Status: So, I have this as finished, but, my life isn't over yet. So, I guess if anything else happens... Eh, I'll just figure it out. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Is This Smile Big Enough for You?

Because She Told Me To.

"Tika, I read your story online and I think you should write about how good things have gotten for you since freshman year."


I agreed with her, my best friend, because it's true. My life has gotten better. Sure, it sucks sometimes like a teenage girls life would suck. But things have truly gotten better.

I'm a sophomore now, and almost 16. I don't have a lot of friends, but who needs a shit ton of friends? That's retarded. I've just got the people I need to keep me happy. Both my mom and dad are happy. Mom's got a boyfriend, and Dad's got a girlfriend.

Jason, moms boyfriend, is pretty cool. He's 29. My mom is 37. He has a 6 year old daughter, Tayran, who is annoying as hell. But what 6 year old isn't? He's a truck driver, and also likes to fix up cars and four-wheelers and such. So, we've always got random little crappy cars sitting on a trailer in the driveway, or a four-wheeler or dirtbike in the garage. But we don't mind, because we get to drive them around our land, which we have a lot of. Haha. He makes my mom happy, and that's all that matters. Even though she's annoying as fuck around him. I just deal.

Skylar, dads girlfriend, is a real sweetheart. She's 23. My dad is 38, haha. Skylar has finish college recently and is a radiology tech. She moved in probably around a month ago, and it's nice to have her help dad keep the house clean. She had it rough as a kid though, and now she only has one eye that's remotely functional. She just recently had surgery to fix some things, and so now she can't barely see at all. But, Daddy is taking good care of her while she recovers. And she makes Daddy really happy, which makes me happy.

Oh, and I've got a boyfriend, that I've been dating for a while now, and I don't see us ending in the near or far future. Haha... Brandon. Brandon Tyler Streets. He's one of my closest friends, and he really makes me happy. He makes it easy for me to focus on the happy stuff in my life, not everything seems to suck anymore. Haha. He makes me laugh with just simple things like the way he looks at me. He makes me feel special, wanted, loved. He respects me, and I respect that. He wants to go into the military, to be a sniper. With every part of me I don't want him to do that, but I would never tell him that. That'd be wretched. He's had a hard life. He's in that kinda family that the parents are divorced and have had kids with a bunch of different people. So he's got a crap ton of step-siblings. But he loves his family. And he puts his family before himself, always. He puts me before himself, always. He really cares about me. He's always makin' sure I'm okay. And I have been really sick lately, and so he's really been checkin' up on me. Haha. He always tells me I'm beautiful and wonderful and that I complete him. He puts on this hard ass face. But really, he's just an adorable sweetheart. He really is amazing. And I really do love him.


Well, the one who told me to write this, Logann, is a bitch. Just kidding. Haha. I love her to death. She's crazy and doesn't care much for the boundaries life gives her. But she does care too much what people think of her. This I know. But if she's got something to say, she'll say it. And if you mess with her, you're bound to get fucked up. Just sayin'... She's a bitch. Haha.(;

I guess this isn't much of a chapter. Just an update saying how well my life is going. And that even if you have the most fucked up life ever! You can still make it through and come out shinin'. Maybe not a sparkly as you were before. But god damn it, you're shinin' bitch.(: