Status: active

Let's Do What Lovers Do

Chapter 7 -Graduation Party Part 1

Summer. What a wonderful word. It was going to be one of the best; Natalia could tell. She thought that she had to study for two more years but it turned out that she had enough credits to graduate. She didn't know that some of the credits that she took in high school would trasnfer over so when she found out from her advisor that she could graduate this semester and in time she was exctatic. Natalia immediately called her parents to let them know that their daughter was graduating in two weeks.

That was two weeks ago. Natalia was having a graduation party--well her parents were throwing it for her since she was such a good kid and all. She tried at least; besides her body shaking when it wanted to and all that jazz. That was going surprisingly well as of right now. Her meds were intact and she had gone to the doctor to see if anything had changed, but the doctor told her that she was still the same as she was when she found out she was diagnosed a couple of years ago. Her parents wanted to let her know how proud they were of their daughter; how she had achieved all her goals at such a young age... well she needed a job now, but she would be looking after her one month vacation. She needed one especially after this semester. Seventeen hours was not an easy task to take, but she managed to do it and now she had a degree. Gross, she had to be an adult now and get a life. Yuck, who ever wanted to be a grown up? Nobody. Natalia was getting ready for the party and trying to figure out what to wear when her phone rang.

"Alo?" She said as she looked at the clothes in her closet.
"Natalia." The Spaniard said.
"Francesc..." Natalia giggled. She knew he didn't like to be called that but it still made her giggle.
"Blegh." He said.
Natalia found a dress. A simple navy blue dress that went down to her midthigh. She was going to wear simple greek sandals to go with it since the temperature was rising and she didn't want to wear sneakers at the moment.
"Anyway. What do you want as a graduation present?" Cesc asked the girl as she took out her dress.
You. "Nothing." Was all she replied, she really didn't want anything, she didn't need anything.
"So difficult. The party starts at three yes?" Cesc asked again.
Natalia couldn't wait to see him, really he was the only person that she wanted to see.. well besides Gerard and Shakira of course, it's like they had become her friends throughout these months as the time passed by. Shakira became one of her closest friends as she talked constantly to Natalia and asked how her days were and just cared about her. Natalia was really happy that Shakira cared about Gerard's family in the sense that she wanted to get to know them.
"Uh. Yeah." Natalia responded.
"Are you okay?" Cesc asked her.

After Carlota's welcome back party, Cesc and Natalia had been inseparable in the phone portion of her life. They talked almost everyday and it was interesting how easy it was to talk to Cesc. He was really easy to be around and Natalia needed that. They never spoke of the kiss that happened between them even though it had her questioning what he thought about it. It was forward for even Natalia, but she had to do something to keep his mind off of Carla. There were some moments were Cesc would talk about her, but Natalia didn't mind--at least he was being honest with her and she liked that. She liked that he didn't have to hide from her and she completely understood: when someone as important as Carla has been in your life for a long time. Natalia went into her bathroom to take her prescription pills. The doctor instructed that instead of taking two at night, she take one in the morning, and then at night.

"Yes. Just taking it all in.. now I have to be an adult.. blegh." Natalia chuckled as she got her pill out and took it.
"Don't you wish you would have done football? You'd get to be a kid that plays every week and gets millions just by doing it." Cesc exclaimed.
"Speaking about that... is it true what the tabloids are saying? You're coming to Barcelona to play?" Natalia asked as she went out of her bathroom again
"Possibly. Been thinking about it a lot you know." Cesc said.
Please. You'll be closer to me. "Do you know how awesome that would be if you did?" She asked.
"No..tell me." Cesc said laughing. He did. Natalia only told him whenever they talked.
"Well for starters you'd see Gerard like everyday of your life. Then you'd be at home you know?" Natalia said and refused to say the real reason why it would be great if Cesc moved back.
"Those are very good reasons... I'll take you up on that. I'll do it. I'll sign with Barça." His voice sounded reassured. Like he was promising her he would do it.
"Really? You still have time to think about it.. don't you?" Natalia inquired.
"Yeah... I think it's better though, plus there are a lot of reasons why I would love to move that. I'm calling it." He responded.
"If you're sure.."
"I'm sure." Again, the reassurance.
"If you say so Cesc." Natalia laughed.
"I do. I'm calling the gaffer after I hang up and letting him know that I am going back to Barcelona." Cesc said. Seriousness was pouring through his lips and it was heard in his voice.
"Okay." Natalia tried to sound nonchalant. She couldn't contain her excitement.
"So. I'll see you at three nena."
"Sounds good.. be prepared to get a lot of starstruck people.." Natalia said.
"Oh, I know." Cesc laugh.
They said their goodbyes and then hung up. Immediately, Natalia squealed with excitement as she ran around her room and put on some music. Well, her graduation party just got ten times better and it was only noon. Her parents were out getting alcohol amongst other things. She should get drunk tonight. Maybe. Who knows? She pranced around her room again and again until she was gasping for air-- it was just that Cesc was transferring! He was coming home where he belonged. He belonged here with his people and Natalia was so incredibly happy to be the one to hear it first. After she was done dancing around her room because the guy that possibly might like her back is coming back for good she put on her dress and her sandals. Her hair went up in a ponytail because she was sure that it was going to get hot.

She went into the living room and noticed that a bunch of white balloons in each corner of the house and there was a big table out in the backyard. Her parents really went all out but she wasn't complaining. Then again, it was a party for her and she didn't do well under the limelight. The speeches that she had to give for university were terrible, she stuttered a lot. He still passed her though, so that was nice of him. Natalia was alone, and she was hungry. Her friends and family members wouldn't be here for a while. What was she to do? Her hand went under her chin as she tried to figure out what to do to kill the time. A light bulb set off and she went back in her room to get her phone and dialed her favorite cousin's number to see what he was up to.
"Gerard Piqué." She breathed.
"Natalia Pereira." He retorted.
"What are you doing?" She asked as she walked around her house, making sure everything was in its place.
"Playing video games."
"I demand we go out to lunch." Natalia said.
"Demand huh?" Gerard chuckled.
"Yes. I want gaspacho and the parentals are not here to provide. They are out buying things for the party." Natalia giggled.
"Oh I see. I'm your rebound."
"Pfft. You wish you were my rebound. Anyway. Yes? I'm sure it's hot."
"Fine. Meet you at that one place we always meet at."
"Sounds good. See you soon!" Natalia said as she hung up the phone.
The Spaniard then called her parents to let them know that she was going out to lunch with her cousin and that she would be back momentarily. That way the wouldn't freak out if she wasn't there when they got there. Taking her keys and bag she went out into the driveway and got in her car. It was pretty warm and she was happy with the choice of attire that she decided to pick. Driving to the restaurant that Gerard and Natalia had claimed as theirs, she noticed that a lot of people were out there; maybe they were celebrating something? It could be because Gerard had arrived--he would. Once she parked and got out of the car she quickly walked inside and noticed that it was just crowded. Gerard was wearing sunglasses, nobody seemed to notice him. So it was just crowded. Natalia smiled at Gerard as she made her way towards the table, this was exactly what she needed, some time with her best friend.
"Hola." Natalia said as she sat herself down.
"Hola," Gerard said as he smiled at his cousin.
The waiter came by and asked what they wanted, they both said gaspacho and a glass of water. The waiter only smiled at Gerard and walked away possibly not knowing who he was. That was good for them.

"So. Are you excited for your party? You look really pretty." Gerard asked chuckling.
He knew that Natalia didn't mind parties, but she never wanted to be the center of attention. Never. Natalia only squirmed in her seat and smiled geekily at her cousin.
"I know something you don't know.." Natalia smiled sheepishly as she changed the subject.
"I'm not telling you until he says it's okay." Natalia said.
"He? Who's he?"
"Your mancrush that you've had since you were eight. When you decided to join the world of football." Natalia chuckled.
"Duh," Natalia said while making an obvious face.
"I'll get it out of him." Gerard said as he laughed. "How is that going anyway?"
"What do you mean?" Natalia inquired.
"You know what I mean."
"I mean, I don't know. You know I'm no good at deciphering things when it comes to relationships.." Natalia said as she sighed.
"Okay. Entonces te pregunto y me respondes. ¿Te gusta? (Do you like him?" Gerard asked.
"Si." Natalia blushed.
"¿Como te hace sentir? (How does he make you feel?)" He asked her again. Their food arrived and Natalia happily dugged into her gaspacho.
"Honestly? No se. Es como todo es natural, todo es facíl, todo es posible. (I don't know. It's like everything is natura;, everything is easy, everything is possible.)" Natalia felt the blush creep up her cheeks.
"¿Se entienden? (Do you guys understand each other?)"
"Oh si. Really easily too. It's really weird. He's like you, but not family.." Natalia explained as she continued to eat her gaspacho.
"That's good. You're someone that is helping him move on. You don't know how happy you are making him..." Gerard said as a matter of factly.
"Well, we're just friends right now.. I don't know if he wants something more." Natalia simply said finishing her soup.
Gerard finished his as well and then asked for the check, "I can't believe you graduated...have you found a job yet?"
"No. But speaking of, do you remember when you said that you might need someone for the club? Think I have a shot?" Natalia beamed.
If she was going to pursue Cesc, she might as well start in the center of it all...she had come to terms that she did like him.
"¿Enserio? (Serious?)" Gerard asked as he sipped his water.
Natalia only nodded towards her cousin and he simply smiled at her, "Of course you do!" Gerard said.

She was applying to FC Barcelona that Monday. They needed someone in the media or something and Natalia was sure that she could do the job. After Gerard paid for their meals and then shuffled her hair as they were walking. "Geri!" Natalia laughed.
"Ay. I'll see you in a few hours." Gerard said to his cousin.
"See ya." Natalia said kissing his cheek.

Whenever she arrived at her house, her parents' car was in the driveway and she got out and went inside. vodka, tequila, whiskey, you name it, they were all there. "Are you guys trying to get me drunk? Natalia asked her mother and father.
They both looked at each other, "yes." They nodded smiling.
"Well then." Natalia smiled.
The Spanish brunette looked at the watch in the was only one thirty. What to do? She got an idea and went over to the stereo putting on some music to make the party mood better. Her mama was making paella since quite a few people were coming and her dad was just setting everything up outside, putting all the liquor on the table, napkins, cups, plates, utensils. This was bound to be a good graduation party.
"Gracias por todo mami. (Thanks for everything mom.)" Natalia said as she hugged her mom from behind.
"Of course my darling, anything for you." Her mom responded as she kissed her daughters arm.
Natalia went back into the living room and started dancing to the beat...might as well pass the time by doing something. She smiled at the fact that Cesc was going to come to her house again. His smile. Oh, that smile. Déu meu! (My God!) Natalia was in a daze, but that was only because Cesc was coming to Spain. Cesc was coming to Spain for her.
♠ ♠ ♠

so a year later... whatever. still writing. now i have more time... :D i got carried away, will post second chapter either tomorrow or saturday <3