Status: Completed

Whiskey and Cigarettes

So Who's It Going To Be?

Sunday, March 26, 2011

When I woke up in the morning, Danny was no longer laying next to me. However, he did leave a note on my side table next to a Caramel Frappuccino from Starbucks. The note read, "Had some band things to do today, babe. Have a good day! See you later tonight ;) Love, Danny." I grinned to myself as I read it, sipping on my coffee. The whip cream and ice hadn't melted, so he must've only left recently. I pulled on a pair of Danny's boxers that he kept at my house and a shirt before walking down to the kitchen. I heard the shower running in Lux's bathroom and assumed she had just woken up, too.

I took a seat on the couch, propping my feet up on the coffee before turning on the television. It was ten in the morning, so I pretty much had no idea what would be on. I'm never up this early, and if I ever was, it would have been because of work. I flipped through the channels before finally settling on cartoons. Shortly after, Lux walked in and took a seat next to me.

"I think it's time you look for another job," she stated, resting her feet on my lap. "I don't mind paying rent and all by myself, but if you're going to live here you do have to take care of your half. And now that things are settling back to normal, I think it's time."

I sighed, nodding. "Yeah, you're right. I'll start looking today." I really didn't want to look for a new job. In all honesty, I was loving all the free time I had to spend with Danny.

After five minutes flipping through channels on the television, I handed Lux the remote and walked back up to my bedroom for a shower. I wasn't sure where I would apply to, but I knew making the effort to look wasn't going to hurt anything. With a small stack of copies of my resume in my hand, I left the house in a quite determined mood. I was going to get a new job that I enjoyed.

Several hours later, I walked into my house thoroughly exhausted. I had applied to everywhere and anywhere that I was qualified. I huffed and collapsed face first on the couch.

"How was the job hunting?" Lux asked, peeking her head around the corner from the kitchen.

"I applied everywhere," I mumbled into the couch cushion.

"Good, get ready. Apparently, Rex wants us all to go to her house. She has some news for us. The guys will be there in about an hour."

I nodded and pushed myself off the couch. In my room, I changed into a grey tank top tucked into a pair of black, leather short shorts. I ran my fingers through my hair, deciding my natural curls still looked good after walking around town, and applied light make up to my face.

Lux walked in as I was putting on a pair of black gladiator sandals. "You ready?"

"Yeah," I nodded, giving myself a one over in the mirror. "Let's go."

Rex was in her kitchen, chopping up vegetables when we got there. The guys hadn't arrived. The food already smelled delicious.

"Do you need any help?" I asked, leaning against the counter.

"No, I'm just about done." She grinned, glancing over at me.

"So what's the news?" Lux shouted from the living room as she plopped on the couch.

"We'll tell you when the guys get here," Rex replied, a smile plastered on her face. I studied her, wondering what she was up to.

It wasn't five minutes before all the guys tumbled through the front door.

"It smells fucking delicious in here," Ben nearly shouted, rubbing his belly.

"Mmm, it does," James placed his hands on Rex's hips, placing light kisses on her neck. I watched them closely, wondering if Danny and I were as cute.

"Hey babe," Danny smiled, standing in front of me.

Looking at him, I could tell he was thinking about the night before, which did things to me that no man has ever done to me with just a smile. My nipples became instantly hard. "Hi," I smiled, shyly.

"Food is almost done, so go sit at the table. Most of it is already set out." Rex commanded and quickly everyone walked into the dining room. Danny took my hand and pulled me behind him, pulling out my seat for me.

Rex made enchiladas with beans and rice. I was almost as turned on by her cooking as I was Danny. That's how good of a cook Rex is, especially when it comes to Mexican food. Everyone started filling their plates, chatting amongst themselves. I stayed quiet, trying to ignore Danny's hand on the inside of my thigh, his fingers brushing against my oh-so-sensitive parts while he talked to Ben about what they had been working on today. If he kept it up, we'd be fucking in front of everyone in just a few seconds.

"Okay, everyone, shut the fuck up," James shouted cheerfully. "We have an announcement." I started racking my brain of what their news could be.

Rex grinned at James, taking his hand, before quickly spitting out, "We're getting married!"

At first, the entire table was deadly quiet, obviously shocked from this news. Apparently, James didn't even tell his friends that he was going to propose. But quickly, the room filled with cheers and congratulations. Although, Danny was cheering, his hand never left my leg. In fact, he squeezed my thigh, and I took that as a silent indication that we were heading in the same direction. Hopefully, not any time soon. But most days, I couldn't read him to know what he was thinking.
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Sorry it took so long for me to update. I got a bit of writer's block and didn't know where I was going with this. Sometimes I still don't know where I'm going. I'm totally up for suggestions. Haha. Thanks for all who are still subscribed even though it's been like a year, maybe 6 months, I don't know. I realize this is just a filler. I'm hoping it'll lead to more interesting chapters.