Status: So, I have this as finished, but, my life isn't over yet. So, I guess if anything else happens... Eh, I'll just figure it out. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Is This Smile Big Enough for You?

Here, I'll make it simple for you...




  1. I guess this is where it all starts...?
    The beginning of the... suck.
  2. Really? Everything was just so perfect!
    When everything started to go, downhill.
  3. So, this one time at boot camp, uh, I mean, my new school...
    What adapting to a completely new way of life was like, for me.
  4. Seriously?! Who would've thought being a teenager would suck so much?!
    My life as a freshman in a bad school, with an even worse home-life.
  5. The time Hell walked the Earth, oh, I mean, the time my folks got divorced.
    Pretty much the Hell I went through... If you didn't get that from the title of the chapter. :3
  6. So, I think I need to meet this Life person and slit it's throat, because, it's being a bitch!
    So, pretty much, the suck got suckier!
  7. Because She Told Me To.
    I am starting up on this again because a close friend told me to write about how good my life has gotten since all this other stuff had happened.(:
  8. Random Rant.
    just me ranting about random sh*t.