Status: Active

Rocket To The Moon.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the Corporation Club Battle Of The Bands 2010 is…”

A deafening roar crashed through the building, promptly interrupting the show. A violent tremor shook the ground beneath my feet, and terrified screams belonging to the confused occupants of the building quickly began to increase in volume. Chunks of debris exploded from the structure and tore into the panicking crowd. Thick smoke emanating from a furious blaze of fire in the corner of the room started to spread itself throughout the room. A huge chunk of the building plunged down from the ceiling and collided with the floor no more than a metre away from where I was standing. We had to get out.I glanced frantically around for my friends and saw that they all looked just as stunned as I was. Despite my deep state of shock, I managed to act quickly.

“Come on, we need to get out of here!” I screamed over the noise of the collapsing building, raging flames and terrified people.

“Hero, help me…what the fuck is going on!?” Gracie cried, clinging tightly onto my arm and breathing heavily.

“It’s alright, Gracie, we just need to get out of here” I said.

My heart flipped in terror when I saw that the entrance had been blocked by a huge slab of wood from the ceiling and many other people attempting to climb over it. There was no way we would have gotten out of there quickly enough. A vast section of the stage collapsed, and I dived out of the way, dragging Gracie with me. The huge amount of smoke was making it difficult for me to see.

“Hero!” Adam rushed over to me and grabbed my hand “This way!” he dragged me towards where everyone else was running. Gracie, however, did not follow. She keeled over on the ground and started coughing aggressively. I had forgotten that she suffered from severe asthma. Even the slightest amount of smoke can bring about a serious attack.

“What’s happening!?” Adam asked frantically.

“She’s having an asthma attack. She won’t be able to keep up with us…” I replied, completely on the verge of freaking out.

“Wait up you guys!” Adam called to everyone else“We need help!”

But through the panic and chaos, not everyone heard his calling. Luckily, the one person who did hear, was Rocket. He rushed back and scooped Gracie up in his arms, then instructed Adam and I to run, whilst he ran behind us. I followed Adam to where everyone else had gone and discovered that there was a large open window in a room backstage. We all climbed through, then helped Gracie through and gave her immediate medical attention. Sean and Christa helped her get over to a nearby ambulance that had arrived already. I intended to follow them, as soon as possible to see how Gracie was, and to get myself to safety.

“Is everyone alright?” Tom asked. His nose, cheeks and hair were blackened with soot.

“Is everyone here?” Hunter asked, trying to count everyone. I looked at each person. Gracie, Sean and Christa were at the ambulance…Hunter, Andy, Adam, Alexia, Tom, Crystal, Eve, and Rocket were with me. And myself of course.

“I think everyone’s here” I replied shakily.I looked at Rocket, who was staring intently at the blazing building.

“Rocket, come on, we need to get away from there” Tom said.

“There’s still people in there” Rocket replied, his voice wavering.

“The fire service will take care of them. I promise. We need to go and see how Gracie is” Tom pleaded, attempting to take Rocket by the arm. Rocket pulled away from Tom, and started to spring towards the building.

“ROCKET! NO!” I screamed. I attempted to run after him, to pull him back, to save him, but Tom grabbed my shoulders and stopped me.

I watched in horror as he swiftly ran towards the flames.

“COME BACK!” I shrieked. Tears cascaded down my face as I struggled to free myself from Tom’s grasp. Rocket disappeared into the thick, black smoke, just as the entrance he had entered through caved in. Leaving him trapped.