Sequel: Chaos



I woke up and looked at my surroundings. I was in a helicopter. I was with Sam, Mikaela, and two people, who I didn't know. One was a pretty blonde girl, and the other was a geeky looking black guy.

My arm still hurt, but it was now in a sling. My other arm hurt like absolute hell. Instead of the silver filler, I saw that it was bandaged up. 'When did I pass out?' I couldn’t remember a thing after being thrown into the car.

"Oh my god, Brent! You're awake."

Sam let out a sigh of relief.

“What the fuck happened?” I asked.

“They held us for a while, interrogated us, but then they saw your arm and dragged you off. You don’t know what happened to you?”

I shook my head.

“We didn’t see you until they loaded you into the helicopter.”

I groaned. This was entirely too much, and I was still tired. Whatever they had knocked me out with was strong, and hadn’t completely exited my system.

“Why the fuck are we at the Hoover dam?" I mumbled, looking outside.

No one answered. I didn’t expect them too."What'd they get you for?" the girl asked.

"I bought a car. Turned out to be a giant alien robot,” Sam explained. "Who knew?"

“Idiot tells me he’s getting chased by his car. I followed.”

“I chased both idiots.”

We landed without issue. Sam and Mikaela helped me get out and into the car. As I moved I felt more alert, steadier. The fog was lifting from my brain.

The people driving and such acted like we weren't there.

We ended up on top of the Hoover Dam. There were a number of people, a group of soldiers, a man in a suit, Shit Head and his cronies.

We walked up to Simmons. "Hey kids. I think we got off to a bad start."

"A bad start?” I snapped. “You invade his home, attack our friends, jerk around my arm with a dislocated shoulder, and you think this is a bad start? And what the fuck did you do to my other arm?”

“There was material from a NBE embedded in your skin. We removed for your safety as well as for research purposes and stitched you up properly. You’re welcome.”

I was now going ballistic. “Fucking proper my ass! You opened my wound, so that you could study-“

“That stuff is dangerous, missy! They are dangerous!”


Was I making a scene? Yes. Did I care? No.


I realized that the suit I had seen earlier wasn’t just any suit. He was the damn secretary of defense.

“What’s the problem here?” he asked. “Who is she?”

“I’m Brent, and I’m about eight seconds away from kicking this mother fucker over the damn.”

“She’s melodramatic.”

“You’re a cunt,” I spat.

“I’m gonna need you to calm down,” Sec Def told me. “What happened?”

“How I got here, or just the parts, where they jerked around my dislocated shoulder and reopened an existing wound of mine?”

“Lies. No one touched her shoulder, and the wound was filled with dangerous-“

“Bull shit. I may not have known them long, but I know that they would never harm any human if they can avoid it. Your men on the other hand...”

I pulled my jacket down, revealing the handprint shaped bruises.

"You and your men yanked on this girls dislocated shoulder, knowing that it needed to be popped back into place?”

“We had-“

I couldn’t help myself. I kicked him in the nads as hard as I could. I would’ve punched him, but I couldn’t, because now in addition to a dislocated shoulder, I had stitches to worry about pulling.

“Aren't you going to say anything to her?" Simmons asked the Secretary of Defense.

"I don't blame her," Sec Def replied. “Captain Lennox,” he called.

“Yes sir,” one of the soldiers said coming over.

“Why don’t you take Ms...”


“Why don’t you take Ms. Brent over with you, so that she doesn’t hurt anymore of the sector seven agents? As irritating as they are, we need them.”

“Yes, sir. Brent?”

I turned to follow the captain, not before sending a glare over at Shit Head. "You better thank god that no woman will ever want you, because I made damn sure you’ll never have kids."

Sam negotiated with Shit Head’s second, who I dubbed Dick Head, eventually coming to terms that would reunite us with Bumblebee.

Once Shit Head recovered, he and Dick Head started us on a tour of the facility.

"Alright, here's the situation. You're here because you've all had direct contact with the NBEs."

"NBEs?" another one of the soldiers, Epps I had learned, questioned.

"Non biological extra terrestrials. Keep up with the acronyms."

"Shit Head," I grumbled under my breath.

We walked through a tunnel that led to a large opening in the dam. "What you are about to see is totally classified,” Dick Head told us.

Of all the things that could’ve been at the tunnel, it opened up to reveal the worst possible option.

“You gotta be fucking kidding me.”

"Shit," Mikaela swore.

"They've got Megatron right here in the dam, frozen like a fucking popsicle.”

I looked at Sam, my eyes widening and my Jaw dropping. "And you try to fucking lecture me?" I whisper yelled at him.

"Dear God what is this?"

"We think when he made his approach over the North Pole or gravitational field screwed up his telemetry. He crashed in the ice probably a few thousand years ago. We shipped him here to this facility in 1934."

"We call him NBE-1."

"Well sir, I don't mean to correct you on everything you think you know, but I mean that's Megatron. He's leader of the decepticons," Sam spoke up.

"He's been in cryostasis since 1935. Your great great grandfather made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind."

"Fact is you're looking at the source of the modern age. Microchip, lasers, spaceflight, car all reverse engineered by studying him. NBE-1 that's what we call it." Simmons got in Sam's face.

My hand curled into a fist. I wanted nothing more than to punch him or better yet kick him in the nads again.

"Easy now," Lennox said beside me.

"That's what you call him, and you're what I like to call wrong," I snipped.

"And you didn't think the United States military might need to know that you're keeping a hostile alien frozen in the basement?" Secretary Keller asked.

"Until now there was no credible threat to national security."

"Well you fucking got one now," I said.

"So why Earth?" Lennox asked.

"It's the All Spark," Sam answered.

"The All Spark? What's that?"

"Well yeah they came here looking for some cube looking thing," Sam explained. "Any way NBE-1 AKA Megatron, that's what they call him, is pretty much the harbinger of death and wants to use the cube to transform Human technology to take over the universe."

"That's their plan," I backed him up.

"And you're sure about this?" Simmons asked. He and Banachek shared a look.

"You bastards know where it is don't you?" I asked.

"Follow me."

"You're about to see our crown jewel."

He led us to a small room with windows that looked out onto the hangar that held the cube.

There in front of my eyes was the All Spark. It was fucking huge. I mean even Optimus would've been dwarfed compared to this thing.

"Carbon dating puts the cube here around 10,000 BC. The first seven didn't find it until 1913. They knew it was alien because of the matching hieroglyphics on the cube as well as NBE-1. President Hoover had the damn built around it. Four foot ball fields thick of concrete a perfect way to hide its energy from being detected by anyone human or any alien species on the outside."

"Wait back up you said the dam hides the cubes energy. What kind exactly?" the Australian girl asked. She and the other guy had been fairly quiet this whole time.

We were led to another room. This one had thick metal doors with heavy duty locks and latches. "Please step in. They have to lock us in."

"Oh wow," the geeky dude breathed out.

"What's that Freddy Kruger done been up in here or something?"

I snorted at Epps.

"Oh no man. That's only three, man. Freddy Kruger had four. That's Wolverine." Geek boy fake snarled and started to laugh hysterically.

“Not really the time,” I chirped. “But I’ll give you credit for trying to make this shit show more bearable.”
"Does your mother know you swear like that?" Simmons asked.

"She sure as fuck does.”

"Does anyone have any mechanical devices? Black berry? Key alarm? Cell phone?"

"I've got a phone," the dork said, tossing it to Simmons.

We were given goggles, which I had slight difficulty with.

"Nokia's are real nasty. You've got to respect the Japanese. They know the way of the Samurai."

Blonde chick said something to Keller. I looked at Simmons. "Nokia is from Finland, dumbass."

He started something, and the laser thingy in the box was positioned over the phone.

"We were able to take the cube radiation and funnel it into that box." There was a bright flash and the little thing transformed.

"It's so cute,” I gushed.

Immediately, it started trying to destroy the box, shooting and firing off small rockets.

"Mean little sucker, huh?"

"That thing is freaky!" the blonde said.

"Kind of like the itty bitty energizer bunny form hell, huh?"

I scoffed. “It’s not a demon. It's just needs trained.”

I walked over and with my goodish arm smacked the box. "No," I scolded. It stopped and looked up at me. "No," I repeated. It stopped, but didn’t settle down.

I saw Simmons grab the thing from the corner of my eye.

"You kill him, and I kick your ass," I threatened.

“It’s a killer.”

“It’s primitive, instinctual.”

Seeing me stick up for it, the small bot finally calmed down, putting away its weapons.

"What? Are you going to train it?"

"I'm sure as hell going to try," I stated. I walked over to the door of the box and opened it. Very carefully, I stuck my hand inside. I stopped and waited on the bot to come to me. It walked over and investigated my hand before hopping on. I pulled it out of the box and held him carefully. "There there baby," I cooed at it. It calmed down and settled into my palm.

"Good boy."

"We can’t let you keep it.”

“You won’t let or not let me do anything. He needs a name. We'll figure it out later. No need to rush it. Don't want to end up giving you a name like Brenton or Trenton. Now be a good little bot and transform so that I can carry you around with me."

He transformed into the phone and I set him in my sling on my forearm.

The lights flickered, booming noises coming from somewhere nearby.

"Shit! This cannot be good."

"Gentlemen they know the cube is here."

"Banachek. What's going on?"

"Well the NBE-1 has lost power and the backup generator just isn't gonna cut it.”

"Do you have an arms room?" Lennox asked.

We all filed into the arms room. The soldiers immediately went started preparing for a fight.

Sam began pleading with Shit Head to take us to be. I stood beside him. I didn’t say anything. I was well aware that my attempts at “pleading” would only make the situation worse. I gently stroked the small phone, resting in my sling.

“We don’t know what’s-“

Clearly Lennox had had enough of Simmons (him and everyone else), because he grabbed Simmons and pulled a gun on him. “Take them to the car."

The Sector-7 guys pulled their weapons on Lennox. Lennox’s team pulled theirs on them.

My little bot transformed, drawing his own weapons.

"Put it away." I told him. He didn't listen. "Put it away." Nothing. I picked up my hand and flicked him in the head. "Put it away." The tiny bot sulked, but did it.

He settled into the sling and I stroked his head.

"Drop your weapon soldier. There's an alien war going on and you're going to shoot me?"

Simmons really over estimated his worth.

"You know, we didn't ask to be here," Lennox said.

"I'm ordering you under S-7 executive jurisdiction," Epps pointed out.

"And we don't take orders from people who don't exist."

"I'm gonna count to five," Simmons tried to threaten.

I snorted. That doesn’t work on children over the age of seven and he thought it was going to work on a grown ass man. A grown ass well trained soldier, who was willing to shoot him. He was even stupider than I had previously thought.

"Well I'm gonna count to three."

God, Lennox was a bad ass.

"Simmons?" Keller said.

"Yes sir."

"I'd do what he says. Losing's really not an option for these guys."

"Alright okay hey you want to lay the fate of the world on a kid's Camaro. That's cool," Shit Head conceded.

I could hear Bee, before we even got to the room. Sam and I ran ahead of everyone bursting into the room and yelling at the guys to stop. Dick Head nodded and they ceased their actions.

I walked right up to Bee as he sat up. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“They didn’t hurt you right?”

Bee flipped down his battle mask and activated his cannons.

My little one transformed, once again ready for a fight.

Bee aimed at the people surrounding us, save for Sam, Mikaela and myself.

“Bumblebee,” I called gently.

"Listen the cube is here and the Decepticons are coming," Sam explained.

“They’re not gonna hurt you anymore,” I assured. My tiny bit whirled, angrily. “That includes you,” I told him. I turned back to Bee. “We need you. We’re gonna take you to the All Spark.”

Bee lowered his weapons, and lifted his mask. I smiled up at him.

“Where the hell did you get that?” he pointed at the boy in my sling.

“Shit Head, created him, and I saved him, before Shit Head could kill him.”

“Why am I... not surprised...”

I grinned. “Now let’s get you to the All Spark.”

It was amazing that the government managed to build an entire damn around this massive cube without anyone saying anything about it. It wasn’t like you could hide it. The thing made Bee look like a small child in comparison.

Speaking of, bee approached the All Spark slowly, carefully reaching towards it. We all watched on with bated breath. His fingers touched the surface of the cube, causing a blue light to pulse through it. Then it began folding in on itself, getting smaller and smaller until it fit in Bee’s palm.

"Message from Star fleet captain… Let's get to it..." Bee said, holding the cube.

"He's right," Lennox agreed.

"With Megatron in the next hangar we are fucked up the ass," I said.

"Mission city is twenty two miles away. We are going to sneak the cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city," Lennox instructed. "But we cannot make a stand without the air force."

Sec Def Keller started to talk about radio wave links and shit, while Bee transformed down.

I carefully crawled in the back and was handed the cube. I buckled it in and made sure my little bot was safe in my sling. I leaned into the seat and it softened and conformed to my back.

"Thanks, Bug."

I rubbed my hand over the leather seat next to me. The soldiers set up perimeter around us, and we moved out. Sam or Mickey would check on the cube or me every so often.

To our relief we came across the rest of the autobots, who joined the convoy, taking up the rear.

It was all going fairly well until we hit the freeway. It was smooth all considering until we hit the freeway. I looked back and saw the cop car from earlier along with some type of military vehicle gaining on us.

“Fuck! They’re not with us.”

Ratchet and Hide cut off the copcon but the military thing transformed. It seemed to skate on its wheels, crashing through a bus and launching itself at Optimus, who transformed in order to take it on.

I didn’t see much. Bee really kicked it into gear, getting us out of there as fast as he could.

The one with the fork crashed through a bus and came at Optimus, who had transformed to take care of the deceptibitch. I didn't get to see much of it, because Bee really kicked it into gear then.

We reached the city, and came to a stop. Everyone hopped out. I pulled the Nokia phone out of my sling and placed it in the pocket on the inside of my jacket, zipping it up. "Don't even think about transforming," I whispered to the small bot.

The soldiers popped smoke, and used the radio to call for support.

A jet that flew over head seemed promising, until we got a better glimpse at it.

"It's Starscream!" Ironhide yelled.

We were barked at to move back. Ironhide and Bee transformed and used a Furby truck to shield us.

Starscream’s projectiles hit the truck, the shock wave from the resulting explosion, sending me flying back. I landed on my arm, and let out a string of curses.

I didn’t land on my jacket pocket though, which I was thankful for.

I stood up, following Sam over to Bee, who was pulling himself out of the rubble. I stopped short, when I realized how severe he had been hit, both legs had been blown clear off.

“Oh my god. Bee!"

"Ratchet!" Sam screamed.

"You're gonna be alright," I assured him.

It was hard to be convincing, when you weren’t sure of what you were saying, especially, when a fucking tank starts shooting at you a few short minutes afterwards.

"Damn it!" I swore.

"I'm not gonna leave you," Sam said.

Bee handed him the cube.

"Sam you need to get that to Lennox and Epps. I'll be right here with Bee," I said.




“You two... need to get the hell out of here...”

“Fat chance. You can’t risk your life for ours and expect us to bail on you like that.”

“Get on out of here! Git!”

Sam and I ignored him, walking with his crawling.

It didn’t matter what was going on around us. Our focus was on Bee. That’s all we cared about.

I hadn’t even noticed that Mikaela ran off, until she returned with a tow truck.

"Sam, help me with this," she said. Sam went to help her get Bumblebee hooked up. I wasn't useful with one completely bum arm and one partially bum arm.

"Sam! Where's the cube?"

"Right there," Sam answered Lennox.

Lennox went somewhere else for a second and screamed at some one. "Okay," he started.


"All right, I can't leave my guys back there, so here take this flare. Okay, there's a tall white building with statues on top. Go to the roof. Set the flare. Signal the chopper and set the flare."

"No. No I can't," Sam tried to protest.

Lennox grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him to his level. "Listen to me. You're a soldier now. Alright. I need you to take this cube and get it into military hands, while we hold them off."

Sam still was terrified.

"You got this Sammy. You’re the bravest little bitch I know.”

I hopped into the passenger’s side of the truck.

Lennox tried to hurry us the hell up, but Mikaela could only do so much on her own, and we weren't going unless Bee was going with us. She finally got him all hooked up.

Before we left though, she confessed to Sam that she was glad she got into the car with him.

I was too. Despite everything, it was worth it.

"Girl, get that tow truck out of here!"

"I'm going. I'm going," Mick replied hooking up the last of the chains and getting in the driver's seat. She drove to a nearby alley, close enough to minimize the wear on Bee, but far enough away to keep us out of immediate danger.

There was a moment of nothing, a pocket of calm amongst the chaos. It felt wrong. Everyone else was still out there, lives on the line. Mikaela grasped the steering wheel, feeling conflicted as well. We had abandoned out friends. I put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me and then back to be. We both nodded.

“I'll drive you shoot."

Mickey was a kick ass driver. Driving in reverse wasn’t an easy feat, especially with a giant alien robot on the back of the truck that you couldn’t see through.

Bee kicked cars and debris out of the way, clearing a path to the decepticon tank.

“Shoot!" we screamed at the same time.

Bee got some hits in with his plasma cannon and launched missiles from his shoulders, effectively, killing the con.

“You’re a damn good shot,” I praised.

We didn’t have time to relish in our small victory. We couldn’t really be of more help in our current state, civilian and legless, so we had to retreat once more, hoping and praying that everything went okay, that everyone was okay. I patted my chest and calmed down at the feeling of the small phone in my pocket.

When the battle was over and the smoke cleared, the autobots emerged victorious. Sam, surprisingly, had killed Megatron, the All Spark lost in the process.

I hopped out of the truck and hugged Sam, happy that he was okay.

Unfortunately, Jazz wasn’t as lucky.

"Prime, we couldn't save him," Ironhide said, carrying the remains.

"Aw Jazz. We lost a great comrade, but have gained new ones," Optimus said. "Thank you, all of you. You honor us with your bravery."

"Permission to speak sir?"

Sam and I spun around to look at Bee.

"Permission granted old friend," Optimus said.

"You speak now?"

“Since when the fuck can you talk?”

Bumblebee ignored us both still addressing Optimus.

"I wish to stay with the boy," he said.

"If that is his choice."

"Yes," Sam answered.

"Good choice," I said to Sam. “If you had said no I was gonna kick your ass.”

I looked up at Ratchet. "Any of you magic shots able to make my arm stop hurting?" I asked.

"I'm sure of it," he said.

"Can I get it?" I asked.

He muttered something, but nodded. I walked over and he lifted me up. I pulled off my sling and my jacket. He scanned me and another syringe popped out of his finger. He shot it into my arm and rather than burn like the others this one cooled my arm. The pain faded along with the bruises. I moved and sighed with relief.

I pulled the phone out of my jacket. "You can come out now," I said to him.

He transformed and cowered into me.

Ratchet performed a quick scan on him. "The sparkling appears to be perfectly normal. Care to tell me how you got him?" Ratchet was confused. I could tell that he didn't like it.

"Simmons zapped a phone with the cube's radiation. I saved this little bugger before he was zapped dead."

"Does he have a name?" Optimus asked.

“Scout,” I answered.

“Scout,” Optimus repeated.

I sat on the ground in front of Bee. I leaned back against him, watching the sunset and listening to Optimus. Scout was curled up on my lap. Sam and Mikaela were on Bee’s hood and windshield. I’d bet money that they were attached at the mouth (again). I rubbed Bee’s bumper.

“Sorry, Bug.”

With the All Spark gone, we cannot return life to our planet. And fate has yielded its reward, new world to call home. We live among its people hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting, protecting. I have witnessed their capacity for courage. And though we are worlds apart, like us there's more to them than meets the eye. I am Optimus Prime and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We are waiting."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey there people. I didn't disappear. I just suck at updating regularly. This was made worse by the fact that my computer just kind of said no, and I had to get a new one. They can recover my data, but I just haven't gotten that far yet. So that being said, the sequels probably won't recieve their rewrites for a while until I get that all sorted