grip used one hold onto his upper arm, the other trailed down his clothed chest. I grinned, feeling his stomach muscles tense under my touch as I passed his naveled, headed straight for his belt buckle. I could tell that he was curious as to what I was doing, as his kisses had become slower and sloppier as his focus dwindled.

Skillfully, I unbuckled his belt and yanked it out of the loops of his jeans, tossing it a few feet away from us. I popped the button of his jeans and ripped down the zipper before slipping my hand inside of his boxers softly stroking his length. A smirk crept onto my lips as a loud, strangled groan left Zack's pierced lips.

"Fuck," he hissed, leaning into my touch and resting his head in the crook of my neck, "Fuck, baby, keep going," he urged, finding one of my sweet spots and sucking roughly on the sensitive skin.

He rolled us onto our sides so that I had free reign to continue my assault. I did just that, pulling his boxers and pants down so that he could kick them off, and fully taking hold of him in the palm of my hand. His member jerked at my touch and I felt a shiver run through his entire body as I slowly pumped him. A long string of profanities left his mouth as I continued, causing me to smile.

"Clothes off, birthday boy." I commanded in a seductive tone, pushing him onto his back as I removed my hand from his hardened member. He was quick to oblige, ripping off his shirt and kicking both his boxers and his genes off.

"You too," he replied huskily as I went to move. Eyeing him with a smirk, I stood and stepped out of my dress as he laid back, watching with his hands behind his head in all his naked glory. His eyes seemed to darken once we took in the sight of the blue lingerie I was wearing, a low growl rising from the back of his throat.

"See something you like?" I grinned, placing my hands on my hips as I bent back down towards his level. Within a second, I was yanked down to his side and pulled into a heated kiss, one that seemed to turn me on even more if that was possible.

Zack ripped his lips from mine, "I do...a lot. Now fix it," he commanded roughly, taking my hand and wrapping it around his shaft again.

Smirking, I took hold of it once more, watching his reaction as his eyes fluttered closed and he tilted his head back. I lightly traced a finger over the head of his solid erection before dropping on all fours, wrapping my lips around it without a single hesitation. Another strangled sound left his lips in response as I slowly bobbed my head up and down, taking him into my mouth inch by inch.

"Good fucking God."

His hands immediately tangled themselves in my hair as I continued, placing my hands on his hips and holding them down before he could push them upwards into my face. A grunt left his lips as he acknowledged my control, settling for massaging my scalp as removed one hand and used it to massage his balls. I made myself comfortable in between his legs for a while, licking in some places and sucking hard in others.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he chanted breathlessly, pushing the back of my head down a bit further as I continued to deepthroat him, "Just like that, baby. I'm so fucking close."

At that, I quickened my pace, wrapping one hand around the base of his shaft as I worked to get him to his release. It didn't take long, as he stiffened under me and allowed a long string of cum to coat the back of my throat. He mumbled incohrently, breathing raggedly as I swallowed and cleaned him up.

Crawling back up his body, I straddled him once more and pressed my lips to his in a dominant kiss. His chuckle met my ears, and I opened my eyes to see him smirking up at me. He didn't say anything, he simply allowed his hands to wander, stopping every now and then to touch me. I noticed the twinkle in his eye when he ran a thumb over my moist opening, silently gauging my reaction.

I bit my lip and sighed softly, "What are you doing?"

"Ride," he commanded softly, ignoring my question completely. The firmness of his tone had me soaking wet in an instant, and I silently obliged, positioning myself just over his erection and placing my hands on his chest as he grabbed onto my hips, roughly pushing them down into his own.

I threw my head back and let out a rather loud moan in pleasure, looking down at Zack to gauge his reaction next. His breathing had gone ragged and his movement had stilled as we both became used to one another's body. His member throbbed inside of me, giving me plenty of incentive to take charge. Instinctively, I balanced my weight on the palms I'd placed on Zack's chest, leaning forward as I slowly rolled my hips into his.

"Fuck, baby," he muttered gruffly, placing one hand on my right hip in a tight, grip, hissing as I quickened my pace.

I moaned in response as he bucked his hips upward just as I came down, finding my spot without any effort at all. Arching my back, I allowed him to move my hips to a pace of his liking, one with was much rougher and faster. I didn't mind it one bit as his name repeatedly fell from my lips. Reaching over, Zack roughly played with my clit, sending me straight into my first orgasm.

He wasn't done there, that much I could tell. Yanking me off of him, he quickly moved behind me and shoved his length back inside of me, causing me to cry out in pleasure. I felt some pain, having not had sex in over a year since I'd been pregnant, but it didn't concern me nearly as much as the intense amount of pleasure I felt.

Zack's thrusts were quick and forceful, each hitting my spot as precisely as the last. His name rolled off my tongue like a prayer, something he seemed to enjoy, as he continued pummeling in and out of me with force. Again, his fingertips teased my clit, and I slowly came undone in his arms.

"Zack," I panted, arching my back into his chest and clawing at his arms, "I-I'm s-so close. Please, Zee."

In an instant, I was back on my back as Zack crawled in between my legs. This time, his movements had slowed down tremendously as entered me for a third time, wrapping my legs around his waist as he moved inside of me. I couldn't seem to tear my eyes from his, despite the immense amount of pleasure that coursed through my body. A light sheen of sweat covered both our bodies, along with patches of sand, though we didn't mind it.

As I approached my orgasm again, I began to feel anxious, as Zack's pace hadn't changed since we'd moved into this position. I tried desperately to move my hips faster, but he'd simply held them down. I felt as though I was ready to scream, knowing how quickly my orgasm was approaching.

"Zack," I squeaked, "Why aren't you--"

"Look at me," he commanded gruffly, slowly his movements even more. I looked at him with wild eyes. Was he fucking insane?! He continued, "I don't want this to be over just yet. I want it to last a little longer so that it'll never be something you can forget."

I couldn't speak as I felt my nerves spike, so I simply nodded feverishly. With a knowing smile, he drove into me without further warning, sending a scream ripping through my throat. He was relentless then, never breaking eye contact with me as he continued his assault. I, on the other hand, was screaming, moaning mess.

Arching my back, I cried out as he took one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking harshly on my sensitive skin. It was enough to send me over the edge, as I felt my walls clamp around his member in one hell of a vice grip and screamed. He silenced me with his lips, pulling me into a sloppy kiss as he stiffened inside of me and released as well.

The high I felt was like no other, as my body tingled with heat and the world spun around us. I clung to Zack as tightly as I could as he rode both our orgasms, giving a few last forceful thrusts before he finished. Ragged and out of breath, he remained where he was, but allowed his muscles to relax as he laid his head in the crook of my neck. I breathed deeply, moaning softly as he allowed his fingers to wander back to my clit while gently biting my skin.

"Happy birthday, babe." I breathed, looking up at Zack with a smile, to which he laughed.

"It's a birthday I'll never forget, that's for sure," he grinned, lathering my neck in kisses.

I smiled. I would never forget this birthday, either.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes. Since so many of you call me a tease these days and seem to be just dying in your seats.... here you go.
Hope you enjoyed it! :D
And for those of you who don't know, the Mexican Birthday Song makes a birthday. I seriously love it. I really did learn it when I was like 5 because of the Spanish immersion program I was in, so it was cool. I sing it to everyone all the time these days. <3

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I know y'all got some comments for this, though. ;)