Status: Hope you like it :)

My Heart Desires You

Chapter One

Bosnia 1915


It was Summer, 1915. The sun was shining and burning on the Bosnian citizens' skin. It felt really nice though. Bosnia was like no other country. Everything about Bosnia was great; everything except for one thing. In Bosnia, although you were allowed to have different religious people as friends, you were not allowed to fall in love or marry them. Especially in my family, my mum has been a practicing Christian ever since my father passed away when I was 5 years old. Ever since then, my mother has been going to church constantly and sending me and my younger brother, Jayson, to help Father Skendovic clean out the church. I didn't mind cleaning out the Church but Jayson didn't like it as much. He hated cleaning. He was lazy, so you can just imagine how much he disliked cleaning the church. I don't know why but I love the Church. My mother told me that I was born in this church so that's my theory to why I love it so much.
"Make sure you're home before noon, honey." My mother shouted from the kitchen, just as I was about to leave the house to go to the church.
"Don't worry, mum. I'll be home before noon. If you need anything from the market just send Victoria over to the church and I'll buy it." Victoria was our neighbor, my older brother, Vincent's to-be-wife and also, my best friend. My brother, Vincent, was in the army. In Bosnia every young man who's over 20 has a choice of going to the army. If your not married and don't have any kids its better if you do go but if your married and/or have kids then its better for you to not go. Vincent chose to go, and ever since then, my mother has been waiting for the mailman to come with a letter from him. If she didn't get one, she jumped to conclusions straight away: he was dead.
"Hey, Jasmine! If you want, I can come and help you clean the church!" Jayson shouted from his room. Even though he was 16 years old, he still acted like a 6 year old. Whenever he's being nice to me it means he's about to say something stupid right after it.
"But only if you promise to devote yourself to god and live in the church forever and ever as a nun and never come out into public again. Deal?" He finished sarcastically, walking out of his room. I walked out of the house without bothering to say anything back to him.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. I cleaned out the attic and was allowed out early. I decided to walk around till noon.
"Ha ha ha, PLEASE DON'T TICKLE ME!" I heard a child plea. He looked around and then sat down taking in deep breaths. I've always had a soft spot for children and when I saw this little boy sitting down under the big Casuarina tree, I wanted to go talk to him. The sun was almost at its highest point, which meant it was almost noon. I continued to walk till I turned the curb. As I was turning the curb, I felt a big rock bump into me and I fell to the ground.
"Ouch!'' I whined with my eyes closed. I wasn't actually hurt badly, but whenever I fall or bump into something my immediate reaction is to say "Ouch", whether I'm hurt or not. I didn't open my eyes till the thing that bumped into me pulled me back up. I slowly opened my eyes and started to dust off my clothes. I saw hands trying to steady me. They weren't actually touching me, but they were around me in the air, so that if I fall again they were ready to catch me. Once I'd finished dusting my clothes I looked up, it was as though I was looking straight at an angel. He was beautiful, he had pitch black hair, dark brown eyes and he had sort of an European complex. He was neither extremely pale nor extremely tan. He looked like he was sent straight from heaven.
"Are you alright?" he asked, worried. Of course I would've been worried if I had bumped into me as well. I had suddenly realized how stupid I must have looked right now, just staring up at him as if he was some sort of monster.
"I'm fine." I mumbled. I hoped he understood that, 'cause even I didn't understand what I had just said. He immediately dropped his hands and stepped back a few steps.
"I'm sorry." He said as he walked away. I just stared at him like I was starstruck, which I was. This boy would even put Cupid to shame. I shook my head and immediately turned back to reality. I had to get home, otherwise, mother was going to be worried. I walked home quickly, thinking about him and smiling at myself the whole time.

The next few days went by in a blur. We were getting everything ready for my brother Vincent who was coming back from the army. Victoria was the happiest out of our family, she looked like she could burst any second now from happiness. Vincent had always been treated like a prince. Even when we were kids he was always the more spoiled one. My mother used to always say: "He's the oldest, he's the one who is going to work and raise money for his wife and kids, which is why he needs more attention than you." I'm not saying that I never had any attention from my mother but ever since my father died he was the 'man of the house'. I guess I didn't really mind because I was always in my own little world. I used to, as a kid, go to the beach which is about 3 streets away from my house. I used to go there and sit in a little cave which I nicknamed "my spot". Whenever I was in trouble or whenever I had alot on my mind I go there and look at the beach. The noise of the waves and seagulls always calm me. No one knows of "my spot" besides me, it's where I go when I want some alone time.

Everyone had Vincent's return on their minds besides me. I was thinking about my Angel and he was going to stay as my angel until I figure out what his name was. The thought of him got my heart pumping faster and I was smiling at myself like an idiot again.
"Hey, Jasmine, instead of smiling at the window, come help me clean out Vincent's room." Jayson interrupted my thoughts. I sighed as I walked over to him.
I wonder if I'd ever see him again. What if he was here just for a holiday and he was already gone? Besides I'd only seen him here once and that was yesterday. I don't know how I ended up helping out in the house without collapsing because the thought of never seeing this boy again was sickening.
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I hope you enjoy it :)