Sequel: Chaos



I rode with Jazz back to Sam’s house. I figured I might as well give Sam a little room to breathe. I could always bust his balls about Mikaela later. Plus, he was still freaking out. While I couldn’t blame him, because holy crap your granddad’s glasses hold the key to Earth’s survival, I really didn’t want to listen to it.

I want to ask some questions, but I couldn’t settle on one. I opened my mouth to speak, but had nothing, just gaping like a fish.

Jazz could tell and was waiting patiently for me to say something. He had some top forty station, so it wasn’t an awkward silent.

“What’s your designation, Lil’ Lady?” Jazz asked eventually.

“Oh sorry. That was rude of me. I’m Brenton, but everyone just shortens it to Brent.”

“That’s an unusual name for a human femme isn’t it?”

“It is. I wish I could say that it was the pain killers and general delirium from giving birth, but no. She’s just an obnoxious bitch, who decided to sentence me to a childhood of ridicule and life of confusion months before my brother and I were born.”

Jazz laughed. “Sometimes you really wonder what someone’s creators were thinking.”

Small talk with Jazz was easy. Once he was sure that he wasn’t going to spook me he started asking me questions about Earth. Some of them were easy, other’s not so much.

He lined up behind the others in the alley that ran behind Sam’s house, letting me out.

I approached Sam and Mikaela. Sam was giving Mikaela instructions.

"I need you to stay here, alright? You gotta stay here and you're gonna watch them."

"Okay," Mikaela agreed.

"All of them. Five minutes alright."

I perched on Bee's hood, looking at Sam like he was a fucking moron. 'How the fuck does he think Mikaela and I are going to be able to do anything if they bots decide to transform or something?' I thought. I stood up straight and walked over to where Mikaela was standing. "What does he expec-" I stopped, when I heard someone start to transform. It was Optimus. The others copied their leader's actions.

"Shit!" Mikaela swore.

"Point fucking proven,” I grumbled.

Sam hadn’t even started bitching yet, and I already was starting to feel a headache forming. I pinched the bridge of my nose and followed them into the backyard. Optimus had destroyed the little path that ran through the grass and the fountain.

Sam came running back out. "I told you to watch them. I told you."

"Okay, you know what; they seem to be in a little bit of a rush," Mikaela snapped.

"What the hell did you expect two teenage girls to do against five large alien robots that are outfitted with a ton of weapons?" I asked. "Like are you fucking serious right now?"

"Oh this is bad."

Small yips pulled my attention to a tiny dog. The Chihuahua was barking up at Ironhide, before lifting its foot and pissing on the large mech.

"Mojo, Mojo! Off the robot! God."

Ironhide flicked the small dog in the air, causing it to let out a squeak.

"Oh, wet."

"No, no, no, no! Easy! Easy!" Sam went and picked up his dog. "Hold on. Hold. This is Mojo. He's a pet of mine. He's a pet okay. That's all."

Ironhide turned his cannons on the boy holding the dog. Sam was pleading with Hide to put the guns away. Hide said something about terminating the rodent, when I noticed the cast of the dog's foot. I walked over and plucked the dog out of Sam's grasp. "Aw, poor baby has a broken foot," I cooed at the dog, while Sam explained that it was just a Chihuahua and how people loved them.

"He's leaked lubricants all over my foot."

"He peed on you? Bad Mojo. Bad Mojo."

"Say 'ims didn't know any better," I cooed at the dog again. He licked my face. I giggled.

"My foot's gonna rust," Ironhide grumbled.

"Oh suck it up. He's just a puppy." I said to the large bot.

Sam started running into his house. He stopped to shush the bots. "Shut up and go hide."

"Just hurry."

Sam grabbed his dog and took him in the house. "Autobots recon." Bee leaned towards the window and watched Sam's parents.

After a moment, Optimus' impatience was getting the best of him and he lifted Mikaela to Sam's window. "Time is short. Hurry."

They all transformed back into their vehicle modes in Sam's yard. Sam looked out the window and started panicking. I was full on sitting on Bee's hood, when the freak out began.

"What the- what the hell are you letting them do?" He started talking at me.

I rolled my eyes and leaned so my back was on Bee's windshield. I raised both my arms up in front of me and curled my hands into fists before raising my middle fingers. "Just find the fucking glasses."

I heard a hiss and got off of Bee, knowing that they were all transforming again.

Optimus walked over to the window destroying the little garden thing.

Both Sam and Prime were frustrated by how everything seemed to be going thus far. Sam’s frustration apparently outweighed Prime’s, because he gave the order to the autobots to fall back.

I headed towards the fence. It was weird just standing in someone’s yard, and I really didn’t want to deal with the ramifications of being seen by Sam’s parents.

"Why isn't she doing anything?" Ratchet asked gesturing to me. If he had been paying attention to where he was going instead of me, he wouldn't have ran into the power lined and fell, but he hadn’t been and he did, taking power out for most of the neighborhood.

"Wow that was tingly! You got to try that!"

"Yeah, that looks fun," Ironhide said sarcasm dripping from his words.

I groaned in pain on the ground. The shaking cause by Ratchet's giant ass hitting the ground knocked me down. I had hit my head pretty hard, when I hit the ground, and I had accidently raked my arm down along the side of the chain link fence.

I sat up, turning my attention to the pain in my arm. Terrible idea. There was a fairly deep gash that ran along the entire length of my forearm.

Blood was dripping from the wound, and I felt my stomach lurch.

“Oh no,” I muttered, before falling forward on my hands and knees. I was dizzy. I was either going to puke of faint, I couldn’t tell which, possibly both. I closed my eyes and tried taking deep breaths, but it wasn’t helping. I could feel the blood pooling around my hand, smell it in the air, and I could still feel the pain.

Ratchet... Ratchet... Ratchet...

I had never ever been able to deal with blood.

A metal finger wrapped around my midsection, flipping me so that I was lying on the ground flat on my back.

“The trauma to her brain is mild, and the cut on her arm is easily treatable,” Ratchet prattled off. “Her blood pressure is dropping though,” Ratchet said.

“Get rid of the blood,” I mumbled.

“Brenton, are you hemophobic?” he asked. “Do you faint at the sight of blood?”


“This is going to sting a little.”

Something sharp jabbed my arm, my brain quickly registering that it was a needle. Sting was an understatement.

“Mother fucker!” I hissed, in pain.

It was like someone has poured molten steel into the veins in my arm.

"Shush," the medic said. “It’ll stop in a moment.”

"You said a little," I growled at the bot. My arm was on fucking fire.

As promised the feeling faded. All that was left was a sore tight feeling.

I didn’t open my eyes. I just laid there, breathing. I needed to move. I needed to get away from the blood.

I opened my eyes and saw Bee staring down at me. He held out a digit to help me up.

I accepted his help. I risked a glance at my arm. The gash was now filled in with silver. I didn’t stare for too long, my ripped bloody shirt, making me nauseous.

“Can’t deal with this shit.” I pulled my shirt up over my head leaving me in my bra. I carefully wiped away as much blood as I could with the clean part, keeping my eyes squeezed tight.

I threw the disgusting garment away from me.

“I’ll be back,” I said, starting in the direction of my house.

Be transformed down and opened the door for me.

The other bots walked back over to the house. Ratchet turned on his head lights and shone them into Sam's room. Sam told ratchet to turn the lights off, and he did. I'm not sure what was going on in the house.

"You didn't have to give me a ride although I do appreciate it."

He simply revved his engine.

We rode the short distance to my house. The lights down stairs were on, but not the ones up. Cutting through the backyard, and snuck in and up to my room. I grabbed some clothes and ran to the bathroom. I wiped the grime and blood off of me and changing. Now that I was finally able too, I examined my arm. I expected it the silver strip to be solid, but instead it was flexible. The transition from skin to metal was seamless too. I shook my head. I ran a brush through my hair and threw it into ponytail, running back out.

I felt a lot better now.

I hopped into Bee and could tell based off of the vibe he was giving that something had changed, even though I hadn’t taken that long.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Message from starship captain… Bad boys bad boys what"

"The cops?" I asked.

"You got it, the right stuff"

"They got Sam and Mikaela?"


"What? Do they know?" I asked.

He played the New Kids on the Block clip again.

"These aren't normal cops are they?"

"No, no, no, no" He played part of a Black Eyed Peas song.

"What do we do?"

"Get back get back"

“Then I guess we better get to it.”

He caught up to the others at their rendezvous point. The plan was to intercept the cops’ convoy, when it came through, grab Sam and Mikaela and get the hell out of there.

Bee let me out and transformed along with the others. While the readied themselves, I walked over to the side of the bridge we were on, looking down at Prime.

The convoy approached, and Optimus stepped in front of it, causing them to crash. He grabbed one of the SUVs, ripping off its roof. Sam and Mikaela were cuffed in the back seat.

Clearly these weren’t cops, but other government agency.

'He really can't just say ass.'

"Gentlemen, I want to introduce you to my friend Optimus Prime."

"Taking the children was a bad move. Autobots, relieve them of their weapons.""

The others took their cue, jumping off of the bridge and drawing their weapons. Bee grabbed me after he flipped to the ground and put me on his shoulder, blaster trained on the government goons.

"Freeze," Hide barked.

"Give me those." Jazz's hand then magnetized, and he removed the guns from the men.

"Who is she?" one of the agents said, point at me.

“Who am I? Who the fuck are you?”

"You didn't answer me young lady!" he screamed at me. "Who are you?"

“None of your damn business, Shit Head.”

Optimus knelt to speak with the guys in the car.

"Hi there," Shit Head greeted.

"You do not seem afraid. Are you not surprised to see us?"

"There are S-seven protocols. I'm not authorized communicate with you except to tell you I can't communicate with you."

"Get out of the car," Optimus demanded.

"Me? You want me to-"


"Alright, I'm getting out. I'm getting out. You see?"

“Put me down?” I asked.

Be complied. I strode over the idiot squad and went through their pockets, looking for the keys to Sam and Mikaela’s cuffs.

I got Mikaela out of hers. She then took them to help Sam.

"You're good with handcuffs too now huh?" Sam snipped.

"You weren't supposed to hear all that."

'The hell are they talking about?'

"Yeah." He walked away from her.

That was quite a change from the pining that he had been doing.

"This is real."

“No shit.”

I understood where he was coming from. I just didn’t care.

"Sam, I have a record for not turning my dad in. When have you had to sacrifice anything in you perfect little life?"

"Wait you have a record?" I asked her.


"For what?"

"Stealing cars."

"Bad ass." I grinned at her. “Fast and Furious Mickey Drift.”

My smile fell, when Shit Head started talking again.

"Big guys. Big guys with big guns, huh?"

"What is Sector Seven?" Sam asked.

The guy didn't respond.

"Answer me."

"I'm the one who asked questions around here not you, young man!"

“Look around you, Shit Head. See the weapons aimed at you? That means we ask the questions now.”

"How did you know about the aliens?" Mikaela asked.

"Where did you take my parents?"

"Can I punch him?" I asked Optimus.

"Not now," came his response.

"I'm not at liberty to discuss it."

"No." Sam reached in the guy's suit pocket and pulled out his badge.

"Hey, you touch me that's a federal offense."

"Do-whatever-I-want-and-get-away-with-it–badge, right?"

"Yeah. Brave now all of a sudden with his big alien buddies over there."

"Where is sector seven?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

I wasn't paying attention to what Bee was doing so when he moved his hand, I paid him no mind. That was until he started pissing on the Shit Head. I started cracking up. "What's his name?" I asked Sam.

"Simmons." He replied.

"Hey Simmons, some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant, huh?" I laughed some more.

"Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man." Optimus was trying and failing to hide his amusement.

Sam and Mickey cuffed all of the government goons together and made them sit on the curb, excluding Shit Head and his sidekick.

"Alright tough guy take it off.”

Shit Head looked at Mikaela like she has lost her mind. "What are you talking about?"

"Your clothes all of it off."

"What for?"

"For threatening my dad."

"Go Mickey!" I cheered.

He started stripping. "Little lady, this is the beginning of the end of your life. You're a criminal. Let's face facts. It's in your gene pool."

"Those are nice," she said, referring to his god awful boxers. "Now get behind the pole."

"This is such a felony what you're doing," the sidekick told us.

She cuffed Simmons to the pole and sidekick to him.

"I will hunt you down."

"Hunt you down."

"Without any remorse"


"He doesn't need a cosigner. Shut the fuck up."

Sidekick glared at me.

"We've got to alert everyone," Simmons said.

"They already know. Speaker phone."

Sidekick was smarted than I thought. "Shit!"


I could hear the sirens and helicopter blades in the distance.


Ironhide blasted something against the ground taking out the SUVs, but there were still the helicopters incoming. The autobots transformed and took off. Optimus didn’t though. He picked up Sam, Mick and I.

"Up you get."

Being up on Bumblebee’s shoulder was sketchy, and that was only fifteen feet up. That was nothing in comparison to Optimus. I didn’t think I was afraid of heights, but I was questioning that now.

Optimus ran through the town, avoiding people car cars. He ran under a bridge. "Can you hide up there?” I asked, pointed up at the underside of the bridge.

He wedged himself under the bridge.

Mick, Sam and I were on his back.

"Easy you three."

My plan seemed to be working. The cars drove right under us. The helicopters flew under too, but Mikaela slipped and fell. I grabbed on Mikaela to keep her from falling and Sam to keep from falling myself.

Mikaela stopped falling with a hard jerk. A sickening pop came from my shoulder. I growled in pain. “Son of a bitch.”

I tried to hold on, but I couldn’t. Sam tried to grab me, falling himself. Optimus swung his legs down in an attempt to catch us. It slowed us down as well as giving us bruises, but not enough for our impact with the ground to be survivable.

Metal digits surrounded me.


He’d caught Sam and Mikaela too thank goodness.

He put us down.

I immediately grabbed my arm trying to keep my shoulder from moving any more. I couldn’t pop it back in. Sam was too much of a pussy, and Mikaela was focused on the goons coming at us. We were stuck.

“Bee, get out of here.”

If we got caught we were going to jail. If they got caught, who the hell knew what was going to happen.

Bee didn’t listen though, trying his hardest to protect us without harming any of the Sector Seven agents.

They shot cables at him, tying him up and bringing him down, before hitting him with some type of gas. He groaned and wheezed. Sam and I were yelling, trying to get them to stop, but our cries fell on deaf ears.

More SUV's pulled up, and men with guns came over and grabbed Sam, Mikaela and myself.

I could still hear Bee. They were hurting him. He hadn’t fought back and they were hurting him. It was disgusting.

My arm was yanked back, causing me to cry out. I was cuffed and shoved into the back of one of the cars.

Simmons walked over and grinned at the three of us.

“Take us in. Whatever. Just pop her shoulder back in,” Mikaela said.

Shit Head laughed. "Heh a dislocated shoulder huh? That’s unfortunate.”

He patted me on my bad shoulder. “Take em.”