Status: Hope you like it :)

My Heart Desires You

Chapter Four

"Essa!" My father called out to me from the lounge room. I stood up and walked over to him.
"Yes?" I asked. Ever since I was a kid, I have been learning the importance of respect. I had to respect people older than me, teachers and most importantly my parents.
"Take Mariam and Sarah to the Skovics' house. They're moving to Serbia and they need help cleaning so they've asked help from Mariam and Sarah." He told me.
"Okay."I replied. I told Sarah and Mariam that I would be waiting for them outside. I walked outside and waited for them to come out. Once they were ready I walked them over to the Skovics' house.
"Why are they moving to Serbia?" I asked my sisters.
"Because Mrs. Sasha doesn't want to stay here anymore. She wants to go back to her hometown." Sarah answered. The rest of our journey went by silently. Once we had made it to the Skovics' house, I knocked on the door and Mr. Jordan opened the door.
"Essa, how are you son?" He asked me.
"I'm good, thank you sir." I smiled. I didn't like how he always asked me the same questions. He would always either ask me: "How are you?" or "Are you enjoying Bosnia?". He knew I didn't like Bosnia and I didn't like how he acted as if I was sick of life.
"I brought Sarah and Mariam over to help you pack and clean." I told him.
"Oh, right. Sasha asked them for help didn't she? Well come inside girls." He said as he gestured them in.
"Would you like for me to stay and help as well?" I asked, trying to be nice.
"No, no. W e have all the girls coming over to help. You wouldn't want to be the only boy around would you?" He winked as he said the last, few words. I smiled back at him.
"You're right sir. How long do you think it'll take to finish cleaning and packing everything?" I had already asked my sisters this question but I wanted to be sure. I didn't want to come and wait here for them to finish.
"It'll probably take about ...uhhmm... Come at noon and our job should be finished."
"See you then." I said to both Mr. Jordan and my sisters. I walked back home and asked my brother, Adam, if he wanted to play at the park for a few hours.
"Yes!" He shouted with excitement.
"Lets go then." I laughed at him.
The park was awfully empty. There was only a young man playing ball with his dog. I played with Adam until the time was close to noon. "Come on, we need to go home now." I told Adam as I took his hand.
"Can I have a piggy back, please?" He asked looking me in the eye. I hated it when he did that, 'cause saying 'no' when he looked at me like that, was wrong. I bent down so it was easier for him to climb onto my back.
"Are you holding tightly?" I asked him.
"Aha, I am" He promised. I stood up and made my way towards our home. Once we arrived to our house, I told my father that I was going to pick up Mariam and Sarah. Once I had confirmed it with him, I started towards the Skovics' house.