Status: active

Let's Do What Lovers Do

Sweet Whispers

The rain pattered on the windowsill making a pat pat pat sound. The house was quiet and the lights were off. The silence could be heard and it seemed as though the hallway was dimmed with the lightest of a glance. The moon shone above the night sky with the sparkling diamonds all around it while the rain continued to lightly drizzle. Along the bed there was a small dog with her legs up in the air while she slept with her hair tilted to the side and her tongue hanging out. It seemed as if she was dreaming the night away. Next to her there was a bed and a young man was currently occupying it with his slumber as well. As he slept to his side with one arm out while snuggling into the pillow that was under his head. As his chest rose up and down steadily, his dreams were filled with the woman that was slowly taking his heart. Again.

How many times can you get your heart taken before it actually becomes taken by someone else that will not give it up? Why was everything so difficult?

I believe that there are no boundaries.. and when it comes down to it, I believe that I am willing to do anything for that person to be happy. His mind kept replaying that over and over in his head, in his dreams. It had been about a week ago when all of this took place and he still could not wash it out of his mind. It was incredible to him that someone could be that sure about someone else. A ring from his phone awoke him from his slumber as he reached out for the nightstand where it was. Keeping his eyes closed, Cesc Fábregas answered whoever was calling him at this hour. He didn't want to know what time it was. "Hola?" Cesc grumbled into the phone.
"Cesc? Mi vida, Carlota esta en el hospital."
Cesc immediately sat up without blinking and got out of the bed, "ya voy mamá." His mind was racing and he did not know what to think, what to expect. What if she was in serious condition? What if something really bad had happened. His mama told him which hospital they were at and he hung up the phone. Cesc was more of an in person, person. He didn't like to talk everything out on the phone because he'd prefer if it was when he was seeing them face to face. When it came to his family, Cesc wanted to be present instead of being told over the phone. Going into his closet and taking out a few changes of clothes, he got a bag and put them in there. His mama had his things at her house for when he went to Barcelona. Grabbing his things and looking at his phone he realized that the time was almost three in the morning. It must be serious. Cloe was following him around while shaking her tail. Cesc went into the kitchen as he put food on her plate and fresh water, leaning down and grabbing her, "be good." He petted her head a few times and gave her a kiss on her ear. She licked his hand as he let go of her she followed. Cloe knew that he was leaving since she saw the bag, and saw him get in his car and leave. The rain still drizzling, Cloe went back into his room and fell asleep once again. The dark haired Spaniard drove as fast as he could to the airport while calling Samir, "hey, so I'm going to Barcelona for the next few days. The keys are in the car in the airport.. second floor is where I parked it. Check on Cloe.. make sure she goes out. Thanks a million!" He left a message since it went straight to voice mail. As he made his way to buy his ticket to Barcelona, he noticed that a lot of people were there.. most of these were papparazzi.
"Cesc Fábregas! What are you doing here at this hour?"
"Any news on the Barcelona signing?"
"How come you're not with that pretty gal of yours?!"
The questions continued pouring out, all Cesc did was smile and try to look decent. You never know when the paparazzi will come out. Once he reached the lady and asked for a Barcelona ticket, she gladly gave it to him, "oh it seems like time is on your side, the next plane leaves in about twenty minutes." She gave him a smile as she gave him his ticket. He smiled back at her as he received it.

He did not know what he would do without Carlota. She meant everything to him, they had gone through a lot of things together and she really helped him when he lost Carla. When they were kids they always hung out together and did things. Carlota has supported him in everything that he has done including soccer. She always went with him to his practices while she did her homework and he practiced with his teammates. She was the first one in the stands shouting his name to do his best. She was his rock.. his support. His everything. With being four years apart, Cesc really protected his younger sibling. She was the best sister in the entire world and nobody and nothing could change that.. unless all of the sudden she died.. but she couldn't.. it wasn't possible. Cesc tried to clear his mind all of the sudden very awake, the game last night had taken a beaten out of him and he was exhausted as there were dark circles under his eyes. The doughnut party after the game was fun, but he went home and crashed after that. Taking out his phone to call his boss and explain the recent situation that was happening he saw that not a lot of people were going to Barcelona. Maybe people just travel during the weekends when it comes to times like these. He dialed and the phone went straight to voice mail as well, "hey boss. Family situation came sister is in the hospital and I'm going to take a couple of days off.. at least three, I'll be back on Sunday, sorry I am missing the to you later." He hung up the phone. Something that was nice about his boss is that he actually cared for his team. It seems as when family situations came up he understood completely and let them leave.

The rain continued to come down.. hopefully it wasn't raining in Barcelona since he was tired of it. He missed Barcelona so much, it was his home, his country. Cesc was interrupted by his thoughts when the cool female voice said, "now boarding for Barcelona, Spain." She translated it over in Spanish and Catalan as well. The brunette Spaniard grabbed his things, went up to the lady, gave her his ticket and made his way into the plane while comfortably sitting down in his chair and his eyes noticed something. A small boy sleeping on his mother's lap. His hair was the color of Natalia's hair, and it was shaggy almost to his eye brows. For a moment his mind flashed into another world. A world with a little girl holding the hand of her mama and her papa. Her papa was Cesc and her mama was Natalia. Natalia smiled at her little girl while Cesc held Natalia in his arms as they watched their little girl run ahead of them.. Cesc shook his head. What the hell?

Natalia was in class not bothering to pay attention since it was a last minute talk before they began their presentations. This is the only class that she really despised simply because every week they had to give a presentation on current events and that is something that Natalia did not like. The news. They were overrated and most of them were about violence and how bad the economy is. Most of the time she covered the sport's section because it was just how games happened and what is happening in the sport's world. The worst thing that could happen in there is people get injured.. and rare deaths which is what she liked. Someone else had taken the entertainment section of movies and things so she couldn't do that either. This class had ast least twelve people and everybody was nice and jolly. Natalia knew that a lot of them were fake, but she didn't really speak to them since they weren't worth the time. She did not understand how they all got here, most of them always partied and didn't get anything done until the last minute. Her professir dismissed them from class and as she was getting up, one of them approached her, "Natalia, tienes un segundo?" A young man asked her. He had honey eyes with dark curly hair.
"Si Mateo. Que quieres?"
"Quieres venir a una fiesta conmigo este Sábado?" He asked her pleading with his eyes.
"No Mateo. Estoy ocupada este Sabado. De pronto otra mas tarde bueno?" She shot him a smile as she walked away. She didn't really have anything to do on Saturday, but she did not want to hang around Mateo and his crowd. The only thing that they did was party and get high. Natalia could not even begin to understand how he was in this class. Her backpack started vibrating and she unzipped the front pocket, took out her phone and pressed talk as soon as she saw who it was, "hey Piqui!" She smiled.
"Hey prima. Podrias venir al hospital o estás ocupadita?" Piqué asked her as she was fumbling with her keys to get inside her car.
He said hospital.. Natalia hoped that there was nothing wrong.. Piqué sounded fine, but there was an edge to his voice that she could not place. He sounded fine but did not sound fine at the same time. "Yeah. I'm on my way over. Are you okay?" She had to ask to make sure.
"Yo si. Pero una amiga no." Piqué replied.
Natalia felt special that her cousin was sharing this with her, most of the time he didn't take her anywhere that included his close friends simply because he wanted to protect her. He didn't want to share her, but being the gentleman that he was, he knew that she would like this. Gerard Piqué was a very interesting person when it came to choosing who met who in his close friends with family. Sometimes he brought Natalia along, and other times he didn't. When Spain had won the World Cup, he didn't bring her along for the simple fact that the media and everybody and their mom would be there celebrating with them, so Natalia celebrated with her people in Vilassar de Mar in Barcelona. She did not mind a single bit that her cousin did not want to bring her and understood that he was just looking out for her. The media had not pictured her yet and she was not planning on starting any time soon. Natalia got in her car and turned on the radio for quiet background music while her mind was racing with every worse possible situation that could have happened to this friend of Gerard's. She didn't know, how could she know? Natalia could not really think positively since she did not know this girl.. it couldn't be Shakira could it? She shook her head, there was no way that there was anything wrong with Shakira. There couldn't.. she has lived such a good life! Natalia called her mama and told her she was going to be home later because she had an important meeting to go to so they should not wait up for her.

Once she arrived at the hospital that Piqué had told her she parked in the visitor area and got out while walking to the entrance. To calm herself down she began to think about what a wonderful trip she had gone on last week. To London, to see a wonderful young man to be known as Cesc Fábregas whom was a very good host towards her. He provided his home for her and showed her around London. She could not stop thinking about the night at the club though. The way that they had danced and how everything was so easy around him. It was too easy. No complications were needed or happened. It was blissful really, and Natalia felt guilty about it sometimes because there was no way that a person could feel that good around someone else. Charlotte had taken a few pictures of them, but Natalia made her promised that she would not post them online or anything. Before Natalia left for Spain, Charlotte and her had exchanged phone numbers so they wouldn't lose contact and Natalia smiled that she made a new friend. All of the soccer players that she met were very nice to her, specially that Robin Van Persie. My, oh my was he dreamy. When he approached her again to ask her to dance the only thing she could do was nod and just look into his eyes. I mean, the guy was drop dead handsomely gorgeous! He towered over her of course, but then again everybody did. The way that he talked to her was very sweet and she could not help but smile when he told her that ever since Cesc met her, he seemed to be in a happier mood. Natalia smiled cheek to cheek as she dialed Piqué's number to see which floor he was in. "Fifth floor, room 543. See you in a few." Natalia could tell he was smiling. It was been a few weeks since they had seen each other and she was excited to see her cousin. She pressed the button for the elevator to come to the first floor and noticed that the hospital was very quiet. Silence annoyed her most of the time so she began to hum to herself that song that stuck to everybody's head like bubble gum during the world cup. "Tsamina mina eh eh waka waka eh eh, tsamina mina Zangalewa. Anawa aa. This time for Africa," Natalia began singing softly as the elevator took forever to get her to the fifth floor.

The next thing surprised Natalia. As she stepped out of the elevator there was a man with his back to her and Gerard talking to him. Gerard was looking past his shoulders and saw Natalia looking curiously at him as she walked closer and closer to him. Gerard smiled when he saw Natalia, and then the dark haired man turned around. She froze in her tracks as she came face to face with Arsenal's captain number four, Francesc Fábregas. His face was pale and his eyes were darker than most days. Natalia could tell that he had not been sleeping by the dark circles under his eyes and his ragged beard. Gerard went inside the hospital room not wanting to interrupt their moment. Natalia's mouth curved upwards a little bit as she just stared into his eyes and then did something that was even surprising to her. Her body moved towards his and she encircled her arms around his neck as she got on her toes to give him a bone crushing hug. It looked like he needed one. Cesc wrapped his arms around her waist and laying his head on her shoulder. This was something that he needed, a hug. Cesc was grateful for Gerard Piqué telling Natalia to come here and see him. He was surprised that he told her, but he didn't question Gerard's judgment. It was probably best... the Spanish had a big ego and an even bigger temper. Cesc had seen Gerard mad and it was not a pretty sight. Cesc could smell Natalia's hair of cinnamon with a hint of vanilla, a combination that he loved with his ice cream and other desserts. He softly smiled knowing that she could not see his reaction to this. Natalia's nostrils filled with Cesc's smell. It was something spicy with something minty on the side.. something that drove her mind insane as she tried to control herself into leaning down more so she could attach her nose to his neck. Natalia remembered how Cesc looked at the club and how he smelled ten times stronger than what she was smelling now, his black button up shirt matched casually with a dark pair of jeans and some black sneakers. Hands down he looked irresistible and Natalia never told him that. Again, she was not really good with these types of things that she didn't know what to do when it came to it.

After a few seconds of hugging, they both let go and Cesc began, "I'm glad you came. My sister Carlota is here.. she got in a car crash and has been in a coma since yesterday night. The doctors don't know when she will wake up.. she only has minor bruises and a few broken ribs. Her brain is fine though, it's just that she got hit hard which caused her to pass out..I didn't want to call because I thought you might be-" He was stopped.
"Cesc. I'll always have time for you.." Natalia blurted out before she could stop herself. Um... Her eyes looked at the floor before she looked up at him.
He softly smiled at her as he grabbed her hand and led her inside the room. Tiny static shocks went up her arm as their hands touched and her body suddenly became warm.
Cesc saw his mama and papa sitting while Gerard was standing up quietly talking to them. Cesc came up to them and introduced them to Natalia while Natalia smiled shyly while shaking hands with his mother and father.
"Encantat de conèixer-te. Ho sento molt per Carlota." Natalia said in her Native tongue as each parent smiled and gave her a hug. She gladly hugged them back and then Gerard spoke up, "Natalia es mi prima." Cesc's parents immediately loved her since Gerard was such a close family friend that they began asking her questions about her life and all these different areas of her life. Natalia gladly told them and she noticed that Cesc went to sit down next to his sister. She could tell that he loved Carlota with all his heart. Cesc sat next to her and held her hand while he just stared at her face. Carlota resembled him a lot and people often thought that they were twins. She was laying down on the bed, immobile as her hair was brushed out of her face. Natalia couldn't help but smile at him as his parents continued to speak to her about everything and anything. Cesc's mother, Marta stared at Natalia and then saw that she was staring at Cesc. "Cesc. Mi amor, por que no te vas a la casá? Se que estas cansado, pero tu papi y yo nos podemos quedar. Ademas te quedaste toda la noche hasta ahorita. Debes ir a descansar..te llamo si algo pasa. Bueno mi vida?" She went over and kissed her son on the cheek, while Cesc looked at his mama and then back at his sister.
"Bueno. Me llamas." He told his mama as he got up.
Natalia and Gerard followed Cesc out of the room while they said their goodbyes and his papa winked at Natalia. Natalia couldn't help but smile as Gerard turned to face her, "you should take Cesc back to the house.. I'm sure he doesn't want to be alone. I have a few interviews to go to right now, since I squeezed this in to see my favorite Spaniard and such. I'll see you tomorrow no? Barcelona is going to win the cup..Just sayin'." Natalia sometimes forgot what an egotistical person Gerard could be.
Natalia scoffed as Cesc said, "that sounds like a great idea. Yes, you will and we'll see about that." Cesc winked at Gerard as all three of them got in the elevator. Gerard put a hat and sunglasses on while Cesc just put a hat on. "You guys are ridiculous.. the paps weren't here when I got here.. I'm sure they don't even know that Cesc Fábregas is here. In Spain." Natalia said as the elevator brought them down to the first floor."You can never be to sure Natalia. You're just a noob at this.." Gerard said.
"Or maybe I'm just so good.. I've never had my picture in the papers have I?" Natalia inquired as they walked out of the hospital.
"Yeah yeah, blah blah blah. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Gerard said as he gave Cesc and Natalia a hug.
Gerard parted ways and that left Cesc and Natalia by themselves.

Natalia led Cesc to her car as they both got in and she drove off to her house. "I'm sorry about your sister.."
"It's okay..well. I mean it's not okay, but it's not your fault." Cesc said.
Natalia giggled as Cesc started laughing as well...this boy made no sense sometimes. She turned on the radio once again for background music as she didn't want Cesc to be uncomfortable in any way possible. Cesc just looked out the window as the sun was finally setting. It had become warmer seeing as May was just around the corner...which meant that she would go on summer Vacation soon. Natalia had one year after this one of University left which made her extremely happy since she was sick of school. It was a comfortable silence that washed over them since they were lost in their own thoughts, Cesc could not stop thinking about his sister while Natalia was thinking about her future...what was going to happen. So many questions flashed through her mind that she didn't pay attention because they had arrived to her house.
"It's no castle, but it's home. I love it."
"It's perfect." Cesc said smiling as they both got out of the car.
Natalia led him inside her house as she saw her parents watching television. "Hey mama, papa, traje a un amigo.. me imagino que lo conocen."
She went straight to the fridge as she was starving from the day that she just had. It seemed like her mama had made pasta for dinner that night, her favorite so she got two plates and served Cesc and herself. Putting one plate in the microwave while getting drinks for both of them she could hear her papa talking excitedly to Cesc. Her smile made her giggle as the beep from the microwave sounded, she went to put in the other plate when her mother came into the room, took the plate that she had just taken out and the glass that was occupied by Pepsi. Her mama asked her, " what a gorgeous man, no?"
"Mom!" Natalia giggled.
When she was done making her dinner ready, Natalia stepped out and saw that her father and Cesc were deep in conversation about something that Natalia was not about to interrupt them so she sat quietly at the table while she ate. Cesc was eating and nodding enthusiastically while listening to Natalia's father speak to him. Cesc saw Natalia out of the corner of his eyes, the way that she was simple yet sophisticated made him want to just stare at her. Her father noticed that Cesc was staring from her to him and this made him tell him, "ella és un diamant en brut. Nue no ho perdin."
Such simple words, but so powerful. With the look that her father gave Cesc, he got up and walked away. Natalia just looked at Cesc and he looked back at her. No words were exchanged as they finished their dinner.. it couldn't be this easy could it? It was always a little bit of work with Carla.. Cesc quickly dismissed his thoughts from that.

Once they finished dinner, Natalia went into the kitchen while the Spaniard followed suit. She was washing dishes, and Cesc thought that it would be nice to help her. He began to dry the dishes while they spoke about movies that they have seen and movies that they wanted to see. It was all random talk mostly and Cesc could tell that Natalia wanted to get his mind off his sister. It was working mostly but he just wanted to relax.. Ibiza came into his mind. Oh what sweet memories from that place came. "...have you seen A Goofy Movie?" Natalia mindedly asked as she finished with the last dish.
"No.." Cesc replied while he dried her hands with the towel he was holding.
"We are watching that. Tonight. Right now." Natalia grabbed his hand and led him to her bedroom. It's not like they were going to do anything in there.. plus she was old enough to have boys in her room with the door closed. As she looked for the movie Cesc looked around her room and noticed that it was very.. Natalia. There was her name on the wall with a bunch of pictures around it. Most of them with Gerard, very few with her friends. It was a neat room with the walls a pasty purple and her bed was a queen sized. The symmetrical comforter and a bunch of pillows made him want to lay down and drift off to sleep. She opened the drawer that was in her nightstand and then found it. Her television was hung up on the wall and it was a flat screen. A Christmas present from her parents for being such a good daughter.
"You. Sit. Or better yet. Lay down." Natalia commanded as she saw Cesc standing there while he was looking at everything. He did what she told him to do and immediately kicked his shoes off. He sucked in a big breath and let out a long sigh as Natalia stood in front of him, her back to him since she was putting the movie in and could not help but look at her body. She was wearing a simple pair of capri jeans and a simple blouse.. but the way her butt looked, it was out of this world. Cesc couldn't stop staring as she turned around he pretended to look at something else while she pressed play and the movie began.
Natalia sat down on the bed next to Cesc as she got a blanket to cover both of them. Her nightstand lamp was turned on while the rest of the lights in the room were off giving it this aura about them room. Cesc watched the movie, but he really wanted to just watch Natalia, although Natalia was focusing on the movie one hundred percent. She laughed at the parts that were obviously funny and then Cesc began to pay attention.
"Hmmm! Slurpage!" Cesc said like Bobby did and Natalia could not help but laugh.

Natalia layed down next to the brunette Spaniard as he was in and out of sleep. She noticed that he was about to fall asleep as he turned his head towards her. She turned off the television and the light, but then Cesc was awake. Natalia turned to face him as they were both laying down and facing each other, "thank you Natalia." Cesc whispered to her as she smiled at him.
Say my name again.. was all she could think about. "Always."
He brought his hand out from under the blanket and caressed her cheek as she softly giggled from the touch, "your innocent face always comes in my dreams." He softly chimed.
Natalia smiled as she replied, " make me feel like I'm in a dream.."
Cesc drifted off to sleep as Natalia closed her eyes never wanting this moment to end.

Maybe it was this easy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cesc? Mi vida, Carlota esta en el hospital.- Cesc? My life, Carlota is in the hospital,
"Natalia, tienes un segundo?"-Natalia do you have a second?
"Si Mateo. Que quieres?"-Yes Mateo, What do you want?
"Quieres venir a una fiesta conmigo este Sábado?"- Do you want to come to a party with me this Saturday?
"No Mateo. Estoy ocupada este Sabado. De pronto otra mas tarde bueno?"- No Mateo. I'm busy this Saturday. Maybe another one later okay?
Encantat de conèixer-te. Ho sento molt per Carlota.- Pleasure to meet you. I'm so sorry about Carlota.
Natalia es mi prima- Natalia is my cousin.
ella és un diamant en brut. Nue no ho perdin.- She is a diamond in the rought. Better not go to waste.




Author's Note: I will do Author replies in the next one okay? I was like typetypetype today so I could finish this. Yeah. ITS REALLY MUSHY AT THE END BUT I MEAN, they have not even kissed yet...when it that coming? I know. You don't. HA HA. ::) Sorry. I get carried away with things that I know and that you guys don't. I want ROMANCE IN MY LIFE. Right now. Like. -points to the sig- that. Alex Pettyfier is so freaking hot omg. I can't wait until I see him in some more movies. I mean. Seriously, the dude is a hunk. I am moving to Europe with Natalia. I have said it. It is happening. No lie. Okay.. maybe not exactly right away, but it will happen! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. The sixth chapter should be a happy chapter and things. :D Can you imagine Cesc talking like Bobby? I would die laughing. Anyway. I'll stop rambling now. :D