Escape From Here


Nathan's POV.

Monday morning.

"Dude? Hello?" said Dan, waving his hand impatiently in front of my face.

Dan and I had been friends since forever ago, but even our friendship wasn't enough to distract me from that girl.

I hadn't yet heard her name, but everybody was making such a huge fuss about her and we hadn't even gotten to lessons yet.

"So what do we have first?" I asked as Dan and I walked down the corridor to our form room to register.

"Uh... English."

"Not too bad then, just so long as..." I pushed open the door to our form room and groaned when I saw the girl sat at my desk, talking to Matthew.

"Well have fun with that," said Dan, clapping me on the shoulder and walking over to his place beside our other close friend Mateo.

"Uh... hi," I said, approaching my desk.

The girl and Matthew stopped talking. She looked up at me.

"I guess you're new?" I half asked half stated.

"Yes," she said, with no obvious expression in her voice.

"Why is everybody making such a big deal?" I asked as more people started to point to the girl and whisper.

"Um... Nathan?" said Matthew, holding up todays newspaper, a picture of the very girl sat at my desk on the front.

"Adalia?" I asked immediately. She nodded.

"I'm Nathan," I said, politely extending my hand for her to shake.

She looked at me again and then stood up, walked over to the other side of the classroom and sat down in a spare desk.

I blushed slightly and sat down beside my twin.

"Dude you totally blew it, big style."

"I did not! She's the one with the problem, I was polite."

"She's really shy, especially because everybody is making such a huge fuss over her. We have to show her around today remember?"

"Oh yeah. Is she in all our classes?" I asked and he shrugged, then got up and walked over to her.

She handed him her timetable and he quickly looked at, then handed it back with a smile and a thank you. She looked at me and her eyes caught mine. I blushed and quickly turned around.

"Why are you blushing?"

"I'm not," I said, quickly elbowing Matthew so he would drop it.

Our form tutor, Mr Davies walked into the room.

"Alright settle down," he said, sitting at his desk.

He took the register and we were all released to go to classes. Matthew and I hung back to wait for Adalia. Turns out she's in all our classes.



English was interesting. Matthew, Mateo, Dan and I had to share a table with Adalia and then help her with her work. Straight away Matthew was right into the assignment, always full of amazing ideas. We just left him to it while the rest of us stared at our blank paper for the duration of the lesson.

At the end of class I hung back to try and talk to Adalia again.

I really wanted to know her, well, no, I really wanted to date her. But I was willing to take things one step at a time.

The door to the English room opened and she walked out.

"Hey, Adalia, I was wondering, what are you doing later?"

She looked at me and then looked around.

"Nothing, why?"

I leaned casually against the lockers.

"Want to like, I dunno, do something?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," she said with a smile.

"Really? I mean.. uh... awesome! So.. I'll see you later?"

"What time and where?"

"How about by the lake? At seven O clock?"

"Sounds good, I'll see you then," she said and with that, started to walk off. I could smell her sweet perfume and I breathed deeply.

Tonight was going to be... interesting...
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I'm still not 100% sure I should continue, what do you guys think?