Breaking Krone

Chapter Two

The ladies from the library were good friends of mine. I visited them often on some of my free days to catch up on my reading. Sometimes I brought Klause along, but hardly any reading was done. We were even on a first name basis. I looked over at the front desk to see who was working today. “Good morning Mrs. Genesis!” I said in the cheeriest voice I could manage. She looked up from her bookbinding.
“Good morning Veretica! Good to see you up this early. You must be on a mission,” she teased. She didn’t know how close she was to the truth.
“Haha yes ma’am. I need to get on a computer.” I handed her my library card.
“Right this way little missy.” She led me to one of the several computers in the room.
“Thanks Mrs. Genesis,” I said as she smiled and went back to the front desk.
Now back to business. I pulled the Krone letter out of my hoodie pocket and unfolded it. I hardly understood any of it. I decided to start my knowledge at the base of it all. Brighton Academy of Science. I typed it into the address bar and hit enter. An elaborate website popped onto the screen. I scrolled down and hit information. Pages and pages about the academy showed up. I went a little more specific and typed in Nicholae Slader. All that showed were his education degrees and background. Hmm. I need to go a little deeper. I moved the mouse back up to the address bar and typed in vector. One site showed up. I clicked it and waited as it loaded the page.

Vectors are not entirely human. They possess the power to pass through the worlds effortlessly and each with hold a personal mission that only that Vector knows. A Vector’s mission may be unknown to that Vector until the right time for the mission to be awakened.
The race of the Vector diminished substantially when armies of the mysterious being waged war upon another world unknown to our research. They lost the battle and what few Vectors left were scattered amongst the New World. The New World is where we now reside and refer to as, Brehm.
Description: bluish ring around pupils. Other than that, they look completely normal.
Further information has yet to be found.

Well. That was not what I was expecting. However, that did raise a few more questions about Brighton Academy of Science, and about Klause and me. However, all this was hypothesis. So some of it could be wrong. On the other hand, maybe all of it. What does Brighton and Krone want with the "Vectors"? I know I’m different, but could I be this different? I don’t even know how to get to the other worlds, so how could I be a Vector that “pass through worlds effortlessly”? The only thing on the site that describes me in any way is the blue around the pupil. “Jeez. Lousy website,” I muttered in denial.
But it still made me curious of the possibilities…
I typed in another name. Roxie Gooden. I had a feeling this Roxie and the Roxie that came to my house was the same. Site after site pulled up for all the Roxie Goodens in the world. I’m not getting much from this. I guess I’ll have to do my research manually. Right in Krone Headquarters.
I stood and made my way to the exit. Enough reading for me now. Time to find Klause. “Bye Mrs. Genesis ,” I called over my shoulder as I hurried out the door into the breezy fall weather.
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It just keeps getting better. I hope I mentioned this is not my story. *Written by Len U. Baina* my friend who does not have a mibba but is an amazing writer. Please comment, thanks for reading, and enjoy! Constructive criticism is encouraged!