

I don’t really know what it was, maybe it was the gnomes playing tricks on me because you know those dirty little bastards will do anything to confuse the shit out of me, but when Finn collided with me and we both went flying backwards I swear I saw something strange. Finn’s head had landed on my chest and both his hands were pressed against the ground like he’s still trying catch himself. His breath hitched, so did mine and I looked over to his hand and I saw it…

His nails, which were short just this morning, seemed to grow to a strange length and dig into the earth. I blink my eyes and they’re gone, back to the length they were before. Finn is up in seconds, grabbing his sleeves and tugging them over his hands while throwing up his hood to shield his face. I grin and sit up. “You know Finn, if you wanted to do something dirty you could have just asked!”

Shailey laughs at that but Finn doesn’t reply. He’s looking down at the ground and I try getting up and walking over him to see his face but he steps back. Shailey quickly grabs my arm and orders me to go make smores with her. I am going to protest because I think Finn would be much more delicious than smores but Shailey is tugging me off towards the fire in seconds.

Come on now, she’s supposed to be helping me get ass not taking it away! How rude. It’s the gnomes. They must have possessed her. It’s the only reasonable explanation for her silly actions.

A few minutes later, Finn joins us once again. I smile and quickly jump next to him, rubbing my shoulder against his to try and get his attention. The moment we touch, he jumps away and stares at me with those beautiful gold eyes.

“I love your eyes,” I sigh, bringing my hands up to grasp Finn’s cheeks roughly. He seems shocked and tries to pull away but I refuse and pull him down closer so I can see his eyes better. Gosh, they really are gorgeous. “They’re so weird. Can I just…stare at them forever and ever?”

“You’re a freak,” Finn scoffs and grabs my wrists, tugging softly to indicate he wants me to let go. As if! I shall not relinquish my hold because I don’t want to and if I don’t want to I won’t. Finn can live with it.

I grin. “You know it, hot stuff.”

Finn finally manages to pull away from me, sadly. Why must he ruin my fun? I was just trying to admire him and his beautifulness. He should accept that fact and let me do as I wish. Honestly, I’m the boss and the boss makes the rules, like for real.

The night goes by quick and soon Shailey’s bon fire is over and everyone is leaving. Shailey hugs me good-bye and I walk over to Finn to inform him that he’s either a.) walking me home or b.) driving me home. He choose option b.

“See tonight was fun, wasn’t it!” I shout happily, looking at Finn beside me. He shrugs in response, not the answer I wanted but whatever. He can be a buzz kill, the dirty penis muncher. “Yeah, whatever. You had fun because I was there and everything I do is fun!”

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that,” Finn snorts.

“You wanna brawl, bro? Cuz I can kick yo ass so hard you won’t be able to take a shit for weeks!”

And Finn stops the car in front of my house and looks over at me to stare at me with a black expression. I look at him, completely serious about my threat because I am serious, dead serious. However, Finn must not think so because his face scrunches up while he tries his best not to burst out in hysterical laughter. Eventually, he starts to chuckle and clasps a hand over his mouth to keep himself from making too much noise. I frown.

“Hey! Don’t laugh. I am dead serious!”

Finn throws his head back while continuing to snicker at me. “That’s what makes it funny!”

“Well your face is funny, stop laughing!” I holler, stomping my feet angrily against the dash until Finn grabs my ankle and stops me from ruining his car.

“You’re going to leave a dent.”

“I’ll leave a dent in your face!”

“Do you have an obsession with making comments about peoples faces?”

“Yes. Do you have a problem with that?”

Finn sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. “No, just get out and go home. I can’t stand being around you anymore.”

I whine. “You’re so mean, Finnegan!”

He smirks. “Just get out.”

Finn doesn’t pull away until I’m in the house. I say hello to my parents, tell them how awesome my day was and then go up to my room where I check everywhere for the gnomes. When I don’t see those little shits, or any aliens or other strange beings for that matter, I dub my room safe and dig through my belongings for a pair of PJ pants. As I’m doing this I get this strange feeling, you know that feeling you get like you’re being watched? Yeah, that one.

For a second I think it’s aliens or maybe a ghost from the past but when I don’t get probed or feel cold chills I realize that definitely is not it. I look about my room for any indication of something or someone watching me but there’s nothing. My parents are still in their room, watching TV.

I move to my window next and stare out towards the woods. My eyes search the forest line for something, anything to signal that I really am being watched. When I don’t see anything, I turn back into my room and hum quietly to myself. It was obviously just my imagination…

Or the aliens using their strange rays on me to fuck with my brain. Yeah, I think it’s that one. It makes more sense.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohoho a bity of mystery, I see!
Virtue and I have like four chapters pre-written, it's pretty fucking great so...yeah
