I Once Was Lost but Never Was Found

~My description~

Skyler Bree Armstrong has a hard life as it is, she thought things couldn't get any worse in her life until she meets her father for the first time. At first he's a nice person and lets her stay at his house, then he realizes she is his daughter and becomes violent to her and Joey. No one has seen him like this except for her mom she doesn't even wanna call a mom anymore.

Joey and Skyler try and make it through by supporting each other with what faith and hope they have left. Brother and sister become best friends and try to tell someone of their violent father, but no one believes them or cares enough to listen. Billie see's how close they have become and wants to split the two up.

If Billie splits the two up one could tell the police, if he keeps them together they have more proof and someone could see right through the Armstrong's.
  1. Happy 15th birthday
    Joey and Skyler become friends and find out things about each other.
  2. Creeper Alert