Sequel: The Other Woman
Status: Completed

Black Sheep

Chapter 4

“Can we dance yet?” Anna asked.
“Not yet, there are some speeches and then we can dance,”
“Not even a little bit?”
“Not yet, but it won’t be long.” Someone tapped the microphone and started his opening speech about the charity and what it does for children all over the UK; “from providing shelter for homeless families, to protection for families that are involved within conflict. And from helping children with parents and carers in hospital, to helping parents or carers with children in hospital – our aim is to help all children in the UK with whatever they need. And to tell us a little bit more is our patron, his Royal Highness Prince Harry.” He stepped up onto the small stage and smiled over at me, which made my insides turn to butterflies and my legs turn to jelly and my heart beat faster. He started his speech and all too soon it was over, ending with a ‘thank you for attending’ and a ‘here’s to another great year for the charity’. He came over to the table to start the celebrations, but as soon as he opened his mouth to say hello he was dragged away to speak to some important people, leaving me to entertain the children on the table.
“Will he be coming back?” Anna asked,
“I think so,” I smiled, watching him talking to the founder of the charity and his guests. He was so charismatic and seemed to make everyone smile or laugh and, as expected, was the centre of attention. The speakers crackled to life and the dance floor was lit up with lights and a disco ball.
“Can we dance now?” Anna asked tapping me on the shoulder
“I don’t see why not,” I replied. She grabbed my arm and dragged me up to dance with her and the other girls on the table. We were soon joined by the children for all the other tables, as well as some of the children from other tables. The girls danced and twirled, their dresses floating around in circles, while the boys decided to run around and then slide on their knees.
“Ladies and gentlemen please be seated for tonight’s meal,” a booming voice sounded through the microphone, so we all made our way back to the table. I laid my napkin on my knees and all the girls copied, giggling between themselves. I waited nervously as I waited for Harry to sit down next to me, but instead I was given a bowl of soup. It still to this day bewilders me why they serve soup at dinners like this – you’re more likely to spill it all over the place and make a mess of yourself. Nevertheless I carried on eating my soup in the most lady-like way I could, as not to make a fool of myself and make a mess, the girls were trying to copy, but just ended up spilling it all over their napkin. I giggled behind my napkin as I wiped my mouth – they were trying as hard as me not to make any slip ups.

After the meal there was more dancing, and more swirling and more giggling and more sliding about on the floor. I was holding Anna’s hand and Lucy’s (another one of the girls) hand while their dresses floated around. I felt a tap on my bare shoulder and whipped my head around to see Harry grinning at me.
“You couldn’t imagine the lengths I went to the talk to you tonight,” I smiled as I turned back to the girls smiling at their shocked faces. I dropper their hands and turned round.
“And you couldn’t imagine the lengths I went to, to get you to talk to me,”
“Well we’re both here now, let’s make the most of it,” he placed one hand on my back and we held one hand. We swayed from side to side, amongst the other guests, who couldn’t care less that Prince Harry was dancing with ‘that girl from the telly’. We both smiled as we danced around, some of the children copying us.
“So have you had fun tonight?”
“Yeah, the children are incredible, they’re so full of life and are so vibrant and funny and-” I was interrupted by a pull on my dress. I turned round to see a group of girls following us around.
“Are you gonna kiss?” one of the girls asked really quietly, making me laugh quietly,
“If she’d let me,” Harry smiled, making me turn back to him.
“As we were saying-” I was interrupted by Harry’s lips on mine.
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Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been a busy bee. I've been researching Lesotho for something in College and I've realised how drastic it actually is the statistics are shocking, especially HIV/AIDS related figures. For such a small, unknown country it's statistics are graver than some other well known African countries like Sierra Leone, Congo and Nigeria, so I've gone and given some money to Sentable.