Status: Completed

Whiskey and Cigarettes

You're Just a Prude

Monday, August 23, 2010

We had been through a lot, my friends and I; The good, bad, beautiful, and ugly. We created our own world, built it up from the shattered life we all once knew, and every one of us was aware that any one of us could tear it all down at any time. Our irrational, erratic behavior left us all on edge, not knowing when it'd all end.

Lux came from a one parent home. It was just her and her mother growing up. Sadly, Lux had always been the only adult in the household. Her mom would party with a new man every night, coming home in the wee hours of the morning, leaving Lux to fend for herself at the age of twelve. When Lux was finally old enough to get a job and support herself, her mother repeatedly insisted that Lux needed to support her mother as well. She had a job, too, however, the money was used to support her pill addiction.

I never heard about Lux's father. All I knew was he wasn't really a good guy and was never around much.

Rex had both of her parents growing up physically. However, her father was addicted to the bottle. He still supported the family with the help of her mother, but their relationship was strained. Rex developed her own alcohol habit at sixteen, because of it.

Rex and I had been best friends since we were eight years old. We bonded quickly over the fact that our fathers were practically the same person, however, hers was actually around, whereas mine left the second he had a chance when I was ten. We had been inseparable since, even have a best friend tattoo on the right side of our left wrists that we both got when we turned eighteen. It was two hands holding in the shape of a heart with a crown floating above in black, the king of friendship symbol.

Lux and I didn't meet until my sophomore year of high school. We were introduced by a mutual friend. I met her only a couple weeks before I moved to North Carolina, but added her on myspace, and we became quick friends through messaging each other almost daily.

Through our pasts and our party ways to date, the three of us were practically the same person.

I woke up to my nap to laughing coming from another room in the house. I immediately checked to see what day it was, because I was completely positive that I had slept 24 hours. It was actually 9:32 PM the same day, August 23. Remembering that Lux had mentioned there would be party when I woke up, I slipped into the shower before getting dressed into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a purple wife beater, not bothering with any make up or my hair. I honestly didn't care if anyone noticed the dark circles around my emerald green eyes or the freckles dotting my cheeks and forehead, and I always allowed my dark brown hair to dry to it's natural thick curls.

I didn't bother with shoes, I always preferred to be bare foot. I left my bag of clothes unpacked on my bed and walked downstairs. The three boys I met earlier still occupied the room, Ben sitting on the same couch, Cameron sitting on the floor with an XBox controller in his hand, and Sam laying on the love seat to the left of the couch. There was an additional boy in the room, laying in the recliner with a very familiar Mexican sitting in his lap. I had to restrain myself from throwing myself on this random guy's lap as well just to hug her.

"Rex!" I squealed.

She gasped, throwing herself into my arms and hugging me tight. "Bay! I missed you so much."

"Me too, boo!" We stood there hugging for a good two minutes before the boy who occupied the recliner coughed.

"Oh!" Rex laughed, pointing towards the boy, "This is my boyfriend, James. James this is my best friend Bay." We still continued to hug as I waved to him.

"They'll probably be like this for awhile," Lux explained, walking into the living room with two red cups in her hand.

"I thought you said there was going to be a party when I woke up. This isn't much of a party." I finally let go of Rex to take one of the cups from my blond headed friend. Rex took her place back in James' lap, while Lux took a seat on Sam's stomach. I decided to sit next to Ben, crossing my legs indian style.

"The night is young, love!" Lux declared, raising her cup in the air. I could tell she was already a bit tipsy. This must be the before party. "No one will probably show up until about 11 or 12. Plus, Danny still needs to get here with all the booze."

"Who's Danny?" I questioned, taking a sip from my drink. Vodka and blue Gatorade.

"Band mate, best friend, the one who starts the party," Ben shrugged.

"Band mate?" I looked at him, curiously. I actually knew all about their band. I talked to Lux on a daily basis through text and messaging on facebook, and I knew all about these five boys. I also talked to Rex through text messaging as much as possible, so I knew a little bit more about James then the rest.

Rex and James had been dating for about a year and a half, and they lived together in a two bedroom apartment that was actually a couple streets down from Lux's place. Rex was absolutely smitten, and from what I could tell, he was just as in love. They were a really cute couple, and he seemed to be a pretty great guy.

Their band name was Asking Alexandria, and they were actually pretty well known. James was the drummer, Ben and Cameron were the guitarists, Sam was the bassist, and Danny was the vocalist. I actually quite enjoyed their music, but it wasn't until I arrived in Los Angeles that I was able to put faces to the names.

I didn't honestly have to hear the whole story Ben had been explaining to me about their band and how they're originally from England but came to the United States for band purposes. I let him continue talking, though, because I enjoyed listening to his voice. As he continued to talk and the others conversed around us, I quickly drank a couple cups of different mixed vodka drinks. As I emptied them, Lux continuously filled them, and before I knew it, the house was filled with people I didn't recognize, and I was walking around the house trying to find someone I knew.

I cut myself off at one in the morning, knowing I was drunk enough to let loose, but sober enough to know I shouldn't drive. I never officially met Danny, only saw him a few times in passing throughout the house. I made quite the number of friends playing beer pong, even more when Lux, Rex, and I did a strip tease on the kitchen table. We only stripped to our bras and undies, but Lux decided to flash everyone before putting her clothes back on.

By the end of the night, or morning really, I found myself sitting on the back deck with my two best friends and the four boys I had met today in a circle. Rex was falling asleep, leaning into James' lap. Lux had lost her clothes again at some point in the night and was sitting between Ben and Cameron. On the other side of Ben was Sam, who was packing a joint, and I was sitting between Sam and James, smoking the hell out of a pack of cigarettes I had found at some point through the night. I wasn't sure where Danny was still. He was like a blur to me throughout the night.

"This is a ritual for us, but Rex usually isn't as sleepy," Cameron explained, putting several lighters in the middle of the circle. I nodded, taking the last drag from my cigarette before flicking the bud into the grass. "Should we start without Dan-"

Cameron was interrupted by the glass door sliding open behind me. "I can't fucking believe you'd even consider starting without me," I heard what I assumed to be Danny behind me. The whole circle shifted besides me, James, and Rex, making a space next to me for Danny to sit.

I didn't look at him until he sat down, and he was just as handsome as the rest of the boys. He smiled at me, a genuinely happy smile, holding his hand between us for me to shake. "I'm Danny."

"Bay," I giggled at the fact that he wanted to shake hands, but shook it anyway, before sipping my drink and batting my eyelashes at him. I was a bit of a flirt when I was drunk. I had flirted with all the boys throughout the night, including James and some other boys I didn't know the names of. Flirting with James was mostly innocent, though, because Rex was sitting on his lap and she was actually egging me on. We were mostly pretending that we were going to have a threesome with him.

"Where have you been?" Ben asked Danny.

"Getting laid," Danny shrugged, stealing the pack of cigarettes out of my hand. "These are mine by the way." I just continued giggling, knowing there was only one cigarette left in his pack.

"Okay!" Sam declared, holding the joint out in front of him. "Who wants it first?"

"Give it to me, I have to make this shit official." Lux took it from his hand and crawled across the circle to me. She took my right hand in her left and held the joint between us. "Bay, will you be my new roomie?"

"Absolutely!" I kissed her cheek, taking the joint from her hand, and she hugged me. After she took her place back in the circle, we passed the fatty around a few times until there was nothing left, joking and laughing with each other.

James was the first one to stand, pulling Rex up with him. "I should get her home," he stated before saying his goodbyes to everyone.

"Bye Bay! I love you, and I'm so glad-" Rex began to mumble, and I couldn't understand her anymore. I was pretty sure she had passed out, leaning against James. He carried her bridal style around to the front. The rest of us slowly retreated to the rooms throughout the house.

I made a stop in the downstairs bathroom, knowing I wouldn't have made it to my bathroom in time before I went to my bedroom. In retrospect, it was probably a bad idea due to the fact that when I did finally make it to my room, the bed was occupied. I was just going to leave Ben alone and sleep in Lux's bed with her, but when I walked into her room, Sam was fast asleep next to her.

I didn't honestly mind that he was sleeping in my bed, he was just taking up the whole bed and I didn't really want to wake him up. But I went back to my room, threw on an oversized tshirt to sleep in and crawled under his arm. He quickly responded by scooting over to give me more room, but I cuddled just cuddled into him anyway.