Sequel: The Other Woman
Status: Completed

Black Sheep

Chapter 2

"So, when did Sentebale first start in your mind?" The interview was almost over and I'd really started to enjoy myself, as was Harry, slipping in a few jokes into his answers every so often, and smiling through most of the interview.
Well, when I first went to Lesotho I saw how much devastation had occurred from HIV and AIDs and I instantly thought 'I have to do something', which led me towards prince Sieeso who also felt the same, and we both decided that something needed to be done sooner rather than later."
"And finally, you recently visited Lesotho, can you see exactly how donations and volunteering have helped the area?"
"Yes. All the money raised has changed a whole community from what it was ten years ago, to what it is now. We currently have nine children's homes, three schools and several resource centers that all help the community help themselves. We've also helped the whole community work together to look after each other in a way that is sustainable for the future."
"I think that's everything, so, thank you for your time sir,"
"The pleasure's all mine," he replied shaking my hand.
"And cut." Tony said from where he was stood behind the camera. "Thank you so much for your time sir," he said and nodded his head curtly.
"I should be thanking you, this is all for my charity. I must go but, I hope to see you all soon." he smiled and nodded at me as he left the room.
"Do you need any help packing up, I have nothing else to do today."
"That'd be a great help Bex. Can you just help me take down the lights and the rollers?" I nodded and got on with what needed to be done. As I put the light stand into it's bag I heard a knock on the door.
"Miss Broad, his highness has requested an audience with you." I looked between Tony and the woman at the door. I nodded and smiled slightly as I picked up my bag and followed the woman out of the formal room. She led me through corridors and doors into corridors and doors into other doors until she knocked on a door that seemed miles away from where we were before, and I heard Harry inside say " come in".
The woman opened the door and ushered me inside. It was more modern than the other rooms I'd seen, with plain walls, a cream leather sofa, and a TV. It wasn't a big room but definitely bigger than my living room at home.
"Thank you Edith," Harry said to the woman , as she bowed her head and left the room. He was sat on the windowsill looking out onto a courtyard.
"I know this seems all formal, but would you like to go for a coffee sometime." he said turning to face me. Jesus Christ on a moped! Prince Harry was asking me to 'go for a coffee'.
'YES! YES! YES! JUST SAY YES ALREADY!!' my brain was shouting at me. I smiled slightly, but reality set in, "are you sure that's wise given my reputation?"
"I don't think reputations matter - it's the real person I want to get to know." I smiled.
"Well then, yes I would love to go for a coffee." He patted the space next to him on the windowsill and I sat down in it.
"Well, if you give me your number, then I'll call you when I'm free and see when you're free too."
I nodded "that's a great idea." I rummaged around in my bag for my notebook and pen. I flicked to an empty page, scribbled down my phone number, ripped it out and gave it to him.
"I'm already looking forward to it," I smiled. I just couldn't work out what to say, it was if my whole brain had turned to mush.
"So am I," he smiled back. Our faces were getting closer together, in slow motion, like in a film, but we both turned it into a slight hug, sensing that it was awkward considering we’d only just met. We heard footsteps running down the corridor outside and hard knocking at the door. We snapped apart and I stood up and flattened my dress, as if it would cover our tracks.
“Come in,” Harry sighed, and Edith entered looking rather flushed.
“Your father (puff) would like to (puff) speak to you.” She rushed, slightly leaning on the door that she’s just opened.
“Of course, thank you Edith. And Miss Broad, I’ll be in contact.” He winked slightly as he had his back to Edith.
“Miss Broad. May I escort you back to the meeting room, everyone is still there?”
“Yes please, thank you.” I smiled back at Harry, and left the room with Edith.
“Please don’t take this in the wrong way, but this is exactly what happened when his highness was first seen with that South-African girl, we don’t speak much of her anymore, only when we need a bad example.” I laughed slightly to myself as Edith blabbered on as she led me back through the corridors, “I’m sorry miss, I just get carried away sometimes,” she blushed slightly.
“We all do, I usually do it in interviews, but I was on my best behaviour today,” we both joked and laughed until we got back to the meeting room.
“Thank you Edith,” I smiled as I went back into the meeting room.
“That you miss, I haven’t laughed like that in a while,” she closed the door behind her as she left the room.
“So what was all that about?” Tony said zipping up the last of the bags.
“Nothing. I’ll help you take these to the car.”