

And that’s what they did.

They played for hours and hours and hours, or at least that’s what it felt like to the boy.

In all of his screeches of joy, and laughing fits and chasing, and tickle fights.
Not once did June cross his mind.

Although he did feel a vague feeling of something missing for the swan, but that was it, and it had passed.

They had fun blindly, with no worries plaguing the young boy, he actually felt like…a…kid.

Then, the lock clicked, the boy and the goose froze in unison.

June was home.

As the multiple locks started clicking in place, the boy scrambled and panicked; he had to hide the goose, his new friend.

“C’mon we have to hurry! Up the stairs.”

The boy didn’t even glance at his goofy friend, he just ran, at a speed that one could only run at, when running from one’s mother.

By the time he reached the top of the stairs, he was heaving.
“Are you coming?”

But, when the boy had turned around, the goose was gone.
Almost as if he’d never been there.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think I'm gettin' just a wee bit fasta.
I'm thinkin' about changin' the layout, or font up a bit.
Don't refrain yo' selves.(;