New Singer


Suddenly a hard almost tackled me, but before I could fall, I got picked up and twirled around. I started feeling nauseous and light-headed. Outside of my little zone of spinning, I heard a voice say, "Put her down Sam, you're gonna break her before she goes on stage."
"Sorry Jesse," Samuel said, then to me he exclaimed."Jane! It's you first concert! You ready?"
It took me a moment to answer because I was incredibly dizzy and everything was blurry. After a moment of stumbling around, I said. "Sure."
"You'll do great kid." Carson said, ruffling my hair as he past me by.
"Don't touch her hair!" Miki, my stylist cried. We had spent over an hour on my hair, getting it in perfect curls and then spraying an entire can of hair spray on it. No way was my hair moving, and it was going to be torcher trying to wash it tonight.
"Well, she looks great." Kenny complimented, looking me up and down. And it was true, I did to good. I had a tight sparkly tank top, layered golden necklaces, light blue, ripped skinny jeans, and knee high black boots. Plus, my face was covered with make-up. Miki did pefert green eye shadow that apparently, made my brown eyes pop, whatever, and put light pink lip gloss and blush on. Miki said the lip gloss and rosy cheeks were amazing with my fair skin.
Even though it was compliment and it was true, I punched Kenny in the arm.
"Ouch," He whined. I did have hard punch. After all, I had three brother and I lived in the "bad" part of town, so I knew how to fight. Unfortunately, the punch resulted in me chipping my nail polish. So Miki came running over and re-did it, again. She had wanted to put fake nails on me, but I insisted no, because I could play piano with fake nails, and I hate them. I didn't tell Miki the latter reason.
The second band was already on, two more and it was my turn. In some of my songs I played piano and sang, others I just sang. And I was nervous. Sure I had done plays and small concerts and stuff. But this was huge! Like gigantic, enormous, frigging big! I had to keep reminding my self that I knew every single song by heart and I would be fine.
Before I knew it, I was strolling out on stage smiling and waving to the applauding crowd. My heart was pouding in my chest, but I kept myself from running away screaming.
"Hi guys, I'm Jane Michels. Maybe some of you have seen me from You Tube?" That was answered with more clapping and screams. "Thanks, thanks. Anyway, Small Steps here was nice enough to let me come on tour with them. So, here I am, and I have to be honest, I am so excited and you seem like a great crowd." More clapping. "The first song I'm going to play is Kick Your Ass." That was followed by whoo's and whistles.
I played the song, then See You Later, Middle Child, Fly, and a bunch more. The Small Steps band played back up, they already memorized my songs. Now, I think of Small Step like a younger version of the Rascal Flatts group. They sing country but kind of pop. I also sing country, my idols are Martina McBride and Carrie Underwood. For as long as I can remember I have listened to country, and in my opinion, it's the best. Sure, pop is good to dance to, and rappers are great how they can come up with words that rhyme, and say them so fast. But country tells a story, and the singers are always magnificent.
Before I knew it, my turn was over, and I had to give the stage to Small Steps for the finale. I was sweating like a leaky faucet, my voice was started to give way, and my feet were killing my from the stupid boots. But, holy crap, it was amazing. The crowd loved me, and I didn't screw up, and it was unbelievably fun. I knew this summer was going to be glorrrrrious! (I rolled the r there)
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Sorry it took so long, I just didn't know what to right. Just so you know, the next chapter is going to be in Jesse point of veiw. So please keep reading and commenting! Thanks!
-July100 <3