The Seer

Sirius Black

Chapter Three

Alysia slowly came to with a rather big headache, she was sure that she would never ever break the rules again, when she slowly and half-way opened her eyes she was expecting to be in the Hospital Wing about to be in detention for life, but this was not the case at all, she was not in the Hospital Wing. She didn’t know where she was, Alysia wondered maybe she was delusional and was still fast asleep or maybe still being hit by the jerky tree. She held her head and slowly sat up, but when she did her eyes jerked open fully and she scrammed

“Bloody hell…. I didn’t think you’d be awake for awhile, you got hit the head pretty hard….”

Alysia said nothing and screamed again, the man did not seem to even be listening to her.

“I sort of hoped I would be gone by the time you woke up…”


“Really, you can stop that now….”


He rolled his eyes at her and whipped around to look out of the broken window, she stared at him completely terrified.

“You…your…I….oh sweet lord you’re going to kill me…”

“I have no intention of killing you,” he mumbled. “Why would I have saved you from the Whomping Willow, I would have just let it have its go at you.”

“I don’t know…I don’t know how your sick mind works… they say you’re loony… I can’t believe it…. What happen to the dog? It was there right before I passed out…”

He turned around and looked at her, his eyes were dark and gray, but they had a hit of amusement in them.

“At least you could do is tell me what the heck happen to the dog before you kill me… I mean that’s why I was out there anyway.”

“For the dog?” he asked, his voice a bit horse.

“Yeah, it looked hungry the other day when I saw it… and I saw it tonight from my….wait… why am I telling you this? You’re going to kill me,” she shouted, sitting up more. “I should be escaping not having a chat.”

She tried to get up from the bed but he rushed over to her and pushed her down. She screamed again and he quickly let her go.


“Please, little girl, I am not going to kill you” he said, looking concerned.


“Ok, fine…”

“And if you’re going to kill me get on with it; I’d rather not linger around.”

“Oh, Merlin….” He rolled his eyes again and turned away from her. She had a chance to look around the room, there were holes in the floor and in the walls, a cracked mirror and a ripped up chair.

“Where have you taken me?” she then asked, trying to stand up again, he didn’t come rushing after her this time but he watched closely.

“The Shirking Shake.”

“It’s haunt…”

“It’d not haunted… don’t worry.”

“You’re really not going to kill me?” she asked, as she finally walked away from the bed, he shook his head no and looked away from her again, Alysia was ratter confused now, he hadn’t had a problem going against his friends or killing thirteen people, maybe he had changed, or maybe he was playing games with her…

“Listen, you can go if you’d like, I know a way back to Hogwarts I can show you, but you can’t tell anyone you’ve seen me… I think you could understand why.”

“But….but you’re trying to kill Harry Potter… how am I to just let you….”

“I AM NOT TRYING TO KILL HARRY!” He yelled and she took a few steps back. Her eyes wide. He seemed to realize he had frightened her and he lowered his voice. “It wasn’t me who betrayed the Potter’s all those years ago.”

“Er, ok, wanna tell us who did?”

“Yes, his name is Peter Pettigrew and he’s a rat… a real rat, just like I am the black dog you attempted to find tonight.”

“Your….the….how the…no… you really are loopy!”

“But I am, I am an illegal Animagus and so is Pettigrew and so was Harry Potter’s father but that is a different story. You see back when Voldemort was running things he marked the Potter’s for death and they went into hiding….”

“Yes, and made you Secret Keeper, I remember hearing my dad talk about it.”

“And how the bloody hell would your dad know anything?”

“He’s an Auror…”

“Oh, well…”

“So you’re trying to tell me you didn’t betray anyone? Then why did you kill all of those people?”

“I didn’t kill anyone, he did… he was the Secret Keeper, he blew up the street and then transformed into a rat, I….I didn’t do anything! All I did was make the mistake of trying to keep my friends safe” he looked rather upset.

“You’re serious?” Alysia asked, feeling rather perplexed.

“Yes, I am, thank you” he smirked.

“Oh, very funny, I mean what an comedian and such a good time for it….whoa!”

He said nothing and his smirk slowly feel away as he stared at her.

“How am I to believe any of this?” she then asked, staring at him back, he shrugged and looked away, she guessed he never expected her to, she felt badly for him, he had been locked up for a really long time and if he was never guilty, it was all in vain. “I…I do…”

“You do, what?” he asked, his voice horse again, he turned around and looked at her oddly.

“I believe you.”

“You do?” he asked, rather surprised.

“I do” she smiled, but it quickly fell. “But if you’re lying to me and I find out you…..”

“I’m not.”

“I would hope not…” she trailed off, looking down at her hands, there where starches all over them. He staggered over to her and half-heartedly smiled at her, it seemed as though his face muscles hadn’t formed a smile in so long it forgot how. Alysia examined his appearance for the first time since she had woken up, he looked as if he hadn’t showered in years, she wondered if this was true when her eyes traveled up to his face; his face was rather sunken, as if he hadn’t eaten in awhile. His eyes struck her though, they were dark and deep, the exact same eyes the black, shaggy dog had. “You really are that dog…”

“I am…” he trailed off, as if this were old news. “Your pretty beat up, I’ll take you up the passage way but you’ll have to get to the castle, can you handle that?”

“Yeah, I'll be fine.”

“Alright, after me then” he said and walked out of the bedroom door. Alysia stood there a moment confused before she fallowed, he was waiting by the broken down stairs for her and she quickly caught up to him. Once down the stairs Sirius Black went over to a trapdoor that was in the middle of the rundown and broken living room, he pulled it open and jumped down into it, she warily went over and climbed down the latter, when she looked around she didn’t see him at all, until she looked down and saw he was a dog.

“AH!” she shouted and he looked at her as if he were raising his doggy eyebrow at her before he ran quickly ran ahead and she tried to fallow. When they had finally gotten to the end of the tunnel they had come out of the Whomping Willow’s trunk, the very tree that had not too long ago attacked Alysia was now frozen. She didn’t know when to leave, he had stopped walking and was now staring at the castle, she looked around and muttered. “Well, I should go now…”

He looked up at her and snuffed.

“Well…er…thanks for saving me…”

He snuffed again.

“Ok then, er…bye.”

She walked away from the dog and quickly walked toward Hogwarts, she looked back once to see the black dog was still watching her, when she finally got behind some trees she peered through the branches to see the dog turn around and go back into the tunnel. She then quickly sprinted back to the doors, this night had been very weird and she was now feeling rather tired.

“What in the name of Merlin’s beard happen to you?” Stine yelled the next morning.

“I…I told you already…”

“You fell outta bed?” questioned Channing. “Yeah right, you bleeding liar.”

“It was a nasty fall…”

“Why can’t you tell us what really happen?” asked Stine.

“I just did….”

“You’re lying!” shouted Channing.

“Mr. Barker, I will not tolerate shouting!”

“Sorry, Professor McGonagall…” Channing trailed off, whilst giving Alysia the evil eye. The Professor walked away and Channing growled annoyed.

“Can’t do bloody nothing.”

“Oh, shut your trap, Channy” remarked Stine and that earned her a biscuit in the face.


“Sorry, Professor….”

In the next week things seemed to be getting slightly weird, Alysia hadn’t seen the dog, or more like Sirius Black running around and second she had been having very weird dreams, she was slightly worried about sleeping, she did not like having these dreams, that mostly stared a ugly baby and a guy who was missing a finger. As she lay there in her four-poster bed she tried to clear her mind of these dreams, she wondered if she should talk to someone about them, the last thought she had before falling asleep is that maybe she should talk to Professor Lupin about it…

In the thick of trees ahead, it was there, what this person needed, this person didn’t want to go back, but they were scared, if they didn’t go back then they would be killed…he would kill them, it was out now, they had been found out. This person had caused so much trouble, so much anguish all because they were scared and had a thrust for power; powerful friends, that’s what they needed. They looked to their brothers and sisters as they lead the way into the thick trees, all of them were scared of this part of the woods, most rats did not come out alive when they were brave enough to go in. But this rat had convinced them to show the way to this frightening part of the woods. Soon they had arrived, fright had set into their body now as they looked ahead, slightly revolted by what they saw….

Alysia jerked her eyes open; she looked wide-eyed around the room, unsure as to where she was at the moment, she soon realized that she was in Hogwarts, safe in her bed, she gulped and sat up to see that Stine and her other roommates were nowhere to be seen. It was a weekend; they were probably enjoying a day off studying and outside or maybe in the Great Hall. Alysia hurried to get up and get dressed, the dream she had was still melted in her brain, she could not stop thinking about what she had seen or how real it felt. She hurried down to the Common room to see loads of people sitting around; she smiled at one of her roommates and then left. She had went outside and looked for Stine and Channing, but had not found them, nor were they in the Great Hall, this didn’t worry her too much, they did that all the time, she would find them at dinner , though she didn’t think she would tell them about her dream, they would only take it badly. Alysia wondered around aimlessly for awhile, just wondering around the castle, until…


She froze, rolling her eyes, before turning around and smiled, fake.

“And what are you doing roaming the castle?”

“I….I was just bored…”

“Bored are you?” he sneered. “I could always find…something for you to do.”

“Erm, I am not that bored…”

“Is that cheek?”

“Um, no?”

“I do not like your tone, five points from Ravenclaw!”



“I’m sorry….” She muttered quickly.

“Ah, a guilty conscience?”

“No…I just don’t like loosing points… you…you take enough away as it is….”

But right away she knew she had said the wrong thing, for Snape’s lip curled in a ugly fashion.

“Well, perhaps you’d like me to take fifty points from Ravenclaw, plus the ten I have already ducked.”

“But that’s sixty points” said Alysia, her housemates would kill her if she lost them that many points.

“Oh, very good, Webber.”

Snape looked as if he wished to say more but suddenly there were footsteps and Professor Lupin can around the corner, his smile fell when he saw the two standing there.

“Good afternoon, Professor” Lupin’s smile was back as he came over to them. “Alysia.”

“What are you doing here, Lupin?” Snape asked, barely moving his lips to speak, Alysia had always wondered how he did that.

“Just had a chat with Dumbledore” he smiled. “What are you doing here, Professor?”

“Just dealing with some trouble.”

“Oh, is that right?” asked Lupin. “And what did Alysia do, may I ask?”

“No, you may not ask!”

“Oh, alright, I won’t ask you then” Lupin smiled. “Alysia, what happened?”

“I…er…” she looked over at the angry looking Snape then at the sweetly smiling Lupin. “I said he took to many points from Ravenclaw…”

“Is that all?”

“Erm, yes…”

“Well, I don’t really see the problem here…”

“He’s taking sixty points from Ravenclaw; my housemates are going to murder me!”

“Oh, I am sure they wouldn’t do that”chuckled Lupin.

“They would.”

Lupin laughed again then turned back to Snape, who still looked as mad as ever.

“Well, if you are finished with Alysia, I would like a word with her.”

Snape said nothing and scowled more.

“Good day to you, Professor, come along, Alysia” said Lupin and ushered her away from the sneering Snape. Once around another corner, she looked over at him and smiled.


“For?” he asked, looking down at her, smiling.

“For saving me, I would have been in a lot of trouble if you hadn’t come.”

“Well, it was no problem; Snape can be a bit unfair at times.”

“All the time” she muttered in an undertone, but he still smirked over at her. They made it to the Dark Arts classroom and she followed him to his office up the stairs. “What did you need to tell me?”

“Oh, yes, nothing… I just said that to get you away from Snape, but since you’re here, care for a spot of tea?”

“Um, sure” she smiled and sat down, he fumbled around with a tea kettle and cups before turning around and setting them on the desk, he took a seat behind the desk and handed her a full teacup.

“So, tell me,” said Lupin, sitting back in his chair. “How are your classes going?”

“Oh fine…”

“And how about your non-school life, everything fine there?” Lupin asked, looking a bit awkward.

“Erm, yes…why?” she asked, confused. “Do I look like something’s wrong?”

“Oh, no…no, though you did yesterday, you seemed to have zoned out right as I got to the point about Stinging Hexes, I wondered maybe if I bored you.”

“Oh, no, you could never bore me, your classes are very good” she said quickly, she remembered that she had zoned out. She was sitting there and Stine had reached over to grab a quill, but instead had grabbed her arm, nothing abnormal there; until Alysia went into a twenty minute day dream afterword; this day dream all about a shabby house in the middle of London. Whoever was going to that house was rather annoyed about being back, for they had been there many times before.

“Well, thank you, your very kind” he smiled and looked down at his teacup. She was now fighting with herself, maybe she could tell him, he was really intelligent, he might know why she was having such weird dreams.

“Erm, Professor…”

“Yes?” he looked up at her, his head was leaned to the left as he stare at her.

“Erm, well… I have….um, I have been having these very strange dreams lately, about many things, some of them are kind of scary and I was just….just wondering if maybe you know why I am having them…”

“Well, I don’t know much about dreams, what are they about?”

“Well, one was about a really ugly baby and some creepy man, I have a lot of dreams about those two, I had a dream that snake killed some witch, and I also had this day dream about a shabby house in London...Oh, and I had a dream I would catch my best friends snogging in a broom cupboard.”

“Hm, well, all very odd dreams, yes, but their just that…dreams, I wouldn’t worry about it too much, it would be stress, or maybe something you’re eating… or maybe even the Dementor’s they are known to make very strange things happen with minds.”

She sighed and looked down at her own teacup, he was right they were just dreams, weird or not.

“Feel free to come talk to me about them if they still continue though, if you wish, I might not be able to help, but I can listen rather well” he smiled, she smiled back and looked down again, he was sort of cute, wasn’t he?

“Well, erm, I should probably get going now… I should go find my friends and get some dinner.”

“Yes, that’s a good idea” he smiled. “I shall see you soon then, Alysia.”

“Yes, in D.A.D.A.”

He smiled and she got up and headed for the door, but just before she was about to walk out he stoped her.

"Oh...and one more thing, Alysia."

She truned around and looked at him, rather confused.

"Fifty points to Revenclaw for helping me rearranged my books."

"Wha..." before she could get more out he smirked slightly and winked rather quick, she then understood. "Oh, your welcome, Professor."

She left the Dark Arts classroom and went down the corridors again, she had went down to the Great Hall and saw that her two best friends were not there once again, she did feel slightly worried now, she then walked through the halls looking for them, she passed Filch’s broom cupboard and just for a lark stopped in front of it, she had had a dream that she had found Stine and Channing snogging in a cupboard that looked just like this. With a knowing smirk she twisted the handle, it was just a dream after all, Lupin was right, the cupboard would be empty. But it was not, when she wrenched it open she found Stine and Channing in a tight embrace their lips locked together.

“What in the name of Merlin….”

The guilty party pulled away quick and both stared at her shocked.

“Aly...I…erm…” Stine trailed off, wide-eyed.

“I can’t do bloody nothing” muttered Channing looked rather annoyed that Alysia had just broken up their snog fest.

“How long as this been going on?” Alysia asked, trying to look angry, but she wasn’t, it was about bloody time.

“A few months now… were sorry, we wanted to tell you...but…”

“It’s none of your damn business” said Channing as he pushed past Alysia and went down the hall. Stine walked out of the cupboard and looked concerned.

“Are you mad?”

“No, I knew it was going to happen… but geez, did you have to take so long?” Alysia asked, with a smile, Stine beamed at her and pulled her into a hug.

“He really is great, and a wonderful kisser….”

“I did not need to know that…”

“Oh, yeah…right…sorry.”

That evening Stine and Channing sat rather close together in the Common room as they all did their homework. They had fully embraced the dating thing and now Stine and Channing were snogging right in front of her, Alysia was rather grossed out so she put down her quill and went over to one of the windows, she looked out to see the Forbidden Forest, she wondered what Sirius Black was doing…

Alysia then turned around quick to see the happy couple still snogging away, she didn’t feel like telling them she was leaving, why bother them? So she left the Common room and went to the Hogwarts kitchen, the House-Elves made her a basket of food and she thanked them all before leaving, it was a wonder how she had gotten out of there without getting caught again and it was an even bigger wonder as to why she was going in the first place. But she could not stand the thought of him out there starving, he needed food too. She got to the Whomping Willow, this time staying far out of it’s reach, how did he make it frozen? She looked around; maybe he would just show up again? She doubted that, he was on the run, he couldn’t chance being seen. She looked harder and just happen to notice a knot in the bark, but how do you get to the knot? She then pulled out her wand and did a levitation spell on a nearby broken branch, it rose into the air and she guided it over to the tree, where it slapped into the bark harder than she had wanted, the tree looked rather angry, as if it was about to strike but suddenly went straight, moving no more, she hurried over to the tunnel and went down it to see the dark passage way out of the Hogwarts grounds.

When she got to the end of the tunnel, she pushed open the trap door and pulled herself up. She looked around the shabby living room and saw nothing put foot prints and paw prints, it was rather dusty in the house, she patted off her clothes as she walked up the stairs, them making creeks and cracks as she did. She went down the hall to the bedroom she had woken up in, she pushed open the broken door to see nobody there, this was not good.

“Erm, hello?” she shouted, her voice echoed through the house. “Hello...”

Suddenly she heard something, almost like someone running and just as she had turned around to see what it was she was tackled to the floor by a big back, shaggy dog.

“AHH, GET OFF!” she screamed, he seemed to have noticed she meant no harm and staggered off her. “Good lord!”

She was so busy trying to pick up all the food that had fallen out of the basket when she had been tackled that she hadn’t noticed that he had changed back into his human state.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, his voice sounding a lot like a bark.

“I came to bring you food,” she said, pointing at an apple that had fallen out of the basket.

“Me food?” he asked confused, his voice less barky.

“Yes, I’m sure you’re hungry, I thought since you kind of saved my life I should bring you some food in return.”

He didn’t say anything and she didn’t bother to look up, as she picked up the many little pastries that were now all over the floor. Suddenly he had sunk to his knees next to her and was helping her pick up the food.

“Erm, thanks, that was nice of you.”

“You’re welcome…” she muttered, not looking over at him. “But it’s all ruined now.”

“I think I can manage.”

“No, I will bring you more…”

“That’s alright, you don’t have to…”

“I don’t have to, but I want to” she cut him off. “I can’t let you be out here starving, I am not that kind of person.”

He said nothing and rose again, he let out his hand to help her up and she took it, standing up, but suddenly she felt very light headed, as if she were going to pass out….

This time it was her; she was walking down from the castle rather late at night, she was going to find someone. She made it to the Whomping Willow and with a lot of ease she flicked her wand and a branch moved closer to the tree, it froze and she be-bobbed down the tunnel, she was in a rather good mood, she couldn’t wait to get where she was going. Once inside the shabby house she quickened her pace to the bedroom, she couldn't wait much longer, once there she met a smiling Sirius Black, he came towards her and hugged her tightly, she didn’t seem to mind this hug at all, she had seemingly missed him.

When Alysia opened her eyes she was laying on her back, on the lumpy bed like she had last time.

“Well, you do seem like you like to pass out in my presence…. Though there was no reason for it this time.”

“I…I don’t know what just happen” Alysia stuttered.

“You went ridge is what happen, your eyes bugged out and you… passed out.”

“But why?” she asked confused, she felt perfectly fine now; she sat up and looked at him weirdly.

“Don’t ask me…. Maybe I am just so good-looking, it makes you pass out.”

“What?” she asked, with a slight smirk.

“Well, you came back…. It’s quite obvious it’s because you think I am attractive” he smirked.

“Erm…yeah…no… I felt bad for you… not attracted to you…sorry, mate.”

“Hm, well…. You’re very amusing, aren’t, you?”

“I could say the same about you…”

“Would you like me to walk you back to the castle?”

“No… I am alright...”

“You don’t want to go back?” he asked, confused.

“No, not right now... my two best friends are too busy snogging each other… I would rather not vomit on top of passing out.”

“Oh, I understand that very well…”

She said nothing and looked at him, she wondered why she passed out and what the dream…if it was a dream meant, why was she hugging him?

“Can I ask you something?” his voice then took her from her thoughts.

“Erm, sure.”

“What’s your name?”

She looked at him weirdly, she never realized she hadn’t told him.


“Last name?”


“Hm, well… you look a lot like a girl I used to know when I went to Hogwarts.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“It is, in fact” he smirked at her.

“What was her name?”

“Alexandra Meadowes, but we called her Alex…she was kidnapped by Death Eaters and I guess killed… her sister was one of the few people to be killed by Voldemort himself…”

“Um, what do you mean Alexandra was killed?” Alysia then asked.

“It’s like I said… we reckon she was killed…”

“Well, she wasn’t….”

“And how the bloody hell would you know?” he asked, looking slightly annoyed.

“She’s my mother!”

“Hold on…what?”

“I told you my father is an Auror… he had found her and saved her but they never said she was found in case them nutters went after her again, they had left her for dead...”

“So, she….she’s alive?”

“And well” Alysia smiled.


“I can’t believe you knew her… that’s weird.”

“Why is it weird?”

“I don’t know…she’s never said anything to me about you...”

“Well, she was always friends more with Remus Lupin…. They were like connected at the hip for awhile there, had to talk some since into him, can’t be hanging around with girls like that, people will think you’re gay.”

“Remus Lupin?”


“You know he’s teaching here, right?”

“He’s what?” Sirius asked, surprised. “Moony? Shut it…”


“Nothing…. What does he teach?”

“Dark Arts…but this is his first year….”

“I thought I saw him that one time…but damn I thought it was just my head playing tricks on me…. I haven’t seen him in...Ha, twelve years.”

“Well, do try to control yourself…. No whizzing on the floor…”


“You know…tinkle .. have an accident.”

“Are you making fun of me being a dog?”

“You said it…not me….just to clear the air.”

“You’re a bloody bitch, aren’t you?”

“Well, no…I don’t really care for blood much.”

He smirked at her and then turned his head to look out of the window. Alysia stared at him as he did, she wondered so many things, but wondered if it was a good time to ask.

“So, er…Sirius, why….er…why are you here?”

“What do you mean?” he turned and looked at her again.

“Well, you know, why are you here, hiding and such?”

“I am going to get my blasted hands on Pettigrew if it’s the last thing I do,” he told her.


“He betrayed James and Lily,” said Sirius, looking a bit mental as he did. “I’m going to kill him!”

“O..oh” Alysia muttered, feeling slightly worried now.

“You didn’t expect me to let him go, did you?” Sirius then asked. “He is the reason my best friend is dead… he was his friend too, James trusted him, I trusted him.”

Alysia said nothing and just looked down at her hands. She didn’t like the idea of killing someone, death was so…final, she’d rather Sirius just punch the bloke in the face. She stood up and dusted off her pants.

“I…I should be going” she stated, finally looking up at him, he looked a bit upset.

“You don’t have to…it’s been years since I have had a real conversation…”

“I’m sorry…but…”

“I didn’t mean to worry you, I guess I sounded like a real nutter” he said quick. “But, alright, I will walk you to the Whomping Willow.”

“Erm…if you want to.”

“Only if you want me to.”

“Well, come on then” Alysia and went out of the room, she heard him fallow so she walked down the creaking stairs and over to the trap door.

“It was nice of you bring me the food…” he trailed off once they had gotten to the bottom of the tunnel, she smiled and he took that as all he was getting and soon went into his dog form, she fallowed his tail out of the tunnel. Once back in the castle she found that Sine and Channing had since stopped snogging and went to bed, Alysia went up to her dorm and got into her four-poster bed, she thought of this Pettigrew guy, if Sirius was here then that must mean so was Pettiegrew, somewhere, but where? Alysia made a mental note to ask Sirius the next time she brought him food.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, there you go!! 1 comment and I shall update AGAIN!