Status: Completed

Whiskey and Cigarettes

I'm Not a Bad Girl

Monday, August 23, 2010

Seven hours on a plane, and all I wanted was a fucking cigarette. I was out. I smoked the last one during my layover in Chicago. "I should have fucking asked the cab driver to pull over at a gas station," I mumbled to myself, laying my head on my duffel bag that was perched on my best friend's porch. She had forgotten I was coming. I didn't blame her, though. I had been saying for years I was going to move out here with her, but so far it didn't work out.

Well, not until I decided to quit my job about a week ago and just left all that bullshit behind. Truth is, she didn't even really know I was coming. I had told her that I would soon, even told her the month I'd come out. However, I wasn't the type to follow through with my plans, and this was something I mentioned months ago. I liked to be responsible to an extent, and I had a really good job with a really great boss. I worked at a hospital as a receptionist. I made great money and had fantastic hours. The only downfall was I wasn't allowed to show off any of my piercings or tattoos, but other than that it was great. The problems with my old life were my family and the people of North Carolina that I could not fucking stand. So I wrote my boss an apology letter, explained to him the situation, gave him my two weeks notice, and left on the first fucking plane out of there.

I had tried to get a hold of Lux all last week to inform her, but she never answered. She could be kidnapped and held for hostage somewhere for all I know. It was four AM, and I was sitting on her front porch because the door was locked and she was not answering her damn phone, I should have been worried as fuck. Instead, I was just extremely sleepy. I fell asleep there on her front porch, thinking about how I was sleeping outside in Los Angeles and could have been raped and murdered at any point in time that night.

I woke up to a bitter, dry taste in my mouth. The sun was high above, making my eyelids a bright red. I didn't open my eyes, I laid there, feeling all the aches and pains of my body in there entirety so I would know how to start my day. It seemed only my back was cramped, but I didn't want to move to make it more comfortable solely because I knew how badly it would hurt.

A shadow casted over my body. I was curious, but didn't open my eyes to see what it was. I was also relieved to know that when I did open my eyes I wouldn't be blinded by the sun.

"Lux, you seem to have a hobo sleeping on your front porch." An unfamiliar male voice spoke, followed by a very familiar female laugh.

"Bay, what are you doing sleeping on my porch?"

"You weren't home, and the door was locked. I was tired." I spoke, swallowing down saliva to moisten my mouth. "I'm thirsty, let me in." I opened my right eye a crack to three men and Lux standing above me. The men were all very attractive might I add.

Lux stepped over me to unlock her door, before walking inside, the boys following in suit. I stood up, grabbing my duffel bag and walked inside. Lux handed me a glass of water and took my bag from me before disappearing down a hallway. I tipped the glass towards the ceiling and drank the water rather quickly. The whole time I could feel the eyes of the three boys staring at me.

Tilting the glass away from my mouth, I realized my theory was correct. "Can I help you?" I cocked my head to the right, giving them a rather confused look.

They all smiled, before all simultaneously talking. "I'm Ben, and-" "I'm Cameron-" "I'm Sam. You-" I heard all the names, but I wasn't really sure who was who. All I really knew was, I was melting on the inside for their British accents.

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Slow down. One at a time," I pointed to the one sitting on the couch on the left. He was adorable with his straight light brown hair, covered in tattoos. "You start."

"I'm Ben," he smiled brightly.

Then I pointed to the man sitting in the middle of the couch, who introduced himself as Cameron. On the right side was Sam. They were all rather attractive boys, and I was quite proud of the people Lux seemed to be surrounding herself with.

"These are my boys," Lux grinned, walking back into the living room. "My boys, this is one of my best friends in the whole fucking world, Bay." She explained to them, before turning back to me. "Now, what the fuck are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what the fuck am I doing here? Where have you been the past fucking week?" I asked, squeezing between Ben and Cameron on the couch. "I've been trying to get you on the phone since last Thursday, and then I come to your house and you're not here. I was worried sick."

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "You seemed really worried sleeping on my front porch." I let out a small giggle, nodding my head. "No, seriously, what are you doing here?"

"I told you I was moving out here," I shrugged. "I got fed up with all the bull shit at home, put in my two weeks notice, and fucking packed my shit up and left."

She smiled wide before throwing herself on to the couch with the four of us, landing straight in my lap. "I'm so glad you're here," she grinned before placing a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Me too, obviously." I laughed, wiping my face on her shoulder. "I seriously need to nap, though. Your front porch is not comfortable."

She pulled me up from the couch, dragging me through the hallway and up a flight of stairs. We passed one door on the right before stopping at the first one on the left. "This will be your room," she explained. "It's usually where the boys crash if not in the other room we just passed, so for the first couple nights you may have random boys trying to sleep in your bed. My room is at the end of the hall, and the bathroom is downstairs at the end of the hallway we just walked up. But you have a bathroom in your bedroom, too. Goodnight, sleep tight. There will be a party when you wake up." She hugged me once again before leaving me in my new bedroom.

It was cute, decorated in a very Lux way. Three of the four walls were lime green, the fourth being black, as well as the ceiling and the carpet. The black wall, which stood to the right of the door, there was a lime green and sky blue design that Lux most likely drew herself, starting from the bottom left corner reaching towards the other corners, stopping in the middle of the wall. Against that wall was a black dresser with a mirror above it, white candle racks with white candles hung on each side of the dresser. The bed rested against the middle of the back wall, with a giant window right above the headboard, thin black curtains hanging down in front of it. The walk in closet and my bathroom was located on the wall to the left of the doorway.

The blankets spread on the bed did not match the room at all and actually reminded me of my grandmother's house. At the moment, I didn't care. I just pushed my black duffel bag onto the floor and climbed right into the bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
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This is my new story. It's been awhile since I've written anything, so excuse me if I'm a little rusty. I'm going to try to get a new chapter out once a week, maybe every Friday.