Status: Completed

Whiskey and Cigarettes

I Want A Boy That Tastes Like Whiskey and Cigarettes

Sunday, March 26, 2011

I woke up tangled in my blankets and Danny's arms. It was three o'clock in the morning, and I was sweating. I peeled his arms off of me, throwing my blanket off my waist before walking down to the kitchen. The cold kitchen floor felt nice on my feet as I pulled the fridge door open to take out a bottle of water. I chugged half of the bottle before Danny walked into the kitchen, scaring the shit out of me.

"What are you doing?" He yawned, scratching his chest.

I jumped, the water bottle slipping out of my hands and spilling all over me and the floor. "Shit, Danny." I mumbled, grabbing some paper towels to clean it up. "I didn't think I woke you."

He laughed, helping me. "You didn't. I just woke up, and you were gone. I had to make sure you didn't run away."

"I wouldn't ever." I knew he was teasing, but I felt the need to inform him.

He grinned, leaning over the puddle of water to peck me on the lips. "I know. Why are you awake anyway?"

Standing up to toss the paper towels in the trash, I replied, "It's too hot. I couldn't sleep." He nodded, leaning against the counter. "I was thinking about taking a shower to cool me off."

I was being innocent, but I noticed a twinkle in his eye that I had grown quite fond of since I met him. "Can I join?"

"Of course," I giggled, taking his hand before walking back up to my room with him. He shut my bedroom door behind him, grabbing onto my hips and pulling me against him. "I absolutely love you." His lips pressed against mine, leaving just as quick as they came to trail kisses down my neck and along my collarbone. He pulled away once his lips reached my tank top. I groaned in frustration, wanting his lips against my skin once again.

"Patience, love," he smiled, pulling the loose tank top over my head, exposing my torso to him. His eyes scanned my body as his fingers danced along my hip bones. I stood still, knowing he liked to be in control. My flesh burned underneath his fingertips, leaving me wanting so much more.

"Danny," I pouted as my patience was wearing thin.

"Okay," he laughed, spinning me towards the shower and smacking my ass. I walked into the bathroom, slowly taking off my lace panties, bending over at the waist to showing him what belonged to him.

He growled in appreciate, grabbing my hips once again and pressing his increasing bulge against my backside. His hand trailed the length of my torso until it stopped at my neck, gently pulling me upwards so I was standing straight and my back was against his chest. "You have the finest of asses, my love." He nibbled on my earlobe as his hand traced down my stomach until it rested on my mound. Instictively, I spread my legs, giving him better access. His fingers slid on the outside of my lips slowly, teasingly. I moaned softly, leaning my head back against his shoulder, exposing my neck for him to kiss and nibble his way down to my shoulder.

Leaving one hand on my hip, his other moved back up my stomach until he reached my breast, squeezing it before trapping my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He rolled it back and forth between his fingers, pinching lightly, as he nipped at a spot just above my collarbone at the crease of my neck, alternating between licking and biting the one spot.

My hand traveled up his arm and shoulder until my fingers felt his thick brown hair. I balled my hand into a fist, grabbing onto his hair, while my other hand rested between my legs. "Play with yourself, baby," He commanded in a whisper against the hickey that was now forming.

I did as I was told, my fingers quickly finding their way inside my pussy lips, my thumb making circles around my clit and my thumb and first finger enterting inside of me. He didn't let me finish, though, before his slid his hand down my arm, taking my palm in his and brings my fingers up to his mouth and licked them clean. He moaned and smiled, "you taste delightful."

He spun me around so I was facing him once again before crashing his lips against mine, reaching his arm out behind me to turn on the shower. My fingers found the waistband to his boxers, tugging them lightly to remind him that I was the only one completely undressed. "Get in the shower," he stated, abandoning his boxers next to my panties. I followed his directions, something I had come accustomed to recently. He got in shortly after, pushing me against the shower wall to crash his lips against mine once again. His hands moved from my head to my neck down to my thighs, lifting me off my feet. I wrapped my legs around his waist and gasped as he entered me.

He started off slow, pumping in and out, teasingly slow. "Faster, Danny," I moaned out, leaning my head against the wall. The only commands he responded to from me were faster and harder, so he did as I said. One of his hands stayed under my ass to support me from falling, while the other hand supported us against the wall.

I was quickly coming to a climax, and I could tell he was, too, due to the fact that he was getting sloppy. "Oh my God, Danny. I'm almost there," I moaned, leading my head against his shoulder.

"Me too, baby," he breathed out, kissing the side of my head.

"Oh, Danny!" I moaned as the orgasm spread through my entire body, my legs becoming weak and unable to hold myself against his body. His hand under my ass kept me from falling. He continued to pump in and out of me until he orgasmed, groaning with pleasure.

We stayed leaning against the wall, him supporting my legs while he was still inside of me, to catch our breath. Kissing me quickly on the lips, he turned off the water to the shower before carrying me to my bed. I laid back against the pillows, brushing my fingers through my hair so it was laying to the side of my head rather than under it.

Danny grabbed my ankles, spreading my legs, as he crawled between them. He kissed me on the lips, gliding his tongue against my bottom lip. I couldn't get enough of his mouth. "I love you, Bayla." His kisses left a burning sensation on my skin as he moved from my neck to my chest all the way down to between my legs. My hand founds it's way into his hair again as he licked the length of my slit, and I moaned, pulling on his hair.

"Don't tease me," I whimpered as he moved further down, kissing the inside of my thighs.

"What was that?" He grinned, knowing what he does to me, as he bit down on my flesh.

"Danny," I pouted as he kissed up my thigh.

"Quiet, love, or you may get a spanking." He smirked, starting the same process at my other knee. I groaned in protest, running my hands through my hair. I was at the point of just taking care of myself. Although I knew he wouldn't mind the view, I knew he wouldn't be pleased if he didn't tell me to do. I was hoping he'd stop the teasing once he reached the top of my inner thigh, but instead, he moved to my hip bones.

"Danny," I moaned, my hand working it's way between my legs. Danny noticed, but he didn't say anything as he watched me get myself off.

I rested my hand on my stomach, catching my breath. "You are naughty," he smiled, running his hand up my thigh and stopping on my hip. I knew what was coming. I didn't mind, because he liked it. He flipped me over onto my stomach, running his hand over my bottom, giving me three quick spanks. The sting hardly even registered before he flipped me back over, spreading my legs, and fucked me once again. The orgasm came quicker than the first two, but so much more intense. After he came, we collapsed on the bed. My shower didn't quite help the sweat on my skin, but I fell asleep without a care in the world, the love of my life's arm and leg wrapped around my body with his head resting in the crook of my neck, feeling his hot breath against my skin.
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Two things: 1. I hope everyone is a pervert like me. 2. I hope this makes up for not updating in forever.