‹ Prequel: Scream Silently
Status: New!



You see, the thing is I never know why I feel so... on edge, always so shaky and paranoid and nervous about everything. Every. Little. Thing. Especially when it feels like I could grow some sort of attatchment to something; that I could actually care. It scares me.
The whole possibility of finding someone besides Dalton seemed so stupid - it was a stupid idea - but I still found a boy who tied my insides in a knot and it brought back my uncontrollable paranoia. I think that's how everything started last time around, though, I'm pretty sure that's what the slender man came for...
So I guess I never did much of anything about that boy, Seth. What was I supposed to do? I'm not attractive, just plain, not interesting, just weird, and I have a demon latched onto me that I have to keep from him. Plus, I'm shy. I'll admit it. I'm scared as fuck when it comes to the idea of talking to people, especially if they matter to me in any respect... When I even talked to Dalton in the first place it was all a miracle. Something destined to happen. There's no way I could talk like that to anyone else in the world, especially not Seth!
Seth was a boy I worked with. He wasn't the kind of boy I found physically attractive. My roommate thought he was the cute, but I saw nothing special in him, physically. There was something deeper. He listened to my favourite music and he knew my favourite movies. Even better, he knew Dalton's favourite things. He liked all of the same things that Dalton did, all of those little things me and Dalton had in common, and that was enough of a little piece of Dalton that I latched myself right onto it. I did latch myself onto Seth in a way, we did make friends with common interests and stimulating conversation. If things kept going, he could've even filled the hole Dalton left, but I couldn't let myself think that way. Maybe I should've taken the easy way out, but it never teaches you anything and it never creates a good story. So I didn't worry about Seth, and I just stayed where I was.
My habits of walking alone at night were getting worse but somehow it wasn't as soothing to me anymore. I kept feeling something following me and it scared me but I couldn't stop walking. It was like I wanted to go home but I couldn't because he would follow me there even though he'd find me anyway so it didn't really matter but I was still scared because I kept hearing footsteps and there were never footsteps before when I saw the slender man everywhere but maybe it meant the slender man was more powerful because I wasn't seeing him or maybe it really wasn't even him this time at all. Either way. I was being followed by something and it scared me.
I popped a couple more of the pills I had from the hospital. They're supposed to curb the symptoms of my paranoia. I'm supposed to call if things get worse or anything. At least they thought I was competent enough to be able to tell when it's worse, right?
My body felt tranquilized and my mind felt trapped and limited in abstract thinking, but the fear of being followed never did ease up.
Lately things have been getting worse, but I swore I would never go back to that hospital, and I'm not about to change my mind now.
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This story might come along a bit slower, but it'll come along, I promise.