Do You Trust Me?


Sunset. The most beautiful time of day, in my mind. The sun dipped it’s rim into the sparkling water below my feet as I sat on the dock’s edge, waiting for him. All around me, the trees and grass and the whole scenery glowed in the golden light. Just looking around at it would make your heart feel at peace, and your mind fall blank with relaxation. A sight for sore eyes, indeed.

I heard the tall grass behind me blowing in the mid-summer breeze, just before I heard the snap of tiny twigs below an all-too-familiar pair of black and white Converse. I didn’t have to turn around to know who was approaching, and my lips lifted themselves up at the corners in a small smile. I knew he would be right on time. He was never, ever late.

“Hi,” he spoke softly. His wind-chime voice filtered through my ears pleasantly and I finally looked over at him as he sat beside me, his own tiny smile gracing his lips. I silently nodded a greeting and smiled back, admiring the way his dark ringlets tumbled down in perfect loops, brushing across his forehead. His hand slowly inched towards mine before gently grasping my thin fingers, interlocking with his. The warmth that I felt ghosting off his strong body beside me was enough to make my heart skip a beat and leap into my throat. A wonderful feeling, if you ask me.

My eyes trailed down his exposed arm, glancing over the ivory skin that was delicately covering the veins that crawled down his forearm, into his wrist, and seeped into the top of his hand. Bringing his other hand back up, he ever-so-slowly brushed my hair back, revealing more of my face. His smile widened just the slightest bit and his face lowered, his lips just barely grazing the skin that covered my jaw. Eyes fluttering shut, I gave his fingers a tiny squeeze as his mouth traveled up to meet my own.

The feeling of complete content and calmness took over as his kiss continued on, slowly and innocently, making my head and thoughts swirl. Against my mouth, he breathed out in a soft whisper, “Do you trust me?”

I nodded, my eyes still unopened. After one more soft kiss to my lips, he pulled back and smiled a real, genuine smile. Reaching down, he lifted his shirt and tossed it aside. I couldn’t stop myself from staring at his perfectly defined muscles, the v-line that started at his hips, dipping down into the waistband of his skinny jeans. The very same line that drove me insane on the nights we were irresponsible, but too blinded by sheer lust to care. He smiled and pushed himself up off the wood that we sat upon, standing to unbutton his jeans. I looked up in utter confusion, furrowing my brow.

He left his pants hanging loosely on his hips and leaned down, taking my free hand in his. Swiftly pulling me up, his fingers released my own, dropping to lay on my waist. His forehead leaned against mine, his nose just barely brushing my cheek. His feather-light voice repeated, “Do you trust me?”

I looked up into his brown eyes, seeing nothing in them but admiration. I bit down on my lip and nodded once more. “Of course. I trust you, Nick.”

He nodded and kissed me yet again, this time just on the very corner of my mouth. “Then jump with me.”

I didn’t have to give him an answer, as his gentle and warm hands slid under my t-shirt, pushing it up. I lifted my arms so he could easily remove it and he, like his own shirt, tossed it aside. As my fingers went to unbutton my shorts, he stopped me. Pulling them from my waistband, he replaced them with his own fingers and tugged down the zipper, sliding the worn out denim down my thighs. I kicked them off, my arms reaching up to wrap around his broad shoulders. I glanced back at the pile of our clothes and took a deep breath before pulling myself from him and standing on the edge of the dock.

He followed me and looked down at the rippling water. It was a deep drop. We both knew that. But, he would never let anything happen to me. He promised me that a long, long time ago. Silently, my hand reached over and grasped his tightly, my face lifting up to look at him. He offered a small smile.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you, too.”

With one last deep breath, we both let our fear dissolve as we jumped into the water, out hands still tightly laced together. I would always, always trust him.
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I really, really love this. It might be my favourite one-shot I've ever written. I want to thank my bestest friend Rae for giving me the story idea. I love you, Mommy Rae. <3

This can also be found on JBFFA under the username Sixx. :)