Status: Working slowly but surely.

War of the Words

Cameron and Kat were just living their normal lives until their reality was thrown into the mix with fiction. Now all is not as it seems and ravens are now like writing desks. It has gotten so crazy that they day we thought would come when monkeys fly. Well that day is today and now they must work to seperate these two worlds once more with the help of the residents of these classics.
  1. Prologue: The Dynamic Damn!
    What happens when non fiction meets fiction?
  2. Chapter :1 What the ***ens?
    Flying armies of monkeys, England is in turmoil, and a poor metal man is left out in the cold. What is going on here?
  3. chapter 2: My kingdom for a horse!
    A frazzled old knight lost his horse and now reports of rude royalty struts downtown.