Mastering the Art of Losing

Wide Open Spaces

Natalie's P.O.V

Sunlight spilled through the half open blinds. Burning through Natalie's closed eyes. Grumbling, Natalie flipped over, slipping the comforter over her head. For a split second she forgot where she was. She could pretend she was right back in her bed at home. Waiting to hear her mother's voice calling her name for breakfast. Knowing her father would be reading the paper and sipping his usual black coffee.

As quickly as the thought appeared it had disappeared. Her stomached dropped, feeling alone. Just then the bed shifted and an arm wrapped around her stomach. Alicia. Last night Natalie had called Alicia and told her what had happened. Alicia offered her to stay with her. Rent free. Sighing she rolled over to face the girl. Her pixie hair was sticking up all over the place. Her eyes were tinted with sleep. She sat up and rubbed at her chin, wiping the droll off. Extending her arms and legs she stretched to work out the kinks. She could get used to this.

Leaning down to the soundly sleeping Alicia, Nat planted a soft kiss on her lips. Alicia stirred but stayed asleep. Rolling out of the bed Natalie headed into the shower. The hot water pelted her, relaxing her muscles.

Stepping out of the shower she sauntered into the bedroom to gather some cloths. Grabbing a pair of dark skinny jeans and old t-shirt she started to dry herself off.

"Well good morning to you too..." Alicia's voice was coated with left over sleep.

Smiling, and slightly blushing, to herself Natalie through the towel into the hamper. She grabbed a pair of panties and slid them on. Followed by the res of her clothing. Turning back around she went over to Alicia and met her lips with her own. Basking in this moment Natalie giggled.

Reluctantly she pulled away and stood up. "Morning. I have some job searching to do this morning. I'll be back later. Call me though of you need me."

Pouting her lip Alicia sunk further into the bed. "You could just stay here ya know..."

As tempting as it sounded Natalie grabbed her make-up and and hair straightener. "I'll be back later babe."

When she had finished she gave Alicia one more kiss before slipping out into the bright world. After 3 failed job interviews Natalie walked into a local coffee shop feeling defeated. Ordering her usual, she sank into a nearby chair and waited. When her number had been called she maneuvered through the crowd. As she was about to slip out of the crowd again she saw her mother. Mentally she cursed the town for being so small. It figured that she would run into her mother right after she left her behind. How's a girl to start over when her past is right next door?

Hoping her mother wouldn't see her she slid against the wall towards the exit.


Natalie slowly turned to face her mom. "Karren." Formal. Detached. It was the only way. When her mother just stood there and looked at her Natalie shook her head and left the building.

She sucked in deep breathes as she walked away. I need wide open spaces. I need new faces.

Notcing her phone ringing she saw Alicia was calling. Regretting the call she went to call Ember. Then stopped herself and kicked herself for it. Forget it. Throwing her phone into her bag she headed towards her next job interview.
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So I know it has been awhile. Sorry guys! Jr year is pretty busy. Anyway I hope you like this and are still following :D Check out my other story "We can't run away" !

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P.S. Sorry about how short it is..I might go back and edit it later though.