

It’s our time to shine through the down,
glorified by what is ours.

He’s a fucking lunatic.

The intensity he packs into single lyrics, the bizarre fashion in which he moves on stage, the way he can capture the crowds’ attention with a single flick of his hand. The sweat. The beat. The music. It’d be enough to send the most avid hard rock loather into a state of melodic delusion. One thing was for sure; the fans were definitely feeling it, right from the tingle in their fingers to the bottom of their hearts. Nothing was going to cut this moment short for them.

Did I say lunatic? I meant musical genius.

We've fallen in love.
We fall in love.

Oh. We sure have. Trust me.

There were lots of things to be admired by this lank-haired man in front of me, but there was one thing in particular; his voice. It was diverse, recognisable, and filled to the brim with emotion… strength. You could hear the charisma in the way he screamed, the way he whispered, the way he’d address his audience with a wink and a smirk. Bert McCracken was one hell of a performer that was for sure, and the crowd were milking it for all that it was worth.

Of course, at this stage, it’d be foolish of me not to introduce his supporting, fundamental band mates into the picture. Jeph Howard and Quinn Allman maintained the all important string instruments, and quite remarkably so. Nobody could question against the way the duo played, ever. They’d pour their energy into the entire performance, letting their fingers run wild against the strings. It’s almost a wonder how the instruments haven’t caught fire yet from the incredible friction they produce.

Branden hung around back, but not going unnoticed. He was the backbone of the fucking set, pounding away at the drums like there was no tomorrow. Thinking about it now, it’s almost down heartening to know he has moved on from the band that started it all for him -from the tears to the triumphs- but to know a man who held just as much talent had taken it upon to himself to fill that field… it fitted the void.

After all, drummers were just as crucial and special to a band, and follower alike.

It was the best idea I ever had.

As I sit here, my face scrunched in thought, the pixels behind the television screen form into crystal clear images as I draw back. The song was closing to an end, and if my nose was any more pressed against the glass it was in danger of becoming alarmingly flat. My father would heave a happy sigh and murmur a hushed ‘thank god’, while my mother would smile and silently question how on earth I find these bands I massively adore. I would roll my eyes in a warm manner, content with the thought that both of my parents would never fully comprehend how much this band has dragged me back out of the dark and to this day, still try to keep the demons away. Done so much, affected for the better.

So let it shine!

It seems almost impossible, unimaginable that they, The Used, could pull the plug at any moment. Why would they want to, at the height of their career after all? Who knows, but it’s the indescribable fear that they have to power to do something like that that dwells within the nooks and crannies of the mind for every Used devotee.

So let it shine to it’s fullest, even when you think you’ve worn out all the fire in you; don’t close the curtains on the bright, white sun just yet.

There are still those who need to find faith.

The light in the tunnel,
that's all.

Bert, Quinn, Dan and Jeph.

It kind of has a nice ring to it when they’re together, huh?

Sincerely yours,