

After arriving at school a panting, tired mess I head up the front entrance and into the air conditioned facility. Looking around, I am happy to find the office just to my left. Thank god, if I got lost the ghosts would probably steal my soul…because, you know there are ghosts at school. They’re everywhere. The halls are already empty, students are in surely in class by now.

I can’t believe I came late on my first day! It’s not like I meant to. I missed the bus! I woke up late and the bus didn’t wait for me! Bastard. I couldn’t find matching socks. The gnomes, I’m telling you, they steal socks! I couldn’t find my tooth brush. Are the gnomes going to start stealing them too? Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. I blame it on the gnomes. I will always blame them. Dirty bastards think they can do what they want! Well, I have a message for them! You can’t! I will find you and crush you!

“Hello, can I help you?” A petite blonde asks from behind the counter in the office.

“Yeah, I’m Kieran, I just moved here,” I reply, leaning against the counter and watching as she reaches for a stack of papers. After digging around on her desk, she smiles and walks towards me with a book along with a few other things in her hands. She passes them to me.

There’s a school rule book along with a lock and my schedule, which I had gotten in the mail already but I guess this is just an extra. Good thing they gave it to me too because I already lost the one I got in the mail, hehe.

“There’s what you need. If you want I can take you to your first period class and if you need anything else don’t mind asking any of the staff.”

“That’d be nice, thank you!” I smile gratefully to the secretary. Although this school is small, I still don’t want to be roaming the halls searching for my first period. I hate roaming, makes me feel like a creeper.

The lady and I arrive to my first period class, web design, where she grabs the teachers attention and informs her that I‘m the new student. The teacher, Mrs. Welker, welcomes me before guiding me into the classroom. The moment I step into the room, all eyes are on me. It’s a small class, only about 11 students, which is strange to me considering back home I’d have classes with over 30.

“This here is the computer cart,” Mrs. Welker tells me, patting the gray cart in the back corner of the room. Inside are about 21 computers, three on each row. “I assign numbers to each student and most of the class we just do small assignments that you’ll do on your own. You are allowed to work in groups and ask me or a classmate for help so don’t be shy.”

“Trust me, shy is one thing I definitely am not!” I laugh, happy that my first period seems to be a pretty easy class. Not only that but I can work in groups so that means maybe I can find myself someone to hang out with for the day so I won’t be so lonely.

Mrs. Welker gives me a web design book, tells me what assignment we’re on and then assigns me a computer number. I grab my computer and look about the room. Out of the 11 students situated through out the room there is only one that catches my eye. A boy just across the room with his head bowed and hood up. There’s no one around him and he seems fine with that, diligently working on his computer.

I grin and head in his direction, taking a seat beside him. When I do, he peeks at me from beneath his hood, his face hidden by long shaggy brown hair. He growls softly before asking in an annoyed tone, “What do you want?”

“Nothing…can’t I sit here?” I answer, reaching up to play with my candy necklace. I wore it because I didn’t have time to eat breakfast this morning…and because I just felt like having candy around me all day. I love candy. It’s great…not that I need the sugar. I’m awesome on my own.

“No,” he snaps, looking back at his computer screen. “Move.”

Ignoring his request, I decide to turn the conversation in a different direction by introducing myself. Leaning across the aisle, I grin evilly at the boy, who still seems to be annoyed or frustrated by my presence and say, “I’m Kieran by the way and you are…?”

The boy tenses, his fingers outstretch across the keyboard before he rips his hands away and shoves them in his hoodie pockets. Finally, he turns to face me, revealing to me two gold eyes similar to a wolfs. I watch as his nostrils begin to flare and eyes flutter shut. His chest begins to rise and fall quicker than before, it looks like something is wrong. He seems to be in a daze and I’m about to ask if he needs to head to the nurses office but Mrs. Welker breaks the tension by shouting, “Finn!”

The boys eyes shoot open and suddenly, he seems fine. His breathing has gone back to normal and the daze he seemed to be in has disappeared. He looks to the front of the room and frowns at Mrs. Welker, who scolds him, “What did I say about having your hood up? You’re in school, take it off.”

Grumbling to himself, Finn slowly removes the hood, shaking his head while pushing down any hair that had stood up from the static of the hood. Finn takes one last lingering glance at me and grimaces at the smile I send him.

“You sure are moody,” I laugh, leaning back into my seat and bringing up the web design program. For the rest of the period, Finn is silent even when I try bothering him. By the end of the period, I’m pouting because he didn’t talk to me. What a meanie! I was just trying to be friendly with him! I’m not that weird, am I? Accept me, damn it!

I sigh as I head out of first period. Holding up my schedule, I check what room number my next class is in before heading towards it. As I’m walking down the hall, trying my best to avoid running into people or getting lost, a girl jumps in front of me. I nearly piss myself.

“The hell!” I shout, holding a hand over my erratically beating heart. I’m such a wuss, getting scared from a girl jumping out at me. You‘d think since I love Halloween I wouldn‘t get scared easily. Nope, you‘re wrong. I‘m a chicken and I am willing to accept that fact! “You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

The girl laughs, her silvery blonde hair bouncing as she does so. “Sorry, you just looked lost and I thought I’d help, since we’re in the same grade and all we might have similar classes. I’m Shailey!”


“Let me see your schedule.” Shailey holds out her hand, allowing me to hand my schedule to her. She grins. “Awesome, we have the rest of the day except 8th together! Wanna stick around with me?”

“Sure!” I shout happily, wrapping my arm around hers, more than happy to hang out with her for the day. The quicker I find someone to talk to, the better. I stick out like a sore thumb in this school with my blue hair and bright clothing. I like the attention but I’d feel safer having a friend.

Shailey takes me around with her for the day. She’s a sweet girl and I can already tell we’re going to be friends. We just seem to click and she’s almost as hyper as I am. As I’m walking around with her through the day I can’t shake the feeling that someone is watching me. I know I’m new and having all eyes on me isn’t unusual, however this watch feels a bit different. It isn’t a feeling that I get all day, only moments throughout the day. I shrug it off, it’s probably just my imagination.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only two comments last chapter? you hate us? ~tears
More, please...I'll have your babies :)
P.S. Virtue already has her ch. written and I have another of mine so if you motivate us we might post them early hehehoho. Evil! EVILLLLLL!
